All Chapters of REJECTED MATE: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
170 Chapters
Chapter 151
Millent and her loyal supporters, armed with the truth, confronted Evelyn in the heart of the werewolf community. The moon shone brightly overhead, casting an ethereal glow on the scene as tension filled the air."Evelyn, your deceit and treachery end here," Millent declared, her voice laced with determination. "Your envy has led you down a dark path, but we will not let your actions destroy what we have built."Evelyn sneered, her eyes burning with resentment. "You think you can stop me? I have the pack doubting you, questioning your every move. They will never believe your words over mine.""But they will believe the truth," Millicent replied, her gaze unwavering. "We have uncovered your lies, Evelyn. Your manipulation and attempts to tear us apart will be exposed."Chapter 12The pack stood behind Millent, their expressions a mix of anger and disappointment. They had been victims of Evelyn's cunning, but now they were determined to reclaim their unity and trust.One by one, pack me
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Chapter 152
Millent's family, upon hearing of the plight that had befallen her and the triplets, gathered in the comfort of their humble home. Their faces etched with concern, they huddled together, seeking solace in each other's presence.Her parents, John and Elizabeth, shared a bond forged by years of love and devotion. They had watched Millent grow from a spirited child into a courageous young woman. They knew the weight of her burden and the sacrifices she had made for their pack.John, a steadfast pillar of support, took Elizabeth's hand in his, his grip gentle yet firm. "Our daughter has faced unimaginable trials," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of sorrow and determination. "But she is strong, and her love for her triplets will guide her through this darkness."Elizabeth's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her voice filled with both pride and worry. "We have always believed in Millent's strength, in her capacity to overcome any challenge," she said, her words a whispered prayer. "B
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Chapter 153
Chapter 13 Millent's family, upon hearing of the plight that had befallen her and the triplets, gathered in the comfort of their humble home. Their faces etched with concern, they huddled together, seeking solace in each other's presence.Her parents, John and Elizabeth, shared a bond forged by years of love and devotion. They had watched Millent grow from a spirited child into a courageous young woman. They knew the weight of her burden and the sacrifices she had made for their pack.John, a steadfast pillar of support, took Elizabeth's hand in his, his grip gentle yet firm. "Our daughter has faced unimaginable trials," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of sorrow and determination. "But she is strong, and her love for her triplets will guide her through this darkness."Elizabeth's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her voice filled with both pride and worry. "We have always believed in Millent's strength, in her capacity to overcome any challenge," she said, her words a whispere
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Chapter 154
We carry that strength within us, and together, we will help Millent and the triplets break free from the curse that binds them."Millie, her eyes shining with determination, spoke up. "Our family's legacy is one of love overcoming adversity. We will draw upon the lessons of our parents, the strength of our bond, and the support of our pack to guide Millent towards her triumph."Ethan, the fire in his eyes burning bright, added, "Millent is not alone in this struggle. We will be her unwavering support, just as our parents were for each other. Together, we will break the curse and reunite our family."The pack rallied around John's revelation, their hearts united by a shared purpose. They knew that their family's legacy, intertwined with Millent's journey, held the key to their triumph. With the lessons of the past as their guide, they prepared to face the final chapter of their quest, ready to confront the curse that bound Millent and her triplets.John, his heart filled with the me
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Chapter 155
The Guardians spoke with voices that resonated through the very core of their beings. "To heal Millent, you must prove your unwavering devotion," they declared. "Each of you must face a personal trial—a test of sacrifice, courage, and unwavering love."Mike, Daniel, and Alex exchanged resolute glances, prepared to give everything for the chance to save Millent. They faced their trials with unwavering determination, their love fueling their every step.As the trials unfolded, Millent's condition grew increasingly dire. Time slipped through their fingers like sand in an hourglass. The pack waited with bated breath, their hearts heavy with concern.In a final, climactic moment, Millent's triplets, having triumphed over their trials, converged in the heart of the sanctuary. With tears streaming down their faces, they vowed to sacrifice their own lives if it meant saving Millent.Their sacrifice triggered a surge of otherworldly energy, permeating the realm of the ancient spirits. The air
