All Chapters of The King's Maiden: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
128 Chapters
chapter fifty-eight
[ IN WHICH SHE PUTS AN END TO A FATAL LOVE TRIANGLE, OR SO SHE THOUGHT ] In the silence, I turn my body in Sin's direction. As a reaction to my movements, several wolves snarl angrily, but I don't let that stop me. With one foot in front of the other, I proceed towards the King of Alkhemi. A look of shock consumes his facial features, and then after, his lips begin to stretch slowly into a smile. His grey eyes peer staight into mine, and for a second, it feels as though everyone else around us disappear into dust.No Kingdom. No war. No Rome. Just us. But it can never be that way; for it is written in the stars that the Lycan King will eventually tug at my heartstrings and get my pulses racing. It has been written in the stars that I will love him as much as I love Sin. It has been written in the stars that I will be torn between the two men when making this decision. And it has come to pass. The Lycan King. My breath hitches as I think about him. The thought of him alone does t
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chapter fifty-nine
[ THE QUEEN'S CORONATION: FAYE ] It was the seventh hour of the day, and the news of the Queen's coronation had reached the far ends of the Kingdom. Carriages lined every side road of the Kingdom. It was the day everyone had been waiting for. They had all been waiting for a really long time for this particular day, but little did they know that day would mark the beginning of an atrocious era for them. It was the day of the Queen’s coronation. My Coronation.That day marked the beginning of power for me. It was the day I got sworn in as King Sin's lover and Queen. The day I got to be addressed as Queen and not a Maiden anymore. The day that changed the lives of everyone around me for an eternity. If you thought the war between the Grand Alkhemi and Lucian City was destructive enough, my coronation would make blood rain from the beautiful sky. And honestly, I had not expected things to turn out that way, but they did. No one warned me of the trouble I was getting myself into. Not a
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chapter fifty-nine (continued)
[ IN WHICH SHE PREPARES TO BE QUEEN ] The mirror in front of me reflects a clear image of my true self. A Queen. My gaze settles on the shiny, glass surface that has been coated with a metal amalgam. The view from behind is reflected upon it, and I see the maids gathering around me with several clothing accessories in their hands. A surcoat designed with colors has been laid to the side, waiting to be worn by me. The surcoat carries the various colors of Alkhemi's flag, which is green and ivory white, with little smudges of black. The surcoat will be worn when I get introduced as Queen to the soldiers. RIght now, the maids get busy, dressing me in a beautiful, long, lilac dress— almost white, but not quite. Its fabric is soft against my olive skin, and the color of the dress compliments the melanin in my skin. The maids have been working hard since the crack of dawn to prepare me, their future Queen of Alkhemi for the Coronation. They are all excited for today's activities. And it
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chapter sixty
[ IN WHICH SHE IS HIS QUEEN ] It turns out that the coronation process is easy and simple. The only thing not easy about this ceremony is the fact that Sin refuses to gaze in my direction.Whenever I would turn my head to give him a warm smile, his jaw would harden aggressively, and then, he would turn away from me; rejecting my gesture of affection. By now, I figured whatever harsh feelings he had towards me would have died down, but I guess that isn't the case. But, this is what he wants. He has been waiting for this day, longer than anyone gathered here today. He has been waiting for the day he would claim me as his Queen in front of his entire Kingdom, and now that the day has come, he refuses to hold me in his arms or even look me in the eyes? Sin has proven to be unpredictable over the past few days and hours.Despite this, I try my best to focus on the people who have gathered to celebrate my inauguration; they all welcome me as their Queen in a calm and respectful setting wh
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part three: the destructive love
[A Maiden…]Chosen from birth to live beside a powerful King, my life hasn't been a bed of roses. The life of a Maiden is solitary. Never to be touched. Never to be looked upon. Never to be spoken to. Never to experience pleasure. Whilst waiting for the day of her Ascension; waiting for the day she gets owned by a King. But I haven't exactly kept to all those rules, now have I? I have made mistakes most Maidens will never dare to make. I have been touched. I have been looked upon. And I most definitely have experienced pleasure with the wrong people. All those rules I have broken, all have repercussions. And I will suffer the consequences soon enough. But then again, I never chose to live this life. I would rather live a quiet life in a far away land with twelve cats. I never wanted to live in an enormous castle, battling my feelings for two Kings. But the choice has never been mine.[A Queen…]Once a maiden. Now, a Queen. The Queen of Alkhemi. Or should I call myself the Queen of Not
