All Chapters of The King's Maiden: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
128 Chapters
chapter eighty-five
[ THE VAMPIRE’S STORY ] ATLAS’S P.O.V— The calm wind whooshes past us. It ruffles through the fields of grasses, filling the air with the sounds of leaves slapping against leaves. The serene quality of the environment is supposed to extend towards me to help me feel calm and peaceful, but with the man in front of me, it is hard to feel calm. The man in front of me is the opposite of calm. He is chaos. He is mayhem. He is havoc. And he is promiscuousness, himself. He loves stirring up chaos — he feeds off of it. I guess that is what he has come to do. “What do you want, Luca?” I pause. “Or is it Lust you prefer to be addressed as?” Lust says nothing for a while. And it looks like he is taking his time to observe and enjoy the serenity of the field. But I know he is thinking of his next words; the next words that would trigger me. After staying silent for a while, he gives me a toothy smile. A toothy smile that tells me he is up to no good. “Call me whatever you please. It doe
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chapter eighty-six
[ IN WHICH THERE IS A REFLECTION ] NOVEMBER'S P.O.V — I remember these words. ...[“Before anything else, you need to know those who are on your side to know those who will stab you in the back in the nearest future.”]... This was from the conversation I had with the spirit of vengeance. I had just walked through the door of the reborn. I had been in a trance at the time; in the spiritual or a mental state — however which you choose to describe it as. And in my mind, my feet had been buried in cold water. I could not see through the water. The water had been dark as the night on a moonless hour. It stopped just above my ankles and it made my skin crawl in discomfort. But it was the words of the spirit of vengeance that really made me fall into discomfort. The spirit had hinted about enemies who would surface once I sat on the throne. I already had a name in mind. I had been so confident in who the supposed enemy was. And I had boldly made mention of the enemy's name. “Luca.”
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chapter eighty-seven
[ IN WHICH ROME WILL HAVE HIS LUNA ]ROME’S P.O.V— Anger. That’s an understatement. Because I am beyond angry. Multiple words can efficiently describe how I feel: furious, numb, defeated, humiliated, overpowered, useless, and broken. In my own home, I had been brought to my knees and ridiculed in front of my people. My worst enemy had me trapped. He pushed me to my weakest point and he used that to his advantage. He disgraced me -which is worse than death- he ruined my pride and stomped all over my ego with his dirty feet. He pierced a stake right into my heart. Though, I persevered and conquered death, I still feel like I am dead. Losing a battle against Sin had left me feeling incompetent and worthless. And atop all this, I lost my Luna. My wolf whines and cries within me. The sound causes me to grow teary-eyed. Ever since she became bonded with King Sin, I have not been myself. I have been consumed with sadness. It seems as though I have developed one of those mental disorders
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chapter eighty-eight
[ THE VAMPIRE’S STORY ] ATLAS’S P.O.V— My mind is restless. Thoughts from this morning continues to trouble me. These thoughts are about my conversation with Luca. It has been hours since I faced him, but it feels like it just happened, because my heart cannot stop beating rapidly. Even as I take a stroll down the halls of the Grand Alkhemi, the loud voices in my head refuse to quiet down. Instead, they grow louder. They trouble me and scream at me to make up my mind; to make a decision.Team up with Luca,orStay loyal to the King. I know what Luca's plan is. It is a typical plan of Lust. I have been toyed with and manipulated by him long enough to know what his classic moves are. Once bitten, twice shy. I could decipher what his plan was from one conversation. To him, I am an easy pawn to play. He plans to use me to destroy the King from the inside out. Since I am a vital pillar of the Grand Alkhemi, he believes he will obtain a fraction of power in the enemy's territory once he
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chapter eighty-nine
warning: this chapter of The King's Maiden you are about to read is marked mature because of its triggering contents; self-harm, suicide, mental illness. mental disorders will be discussed in this chapter. this chapter may not be suitable for all readers. viewer discretion is advised. [ THE WARRIOR'S STORY ] JACQUELINE’S P.O.V— The cold air bites into my skin as I march up the hill. My hand is attached to the thick straps around the horse as I guide the brown-furred animal behind me. Once I reach the top of the hill, I stop. I exhale. I have arrived at my destination. The Land of Avsky. “You will be punished, Greed.” I whisper under my breath. It took several days to find the Kingdom that didn't want to be found. But finally, I have done it.Thirsty for blood, I quickly mount my horse. I give it a pat, and it starts to move. I redirect it down the hill, and it gallops back in the direction we came in. The easiest way to penetrate a Kingdom that has been hidden for so long is t
