All Chapters of The King's Maiden: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
128 Chapters
chapter sixty-six
[ IN WHICH SHE DISCOVERS THE NEW THREATS ] My eyes slowly peel open and light floods in. For the first few seconds, I blink rapidly, trying my best to get used to the feeling of being awake. My head throbs, making me aware that I have pushed myself to the limit; exhausted myself beyond how my body would like. Who knows how long I have been unconscious for and how many dead souls made it through the gate? With my eyes partly opened, I notice a few things.The first things I recognize is a white ceiling, and with heavy eyes, I move my head to see several artifacts and then, my eyes spot golden curtains that block the light rays from seeping in. But what my eyes do not spot is a human sitting beside me on the bed. "You are up." My heart rate picks up at the sudden sound of a female's voice. I snap my eyes to the left to see a woman sitting beside me on the bed; a strange woman; a woman I have never seen before. Startled, I jerk up from the mattress, hurriedly moving away from her.
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chapter sixty-seven
[ IN WHICH SHE HEARS THE UGLY TRUTH ] The space between my brows furrow. “What do you mean? What is this? How is this possible?” I shake my head as the questions fly out of my mouth. It is all so confusing that my head starts to hurt, trying to absorb his words. “I am being honest with you,” Sin calmly says. I sit up, propping my elbows on the bed. “Seven deadly sins.” My eyes slowly move towards them. With so much curiosity and uncertainty in my brown eyes, I assess them and every slight movements they make. While watching them, I realize they all have one thing in common, and that is beauty. Beauty that has never been seen by humankind. I guess Jacqueline still stands correct when she said: "Why do you think the most beautiful people have the most wicked hearts?" Asides from this, there's another physical trait that ties them together; they are all tall with perfect bodies, and symmetrical faces. The same way Sin appears in the mere human eye. But one of the seven looks a little
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chapter sixty-eight
[ IN WHICH SHE IS BITTER ] Every story has a protagonist, and also an antagonist— whom everyone refers to as the villain. However, in my story, I am unsure who holds the position of the protagonist and the antagonist. Even those that are expected to hold it, seem like they don't deserve it. I may be the heroine; the chief female character, since this is the story of my life, but I am not entirely sure about being a heroine. Because what sort of heroine has this much bad luck? What sort of heroine gets deceived and betrayed by her loved ones? What sort of heroine has people shooting arrows into her back? What sort of heroine is never able to obtain true happiness? It feels like I am living in a dark, fairy tale written by someone who absolutely hates me. It feels like I live in the shadows of the queens who have existed before me. I am defined by their good qualities, bad characters and doomed fate. It seems I will never have my own life and my own fate. And the man who I thought wa
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chapter sixty-nine
[ IN WHICH SHE IS A DEADLY SIN ] My fingers sting afterwards. My heart breaks after what I have done.This is the third time I am raising a hand against Sin, my betrothed. The first time was a sword, the second a slap, and now the third is the same as the second. A slap isn't more hurtful than a sword, but it feels like I have destroyed him at this moment. I guess it hurts more, because I keep hurting him over and over again. He hurt me and I wanted to hurt him back, but physically.And that is not what love is.Love isn't defined by violence, or hate, neither is it defined by secrets.What Sin and I have... can it be called love?Because this is toxic; a toxic love. We always end up hurting each other. We are both toxic for the other. My heart grows heavy, and my breathing becomes ragged as I watch the pain on Sin's face. I can feel his pain. His pain is just as strong as the first time I had stabbed him in the chest back at the Palace. It hurts even more to know that I have done
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chapter seventy
[ IN WHICH SHE LEARNS MORE ] "You are still the same. A Queen and more." His words pull a wide smile onto my face. As he says this, I suddenly feel calmer and most importantly, I feel complete. It is like the missing pieces in my puzzle have finally began to fill up now. I feel whole. I have connected with my true and former self. This was what I had been missing all along. This was why I always felt lost and confused. There were secrets about myself that were kept from me. And now that I have reunited with those secrets, I feel reassured. Like I truly know who I am. Sin continues to speak. "Though, you may appear differently, physically, you are still the same Queen I fell for." I open my mouth to ask my first question in the last ten minutes. "Different physically? What was she like?" He smirks, tightening his arm around my shoulder. "You mean to ask — what you were like in the past?" I give him a look. "Sure." Sin giggles softly, but it doesn't quite reach the heart. We are
