All Chapters of REJECTED MATE: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
170 Chapters
Chapter 130
They had to confront not only the external forces that sought to tear them apart but also the inner demons that threatened to undo them.With hearts heavy with sorrow and determination, they took a collective breath, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. The journey had become more treacherous, but they knew that their love, tested and scarred though it may be, would be their guiding light in the darkness.And so, they embarked on a new chapter, their hearts intertwined with both hope and despair. The fate of their fated mates and forbidden bonds remained uncertain, but their unwavering determination to find the truth and reclaim their destiny fueled their every step.Little did they know that the revelations they would uncover would plunge them into a realm of even greater danger, where their very existence would be challenged. The true extent of their powers, the depths of their sacrifices, and the strength of their love would be put to the ultimate test.As they faced the
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Chapter 131
The rogue alpha fought back with newfound desperation, their fangs bared and claws slashing through the air. But the united front of Lyra, Xander, and Nathan proved to be an unstoppable force. Their bond, forged through love and shared experiences, granted them a resilience that surpassed any individual strength.As the battle raged on, their unity radiated a powerful aura, enveloping their packs in a protective shield. Inspired by their leaders' unwavering determination, the rest of the packs fought with renewed vigour, and their movements synchronized with a newfound purpose.The battlefield became a whirlwind of ferocity, the clash of bodies and the snarls of combat filling the air. The rogue werewolves, overwhelmed by the united packs and the indomitable trio at the forefront, began to falter. One by one, they succumbed to the combined might of Lyra, Xander, and Nathan.Finally, the rogue alpha stood alone, surrounded by the remnants of their defeated pack. Their eyes flicker
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Chapter 132
Together, we will face whatever challenges lie ahead, for our love, our unity, and the bond that connects us is unbreakable."The packs nodded in agreement, their spirits emboldened by Lyra's words. At that moment, they were not just a pack of wolves but a family, bound by destiny and a shared purpose.As the moon rose high in the night sky, casting its gentle glow upon the gathering, a silent vow passed between them all. They would protect each other, fight for their newfound unity, and safeguard the fragile peace they had forged.With their hearts entwined and their fates intertwined, they embarked on a new chapter, ready to face the challenges and adventures that awaited them. For in their love, their resilience, and their unyielding determination, they carried the hope of a brighter future—a future where fated mates and forbidden bonds would no longer be seen as a curse, but as a testament to the extraordinary power of love.And so, their story continued, written in the stars and
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Chapter 133
Chapter 21As the fated mates took their first step towards the unknown, a distant rumble echoed through the air. The ground beneath them trembled, sending shockwaves of uncertainty through their beings. A tempest brewed on the horizon, dark clouds swirling in a sinister dance.Their eyes widened in alarm as a figure emerged from the storm, a figure they had never anticipated. It was a being of ancient power and malevolence, a harbinger of chaos and despair. The realm gasped in collective disbelief, for the figure was none other than Malachi himself, risen from the depths of oblivion.A wicked smile twisted across Malachi's face as he surveyed the fated mates before him. "You thought you could vanquish me so easily? How naive," he sneered, his voice dripping with malevolent delight. "Prepare yourselves, for this is only the beginning of your reckoning."Thunder cracked across the sky, and the storm unleashed its fury upon the realm. The fated mates stood firm, their determination unyi
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Chapter 134
Chapter 22Malachi, for the first time, felt a flicker of doubt, a sliver of fear worming its way into his consciousness. But he was not one to be easily defeated. With a final roar of defiance, he retreated into the shadows, vowing to return with even greater malevolence.The realm breathed a collective sigh of relief, their faith in the fated mates restored. Though victory was not yet theirs, the fated mates had proven that love was a force to be reckoned with—a force that could withstand even the darkest of challenges.And so, with the echoes of their triumph still resonating in the air, the fated mates took a moment to catch their breath. They knew that the battle was far from over, that Malachi would undoubtedly return with greater fury and vengeance. But for now, they allowed themselves a moment of respite, a brief interlude to regroup and plan their next move.As they stood there, the remnants of their power shimmering around them, Lyra, Xander, and Nathan exchanged knowing gla