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chapter ninety
[ THE WARRIOR'S STORY ]JACQUELINE'S P.O.V — ~ “When we all die, where do we go?” ~That is a question that every living human on Earth asks from time to time. And there are multiple answers to this question. Most believe it depends on how you have lived your life on Earth. If you have proven to be worthy of the Kingdom of God, you will ascend to Heaven. And if you have lived a bad life, you descend to Hell. But I went to neither of those places. In Alkhemi, you are either floating in the Heavens, or you're going through something worse than Hell. It is a mixture of both. But for me recently, I have been going through hell.Like now. “Ahh!” I let out another war cry as I run towards the man with blue eyes and dark, brown hair.My sword is raised as I near him. Then, all of a sudden, the sword slips out of my hand. When I snap my head around, I find one of the seven with their hand lifted up, and fist clenched. I am shocked by this extremity of power. But I do not let it distract
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part four: the love that kills
[ THE LOVE THAT KILLS ] Despite our various differences, we are all tied together by one thing. Death. In the Kingdom of Alkhemi, everyone and everything has died at least once. We all die at the end. Despite our differences, we are all made similar by one thing — mortality. But then, even death allows for dissimilarities. We all die in different ways. Some are killed by a lover, others by sickness/illness, and many are killed in fatal accidents. And luckily for some, they get taken away by natural causes, such as old age. But this is not for those people. This is for those who have been wrongfully and forcefully snatched away from their loved ones before they got the chance to say 'goodbye'. [ JACQUELINE ] I remember when I had asked Jacqueline how she had died, and what she got reincarnated as. Our conversation had gone this way. “What about you? Are you a Vampire?” I had asked.“Do I look like a Vampire?” She had joked, running a nervous hand through her hair like she
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chapter ninety-one
[ IN WHICH SHE ESCAPES THE PROBLEM OF SIN ] NOVEMBER’S P.O.V— My eyes avert from the ceiling when I hear the door open. With dazed brown eyes, I search for the intruder. Entering through the door, I find him there. Sin. The door closes gently behind him. “You are awake.” He states. I roll my eyes away and I sink deeper into the sheets. Letting out a moan, I stretch my body out on the bed, before I say, “You sound surprised.” I can hear the slight confusion in his voice as he replies. “No, I am not surprised.” My eyes dart to him. He stands at the foot of the bed, and his tall build hovers over me. “Of course, you are not surprised. You are used to this already. You are used to having me around, used to having me come back to you. I never leave you. So, when I was laying there, dying, you were probably relaxed while everyone else was worried.” He settles onto the bed. The mattress moves from his weight. “You do not know what you are talking about.” Stubborn as always, I say. “
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chapter ninety-two
[ IN WHICH SHE ENTERS THE PROBLEM OF ROME ] NOVEMBER’S P.O.V— I place my palms on the railing of the balcony. Worried, I peer over the metal bar. Below me, there is nothing.I see nothing. The land of Alkhemi has been covered by darkness. And that means it has been 12 hours since Sin had left with the warriors to the Land of Avsky. He should have been back by now. They should have saved Jacqueline and returned by now. A quest like this shouldn’t take much time except something bad had already happened. … [something bad like what, November?] … The voice in my head asks. I try to ignore it, but she speaks again. … [you think they may have died? yes, you are right, they have died] … “Shut up.” I growl, slapping palms on the cold railing. After that, the voice silences. I'm hoping it silences forever. Despite this new found silence, I am still troubled with the possibility that something bad has happened. Luca has proven to be dangerous. It will be a mistake to underestimate him
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chapter ninety-two (contd)
warning: this chapter of The King's Maiden you are about to read has been labelled mature, because of it's sexual content which may not be suitable for all readers. viewer discretion is advised.[ IN WHICH SHE KEENS INTO ROME ] NOVEMBER’S P.O.V — I am out of control. But I do not mind. I like this. I like this version of me that Rome has managed to pull out. I want to explore more, to see what happens when he tempts me with the forbidden. Unable to control myself, I find myself keening against him. I rub my chest against him, getting relief from the sensation. “Ugh, Faye.” Rome groans, tugging my lower lip into his mouth. “You make me so hard.” His hand on my back dips lower and lower, until he is between my thighs. I part them, aching – aching so desperately – and his middle finger, eager as ever, pushes against my pussy. “Oh shit.” I whisper, fisting his shirt. Maybe because of the fabric of my shorts, that one finger is giving me just the right amount of pressure to make the
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