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chapter seventy-one
[ IN WHICH SHE SENSES A WAR ]“What?” I grow cold when he says this. My bones chill. "Is this the truth?" Sin's jaw clenches. He cannot speak about this, and from the look on his contorted face, I can tell that he hates being reminded of the hurtful moments that haunt him and make his heart ache in his chest. "And..." Sin manages to continue. "Driving that sword through you... that is a guilt I will live with for a lifetime. I deserve to be killed for doing that. I should have found another way you save you. Death could not have been the only way." Flabbergasted, and utterly confused, my eyes drop to the floor as I lean off Sin's body. I am not sure how to respond to all that Sin has told me. I am not sure what it is even— the truth, that's what it is, but it is too much.Reality dawns on me. Rome, the Lycan King had been the antagonist all along? The man I craved for... he isn't who I thought he was? He had been pretentious all this time. He successfully turned me against Sin, i
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chapter seventy-two
[ IN WHICH THERE IS WAR AND DEATH ] NOVEMBER'S P.O.V —There is something else you should know: I die at the end. Just like any other human being, I die. But there is something else that I'm not proud to say, and it is that; my lover is the reason I die. He killed me. All things that have life will eventually wither away — that is the fundamental truth of life. We will all wither away and die sometime in the future. After we have fought the wars, faced the trials and tribulations, overcome the challenges, we all will die at the end. After pushing through the hurdles of our youth and adulthood, after trying our hardest to stay alive and survive till the next day, we will all still die at the end. This just tells us that all is vanity. And that Death is inevitable. But, here is the thing about dying — some die earlier than others. Of course, I am mortal. It is destiny to die at the end. I just wasn't supposed to die this early. I had many years ahead of me to live. I had many y
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chapter seventy-three
[ IN WHICH SHE RECEIVES THREATS ] NOVEMBER'S P.O.V —There is tension in the abandoned building. And the tension is as thick as the walls. Along with this tension, comes an irritable silence.I gulp. The sound as I swallow is loud between my ears. The room has been frozen for a long time now, and something tells me that it is going to continue in this deafening silence for a little longer. Violent emotions swim round and round the room in circular waves, heating up the place, instantly. I grow uncomfortable as I realize this. There is something dangerously unique about the seven deadly sins. They all have something about them that makes anyone in their presence cower at their feet. That dangerous and deadly aura makes me want to hide from them, crawl myself into a hole and die there.Being in their presence alone does things to my body and mind. Their presence alone messes with my thoughts. I guess this explains why Luca's presence irked me so much back on Earth. I just could not st
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chapter seventy-four
[ IN WHICH SHE CRIES ] NOVEMBER'S P.O.V —"You lay a hand on her. And you will be dead." No one dares to move. The room falls quiet again. After Sin's threatening voice addresses them, the seven hesitate to make their next move. Anyone can easily tell that they are terrified of the fallen angel that they call the King of Alkhemi. However, one of the seven refuses to be defeated by mere threats, so he steps forward — Luca steps forward. The spirit of arrogance is evident in his actions as he walks to the center. “Oh, come on. Do not be pathetic pussies.” Luca curses, violently. "I did not agree to team up with a bunch of scared cats, okay?" He rolls his eyes, dramatically. "You have no reason to fear this man." He tells his siblings. "He is incapable of causing you pain. He simply cannot do anything for we have eyes on his greatest weakness. Once we have Nobi in the palm of our hands, he will have no choice but to surrender at our feet. And then, we will attain the power we have a
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chapter seventy-five
[ IN WHICH HE LEARNS SOMETHING SHOCKING ] SIN'S POV— Happiness. That word is unfamiliar to me. I would be lying if I said it was familiar. I have never been given the chance to be happy. I am not even sure what true happiness feels like. Whenever I start to familiarize myself with the term, happiness, the dark forces that lurk around my Kingdom would arise and ruin that happiness. And my happiness is My Queen— Queen November. And as expected, the dark forces in my Kingdom have risen up to attack. They are trying to ruin my happiness by trying to end her life. My heart thumps hard in my chest as I hear her moan in pain. I hold her tightly in my arms. The need to protect her is stronger than ever. I exited the Land of Avsky immediately. Now, I am heading towards the Grand Alkhemi. And the closer I get, the more she squirms in my arms, but I do not let her go. I hold her to my chest as I fly fast through the air. From my height above the ground, I see several guards surroundin
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