Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 81 - Chapitre 90
I heard Adolph's voice from afar that was when I realized that his death was just my imagination. I sighed feeling relieved. "Scarlett?" Adolph's voice was laced with worry, and he stepped closer to me, his brows furrowed in concern.I quickly wiped away the tears that had welled up in my eyes during my moment of distress. Adolph's presence felt grounding, a reminder that I was no longer trapped in the nightmare that had haunted me just moments ago. But my emotions were still raw, and I struggled to find the words to explain my sudden distress."Adolph," I managed to say, my voice quivering slightly. "I... I just felt like I needed to see you before I leave."Adolph's expression softened, his concern giving way to a warm smile. "Well, I'm glad you stopped by," he said, his eyes holding a gentle warmth that seemed to ease the tension within me.He gestured for me to come in, and I hesitated for a moment before stepping into his room. The familiar sight of his room—the furnishings, the
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No need to apologize
As I returned to the palace from a busy day at the clinic, a sense of comfort washed over me knowing that Adolph was just a door away. I knocked softly on his door, hoping to see his reassuring face and find solace in his presence. When he opened the door, a wave of relief swept through me, and a small smile formed on my lips."Good evening, Alpha Adolph" I greeted softly, my gaze meeting his tired but warm eyes.Adolph's sleepy appearance caught my attention, and I immediately felt guilty for potentially disturbing his rest. I apologized, my voice tinged with concern, but he assured me it was no trouble and invited me in. I stepped into his room, feeling a sense of calm wash over me as the door closed behind me."No need to apologize," he replied, his voice carrying a softness that eased my worries.Leaning against the doorframe, I took a moment to observe him. Despite the fatigue in his eyes, there was a familiarity in his presence that put me at ease. I let out a sigh of relief, gr
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I promise...
Liam's steps echoed with frustration as he made his way through the opulent corridors of the palace. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, each one fueling his determination to confront his mother, Lady Isabella. The memories of his recent encounter with his old friends and their jests were like a burning flame in his heart, igniting his anger.Reaching his mother's room, he rapped his knuckles on the door with more force than he intended, the sound echoing through the hallway. The door creaked open, revealing Lady Isabella standing there, a mixture of surprise and concern etched on her features. Her eyes widened as she took in Liam's tense posture and clenched fists."Liam, what's the matter?" Lady Isabella asked, her voice laced with curiosity and a hint of trepidation. She had grown accustomed to her son's intensity, but there was something different about his demeanor today.Without wasting any time, Liam launched into an animated explanation of his encounter with his friends at h
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I sat in the pack's clinic, surrounded by the familiar sounds of hushed conversations, the soft rustling of papers, and the occasional hum of medical equipment. My colleagues and I had gathered during our break, sharing stories and laughter to break the monotony of our tasks. The atmosphere was light, a refreshing change from the serious and often intense situations we dealt with daily.As we exchanged tales and caught up on each other's lives, Jessy's voice rang out with a tale that immediately caught my attention. Jessy, one of my colleagues, was known for her playful nature and her knack for finding herself in amusing situations. She had a tendency to bring smiles to our faces even on the toughest days."Luna Scarlett," Jessy chimed in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You won't believe what happened last night during my shift."I leaned forward, intrigued by the prospect of a good story. "Do tell, Jessy. I'm all ears."Jessy leaned back in her chair, a grin forming on her lips. "
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Where have you been?