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Chapter 156
Chapter 17Daniel, the agile and cunning of the triplets, weaved through the chaos, his swift movements striking with precision and finesse. Alex, with his strategic mind, orchestrated the pack's maneuvers, directing their attacks and ensuring their defenses held strong.The battle raged on, each clash of teeth and clash of power echoing through the forest. The pack fought as one, their unity and trust a shield against the relentless onslaught of the Darkfangs.Millent, driven by a fierce determination to protect her pack, unleashed a surge of raw energy. Her eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the burning moon above. With a primal roar, she tapped into the depths of her inner strength, unleashing a devastating force that sent shockwaves through the battlefield.As the tide of the battle turned, the Darkfangs began to falter. Their vicious attacks grew desperate as they realized the strength and resilience of the werewolf pack they faced. One by one, the Darkfangs fell under
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Chapter 157
With each strike, the Shadow Council's influence weakened. The facade they had carefully constructed crumbled under the weight of truth and unwavering resilience. Millent and her companions refused to be manipulated any longer.In a final, decisive blow, the Shadow Council was defeated. Their power shattered, their intentions exposed to the light of truth. The pack stood triumphant, their unity stronger than ever, their bonds reaffirmed.As the dust settled, Millent, Mike, Daniel, and Alex surveyed the battlefield, their hearts filled with a mix of relief and determination. They knew that their journey was far from over, that new challenges would arise, but they faced the future with unwavering resolve.The pack gathered around them, their gazes filled with admiration and gratitude. They had witnessed the unwavering strength and love of their leaders, and they stood ready to rebuild their pack, to heal the wounds of betrayal, and to forge a future steeped in trust and unity.Together,
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Chapter 158
As the days turned into weeks, Millent's radiant glow intensified. She nurtured the precious life within her with a fierce devotion, her bond with the triplets deepening as they eagerly awaited the arrival of their offspring.The pack rallied around Millent, showering her with love and support. They ensured her every need was met, offering comfort and protection during this special time. They knew that the future of their pack depended on the arrival of the next generation, and they reveled in the anticipation of the little ones who would carry their legacy forward.Millent embraced her pregnancy with grace and strength, cherishing the moments of connection she felt with her unborn children. She would often sit beneath the moonlit sky, her hand resting on her belly, whispering words of love and warmth to the precious lives growing within her.As the moon waned and waxed, signifying the passage of time, the day of birth drew near. Millent's contractions began, and the pack gathered ar
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Chapter 159
As they sat there, surrounded by the beauty of nature, their hearts entwined in love and laughter, they knew that the journey of parenthood would be an adventure unlike any other. They were ready to embrace every moment, cherishing the joy, the challenges, and the profound bond they shared as they welcomed their child into the world.And as the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow upon the trio and Millent, they relished in the knowledge that their child would grow up surrounded by laughter, love, and the unwavering support of their extraordinary family.With hearts filled with anticipation, they vowed to be the best fathers they could be, fostering an environment of love, acceptance, and boundless possibilities. Together, they would navigate the joys and trials of parenthood, united by a love that knew no bounds.And as they embraced, laughter and love echoing through the forest, Millent and the triplets felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the remarkable journey
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Chapter 160
The pack members supported one another, offering a helping hand and words of encouragement, their spirits unbroken despite the recent turmoil.Millent's child became a symbol of hope and rebirth, a testament to the strength and determination of their pack. The sight of the little one brought smiles to weary faces, rekindling a sense of joy and reminding them of the beautiful moments that lay ahead.Amidst the rebuilding, Millent, Mike, Daniel, and Alex sought solace in their newfound parenthood. They embraced their child with unwavering love, finding comfort in the innocence and purity that radiated from their little one.As the pack's wounds healed and the scars of battle began to fade, Millent and the triplets realized that their journey had come full circle. From the unexpected twists and challenges to the triumphs and unity, they had emerged stronger than ever before.The pack stood united, their bonds forged in the crucible of adversity. They had weathered the storm, proving tim
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