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Chapter 135
Chapter 23As the fated mates prepared for the final battle against Malachi, a wave of doubt crashed over Lyra like a torrential downpour. The weight of the revelations and the magnitude of their mission began to overwhelm her. She questioned her strength and whether she was truly capable of facing the darkness that awaited them.Caught in the grip of uncertainty, Lyra found herself slipping back, distancing herself from the unity she had fought so hard to preserve. She withdrew from the group, seeking solace in solitude as she grappled with her inner turmoil.Xander and Nathan, sensing her retreat, exchanged concerned glances. They knew that their bond, once unbreakable, now faced its greatest challenge yet. With heavy hearts, they made the difficult decision to give Lyra the space she needed, trusting that she would find her way back to them.Days turned into nights, and Lyra wandered through the wilderness, haunted by self-doubt and the fear of letting her loved ones down. In th
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Chapter 136
As the dissidents regained their composure, their leader, Malachi, stepped forward with a sinister grin. "You think your words can sway us, Lyra? You are mistaken. We have grown tired of your interference, of your love that defies our rules. It ends here, once and for all."A palpable tension filled the air as the dissidents closed in, preparing to strike. But at that moment, a powerful force surged forth from within Lyra—a force fueled by love, courage, and the unbreakable bond she shared with Xander and Nathan.A sudden gust of wind whipped through the clearing, stirring leaves and twigs. The very fabric of nature seemed to respond to Lyra's unwavering resolve. It was a force the dissidents had underestimated, a force that would turn the tide in favour of loveWith a fierce donation, Lyra unleashed her latent powers, tapping into the depths of her true potential. In a display of elemental mastery, she commanded the elements to rise to her aid—earth, wind, fire, and water intertwini
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Chapter 137
"Cease this senseless conflict!" he bellowed, his voice carrying across the battlefield. "I, as Alpha, hereby decree an end to this bloodshed."A hush fell over the combatants as they turned their attention towards Lyra's father, their expressions a mix of surprise and obedience. The commanding presence of the Alpha demanded respect and even the dissident pack members hesitated, their aggression momentarily quelled.Lyra, Xander, and Nathan exchanged glances, a glimmer of hope flickering in their eyes. Could this unexpected intervention lead to a resolution, a chance for unity instead of further division?As the dust settled and the tension hung heavy in the air, Lyra's father stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over the assembled packs. His voice softened, carrying a mix of concern and disappointment."We are wolves, born of the same moon, destined to protect and support one another," he began, his words infused with wisdom earned through years of leadership. "This strife between us
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Chapter 138
Chapter 28The path to the sacred land was arduous, fraught with peril and challenges that tested the resolve of the united packs. They traversed dense forests, crossed treacherous rivers, and faced mythical creatures that guarded the realm with fierce determination.Lyra, Xander, and Nathan led the way, their bond and love serving as a beacon of strength in the face of adversity. The dissidents, once sceptical, now fought alongside them, driven by the hope of a brighter future.As they ventured deeper into the mystical realm, tensions began to rise. The strain of the journey took its toll, fraying the fragile threads that held the united packs together. Doubts and insecurities resurfaced, threatening to unravel the unity they had fought so hard to achieve.Amidst the chaos, an unexpected revelation shook the foundations of their trust. A long-held secret came to light, casting shadows of doubt and betrayal over their united front. The dissidents, feeling deceived, questioned their
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Chapter 139
Chapter 30The air crackled with tension as the united packs stood at the precipice of their greatest challenge. The clash between light and darkness loomed before them, the battleground pulsating with anticipation. Hearts pounded, adrenaline surged, and determination coursed through their veins.Lyra, Xander, and Nathan stood at the forefront, their bond now stronger than ever. Each of them carried the weight of their choices and the love they shared, their destinies entwined in a tapestry of fate and desire.The clash began with a ferocity that matched the intensity of their emotions. Pack members fought side by side, their unity a formidable force against the encroaching darkness. The dissidents, once divided, now found solace in their shared purpose—to protect their pack, their fated mate, and the fragile hope that still burned within their hearts.Lyra's powers surged, fueled by her unwavering love and determination. She unleashed a wave of energy that pushed back against the a
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