Anna's eyes were red and puffy from her tears as she stood there, arms crossed, glaring at Louis as he walked through the door. He had returned from the pack's market, hoping to find her peacefully sleeping, not expecting the anger that greeted him instead."Where have you been?" Anna's voice was laced with accusation, her tone sharp and filled with frustration. "You think I don't notice that you've been sneaking out at odd hours?"Louis was taken aback by her reaction, his confusion evident in his expression. He closed the door behind him and approached her cautiously. "Anna, what are you talking about? I was just at the market, running some errands."Her brows furrowed deeper, her arms remaining tightly crossed over her chest. "The market? At this time of the night?" Her voice dripped with disbelief, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears.Louis felt his heart sink at the sight of her distress. He hadn't expected her to be awake, much less to confront him like this. He sighed and
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...time to head back
Adolph stood in the palace training ground, the brisk morning air brushing against his skin as he focused on his target. With each arrow he released, he channeled his energy and concentration, the thwack of the arrow hitting the target filling the air. He repeated the process again and again, finding a sort of solace in the rhythmic repetition.As the arrows found their mark, his thoughts began to wander, drifting to a matter that weighed heavily on his heart — his own health and the secret he carried. The truth he held close like a hidden burden, the one he debated sharing with Scarlett, his beloved Luna. Their bond had grown stronger with each passing day, their connection deepening beyond what he had ever imagined.Yet, the secret gnawed at him, like a persistent shadow that refused to be ignored. Adolph knew that hiding such a crucial aspect of his life from Scarlett wasn't fair to either of them. But the thought of revealing his strange illness to her was equally daunting. What i
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...full moon night is near
As I walked through the palace corridor, my heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and anticipation. The market trip had been invigorating, and the treasures I had acquired were safely tucked away in my room, waiting to be transformed into beautiful creations. Little did I know that another pleasant surprise awaited me just around the corner.As I turned the corner, I found myself face to face with Adolph. His presence never failed to send a rush of warmth through me, and my cheeks couldn't help but flush a rosy hue. A smile graced his lips as he greeted me, his eyes sparkling with affection."Hello, my Luna," he said, his voice a soothing melody that resonated within me."Hello, Adolph," I replied, my own voice tinged with a mixture of happiness and shyness. "What brings you here?"Adolph's eyes held a playful glint. "I was actually on my way to your room."A delightful sensation danced within me at his words. Adolph had a way of making my heart skip a beat with his unexpected visi
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...I collapsed to the floor
The full moon night had finally arrived, enveloping the Moonlight pack in a shimmering, ethereal glow. Excitement hummed through the air, and the pack members gathered at the heart of their territory, the pack's square. It was a night of unity, transformation, and connection with their primal selves.As the moon ascended to its peak, its silver light bathing everything in a radiant sheen, the pack members felt its pull deep within them. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as one by one, they began to shift, their human forms giving way to their true nature—their wolf forms.Standing beside Adolph, I felt a surge of energy within me, mingling with my anticipation. My wolf-self emerged, her white fur glistening in the moonlight. She was larger and more powerful than ever before, exuding an aura of strength and authority. It was a feeling unlike any other, as though every fiber of my being was pulsating with newfound vigor.Yet, along with the exhilaration, there was an unexpect
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Have you discovered...
I stirred slightly, my eyes fluttering open to the soft glow of the room. My gaze landed on Adolph, sitting on the floor beside my bed, his head resting on the mattress. A warm smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I watched him, his peaceful form radiating a sense of calmness. The knitted blanket lay beside me, and without a second thought, I reached for it and gently draped it over him, ensuring he was comfortable.He looked so adorable in that moment, his features relaxed in slumber. I couldn't help but marvel at the depth of his care for me. Adolph, the strong and commanding Alpha, was sitting here, guarding over me as I slept. It was a touching sight that resonated deeply within my heart.With a contented sigh, I settled back onto the bed, my eyelids growing heavy once again. The warmth of the blankets cocooned me, and I slipped back into a peaceful sleep.Morning sunlight filtered through the window, casting a soft glow across the room. I blinked my eyes open and stretched,
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Lead the way
The sun had begun to set, casting a warm golden hue across the pack territory. Anna's eyes twinkled with excitement as she turned to Louis with a bright smile. "Louis, I feel like strolling through the pack. Would you mind accompanying me?"Louis grinned, always eager to fulfill Anna's wishes. "Of course, my love. Lead the way."As they walked together, Anna's steps were filled with an energy that matched her excitement. They passed by various stalls and vendors, the scent of different foods wafting through the air. Anna's cravings had led her to the enticing aromas, and she couldn't resist indulging herself. "Louis, let's get some of those pastries," she suggested, pointing to a stall that had an array of delectable treats.Louis chuckled and nodded. "Absolutely, my dear. Get whatever you'd like."Anna's eyes lit up as she approached the stall and carefully selected a variety of pastries, each one more tempting than the last. Louis watched with amusement, enjoying Anna's enthusiasm.
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