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chapter sixty-one
[ IN WHICH HE OWNS HER AS HIS QUEEN ] SIN'S POV: “Sin!” November calls out.I hear her voice over the distance, followed by the heavy pounding of her feet as she chases after me. Despite her harsh and erratic breathing, she does not slow down her pace, neither does she stop following me. “Sin! Please. Don't walk away from me.” Something stirs within me as her silky-smooth voice reaches my ears. So, I stop. My shoulders are hunched up as the tension swirls around that area. My fists are clenched as I fight back the urge to lash out, which might worsen the current situation. I cannot turn around to stare her in the eyes. If I do, I will shatter into a million pieces. The sight of her alone is enough to bring me to my knees; she is still oblivious to the power she holds over me. “Sin?” Her soft voice begs, and I can feel her closer than ever. “Can you please look at me?”I keep my back turned to her. I originally stormed out of the ceremony to save myself from crumbling down in fr
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chapter sixty-two
warning: this chapter of The King's Maiden is marked mature, because of the following reasons; explicit sexual scenes, sensual content and mature language.[ IN WHICH SHE IS OWNED BY HER KING ] With the blindfold on, I can't see a thing. Only feel. “Why were you sad?” I hear Sin speak as he parts my thighs, exposing my cunt. “I do not like it whenever a frown is on that pretty face of yours.” He runs an experienced finger down the smooth, damp skin leading to my opening. God, help me. I begin to pant as his touch makes the minute hairs on my skin stand up. His touch sends electricity to every nerve in my body and jolts them awake. Honestly, I have missed the way his fingers felt on my skin; I honestly can’t imagine how I managed to abstain from him this long. “Sorry, I made you sad, sweetheart.” He apologizes in an innocent voice, but there is a huge juxtaposition between everything he does and the tone in his voice. He lightly dances the pad of his finger against my pulsing clit,
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chapter sixty-three
[ IN WHICH SHE HEARS VOICES ] ... [the sky starts to drip with blood from the moment i wake up] ... My eyes snap open at the sound of the husky, female voice. Panting with sweat beads on my forehead, I search around the room for someone, but I find out that I am all alone in the room. If I hadn't heard the voice clearly in my head, I would have thought that I was truly alone in the room. But I heard the echoes in my head and ears. And it means that I am not alone in the room. Someone is with me. I can feel an unsettling presence floating around me. On the massive bed, I snap my head to the curtains. I can feel the unsettling presence lurking behind the curtains, staring at me. Quickly, I snap my head to the wardrobe, and I can feel it —whatever it is— I can feel that it will pop out of the wardrobe any second. That which I cannot see haunts me, getting me paranoid. My pulse rises, and my heart begins to beat faster. Its aura is menacing, troubling and there is something definitely
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chapter sixty-four
[ IN WHCH SHE MEETS A NEW THREAT ] The leaves rustle against each other, motioned by the wind. The gentle swishing sounds reach my ears, reminding me of the essence of nature – the essence of the beautiful things that surround me. As I walk down the path where trees have been lined up on each sides, the muffled sound of leaves envelopes me. With how serene and calm the environment is, it promises that today will be a good day for me, despite the day starting off with negative affirmations in my head. Currently, I am outside of the Palace walls. I can’t call the Grand Alkhemi a Mansion anymore, for the King and Queen resides in it. It is a Palace. Our palace. The wind picks up, and I know the reason for this. The wind acknowledges the presence of Sin. The King. “Good morning, my queen.” I look ahead of me. Right there in the massive fields of grasses, Sin is stood there with two white horses behind him. With a gentle, excited smile on my face, I walk towards him, and the leaves fa
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chapter sixty-five
warning: this chapter of The King's Maiden is marked mature. viewer discretion is advised.[ IN WHICH SHE IS FACED WITH A THREAT ] (a few hours before she spots the threat) The unique smell of horses reach my nostrils as I inch closer to the white horse that the King has prepared for me. Still at the King's Mansion, I brace myself to settle on the tall animal. The horse has been groomed, tacked up and warmed up also. So, I proceed with assurance that I wouldn't get kicked off the horse and get myself injured. Sin stands behind me, as his hands guide me up gently, only letting go once I have straddled both legs on the horse's back. The feel of the leather saddle on my butt makes me a little uncomfortable, so I adjust myself until it feels soothing. I have heard that smells from horses can stay with a person for a very long time. And I'm sure after the ride around the Kingdom, Sin and I will smell like nothing, but horses. But despite this, I don't see this as a bad thing— it just
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