Semua Bab The King's Maiden: Bab 81 - Bab 90
128 Bab
chapter seventy-six
[ IN WHICH HE IS TROUBLED ] SIN'S P.O.V — He should know better than to show his face here. With a tightened jaw, I pull my eyes away from the man by the door to peer at Jacqueline. "What are you standing there for? Go now and search for Lake!" I command. "You will not find the sorcerer." Greed counters. "What have you done with him?" He chuckles humorlessly at my question. "What makes you think that I did something?" I am too furious to give replies to his silly questions that are useless in this situation. I turn to Jacqueline. "Find Lake." She is about to move, but Greed —who is stood by the door— blocks the way. He enters into the room, occupying more space with his body size and blocking the exit in the process. He whines. "Oh, please. There is no need for the sorcerer." He waves his hands, nonchalantly. "I am all you will need. I have the answers you search for." "How dare you show your face here?" I march forward as an automatic response to the sound of his irritable
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chapter seventy-seven
[ IN WHICH HE FACES A TERRIBLE DILEMMA ] SIN'S P.O.V—“What are we still waiting for?” Greed turns his head around. “She has very few minutes left to live, we can't afford to waste any more time. We have to start preparing gifts, because we definitely cannot go into Lucian City empty handed. We have the intentions of begging the Lycan King for his blood, so where are the gifts? Come on. Get moving. The sooner we get this done, the sooner it will all be over." Greed's voice is enthusiastic much to my distaste. A sigh comes from Jacqueline's direction before she says, “I can't do this.” After that, she hurries out of the room. Jacqueline falls apart the second she exits the room. I can hear her whimpers as she cries hard. I also hear the heavy sounds of her footsteps as she pushes her legs to move faster down the halls. But the further she gets, the louder her cries are. I rarely see Jacqueline cry. The first time I had seen her tears was when she had first arrived into the afterlif
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chapter seventy-eight
[ IN WHICH HE IS CALM ] SIN'S POV — The journey to Lucian City is everything but calm. I have chosen fifteen warriors to accompany me, and five to accompany the Queen's body towards the Kingdom of the Werewolves. A total of twenty warriors travel alongside me, on horses, and amongst them is Atlas, Eirene and of course, the one I still cannot fully trust— Greed. Jacqueline had refused to come with us, and I chose to respect her decision. Lake is still nowhere to be found. There is something fishy about his disappearance, and my divine instincts tell me that the seven deadly sins have something to do with his disappearance. I will be watchful incase Greed stabs me in the back. I will not let anything spiral out of my control. I am the King — it is my responsibility to keep the people of my Kingdom safe, and to keep my Queen safe also. As we get closer to Lucian City, my servants grow uneasy. No one is calm. However, there is one person that is not as anxious as the rest, and tha
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chapter seventy-nine
[ IN WHICH HE IS CALM… BUT NOT QUITE ] SIN'S P.O.V— “She will become mine once she takes my blood. And only mine. She will no longer be yours.” His words send a wave of shock through my body. And it is not just me who feels this way after his words are said. Everyone around me grows quiet as the atmosphere grows cold. I am hoping I have failed to hear him correctly, because I cannot meet with his conditions… I will never meet with those foolish and moronic conditions. If Rome wants to have her, it will have to be over my dead body, and I doubt I will be dying anytime soon. So, Rome will never in a million years have her. She is mine. Forever. “So, do you want to save her or not?” Rome asks, folding his arms. I do not respond. In the quiet of his Castle, I stand before him, mimicking the silence of the atmosphere. I stand there, unmoving, with my eyes on him. I am taking this moment of silence to carefully ponder over my possible actions before I act. If I react to what he has s
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chapter eighty
[ IN WHICH HE LASHES OUT IN ANGER ] SIN'S P.O.V— I have never been the violent kind. And truthfully, I do not like violence. It brings along with it negative emotions that I fight hard to retract myself from afterwards. In simpler words, violence awakens parts of me that I do not like to reveal; parts of me that I would rather keep hidden and buried beneath the earth's crust, never to see the light of day.When I made the decision to enter into Lucian City for Rome's blood to save November, I had no intentions of violence. But there is something so distasteful and angering about this Lycan that irks me from the depths of my soul. This could be because of the things he has done in the past; maybe that is why I have this unexplainable urge to rip his throat out every time I see him. During our conversations from a minute ago, I tried to stay calm and collected. Each time he opened his mouth, I would get infuriated, but I always controlled myself. But then, it got to a part when I c
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chapter eighty-one
[ IN WHICH HE BENEFITS FROM LASHING OUT ]SIN'S P.O.V —I forcefully slap my fist into his neck, causing him to fall to his knees. The other werewolves halt as they see this. If I can bring their King to his knees, who is to say that I cannot finish them off with one flip of my finger. They must have truly forgotten that I created everything that roams the Kingdom —every single thing that has breathe and life, I created it all. They are the results of my blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice. I am the god of Alkhemi. No other King is a match for me. Not the Vampire King. Not Lust who is the head of the Land of Avsky. And definitely not the Lycan King.Rome spits out blood.My eyes widen as I notice its color — it is red. Dark red blood. This must be the reason why his blood is the cure. I get distracted by his blood that I fail to catch his next move. Abled by his werewolf abilities, he rises up from the ground and rams into me. He knocks me over and I end up at his feet. But obvious
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chapter eighty-two
[ IN WHICH HE SAVES HER ] SIN'S P.O.V— I am sitting beside her on the bed. Everyone else has gathered all around her, patiently waiting for the moment she opens her eyes. The night has fallen over the land. And the darkness seems to be swallowing every ounce of hope as the minute passes by. It is like each time the sky grows darker, replacing the day light, it swallows the light of hope along with it. It has been a long time since I exited Lucian City with the warm blood of the Lycan. I was escorted by my army of warriors, and the moment I had set foot into the Grand Alkhemi, the golden cup filled with red blood had been snatched out of my hands. The maids carried it in their hands with care as they ran to the local chemists in the Grand Alkhemi. Since Lake was still found missing, the local chemists had been our alternative. With the help of the local chemists and Greed’s instructions, the cure was made and then, it was quickly fed to an unconscious Queen. While the cure was at
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chapter eighty-two: november's version
[ IN WHICH SHE BEATS DEATH ONCE AGAIN ] NOVEMBER’S P.O.V— I thought I had died. Or no. I did die. I remember falling into the void. I remember falling backwards, heading for the ground, but the thing is, I never reached the ground. I kept on falling, endlessly. It was like I had been falling and screaming at the top of my lungs for what felt like an eternity. It felt scary. It felt terrifying. Death. That is another thing it felt like. I could not call out for help. I could feel myself falling out of the living world; dissociating from my body— the living body. And it was like I was falling into the darkness; the darkness that has been calling out to me for so long; the darkness that I had been trying so hard to resist. In simpler terms, I could feel myself dying. And no one was coming to resurrect me this time. I had swung my arms and legs, trying my best to hold onto life. But I kept missing it each time I swung an arm. I could not grasp onto anything for dear life –there was
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chapter eighty-three
[ IN WHICH HE SIGHS IN RELIEF ] SIN’S P.O.V — I look down.Vomit.“That’s the parasite!” Greed screams from somewhere behind me. That is when I notice something moving in my lap. This thing in my lap is green amidst her dark, red vomit— she had coughed up some of Rome's blood. But that is the least of my concerns. I am more concerned why this strange green thing has been coughed up along with the blood. This greenish organism is in the shape of a slug; something I have never seen before. The tiny creature wiggles its body repeatedly in the space of my thighs, scurrying around as it looks for another host to feed on and poison. But before it can search any further, Greed materializes beside me and picks the parasite up. He pinches it with his index finger and thumb, grimacing when his fingers grazes the vomit that had exited my Queen’s mouth. As he picks it up, the green parasite squirms, letting out a loud, shriek. I watch with my eyebrows furrowed as Greed lifts the slug into the
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chapter eighty-four
[ THE VAMPIRE'S STORY ] ATLAS'S P.O.V— "When will all this end?" I ask myself. As I walk further into the fields of grass, my back begins to ache badly. These past few months have been trouble. Nothing but trouble. One problem after one problem.I am sick of it all already.Feeling a cramp on my foot, I wiggle it in the air. I nearly lose my balance as I do this. Standing on one foot should be a professional sport, because as fast and agile as I am as a Vampire, I cannot stand on one foot. I drop my foot back onto the ground, and continue striding through the grasses. The daylight bites into my skin. And it isn't as uncomfortable as most people would think. I enjoy taking strolls during the day. This might come as a shock to most people, but the day time is my favorite part of the 24-hour long day. I get to perceive nature at its brightest and at its best. The night time, everything goes to sleep, and there is not much to perceive. I can walk out during the day, unlike majority
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