All Chapters of REJECTED MATE: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
170 Chapters
Chapter 140
With a shared glance, they silently vowed to protect their unity, to face whatever trials awaited them with unwavering resolve. The carnival had brought them together, but it was their collective strength and unwavering love that would carry them through the uncertain path that lay ahead.As the night continued, the carnival echoed with laughter and music, a testament to the bonds that had been forged. And under the watchful eyes of the moon, Lyra, Xander, and Nathan held onto each other, ready to face whatever destiny had in store for them.Amidst the revelry of the carnival, there were whispers in the shadows, carried by the wind and barely heard over the jclamourlamour RRumoursbegan to circulate, hinting at a lurking danger that threatened to unravel the hard-won unity of the packs.Lyra, Xander, and Nathan, ever vigilant, sensed the shifting undercurrents. Their instincts told them that their peaceful respite was about to be tested once again. They gathered their trusted allies
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Chapter 141
Lyra, once consumed by sorrow and disbelief, emerged as a beacon of strength. She channeled her anguish into a fierce determination to lead her pack through the storm. Her bond with Xander and Nathan only grew stronger as they vowed to stand united against any obstacle.Xander, his fury transformed into a resolute determination, became the embodiment of unwavering loyalty. He directed his anger toward the enemy, vowing to protect those he held dear and to expose any other hidden threats that might lurk in the shadows.Nathan, grappling with the betrayal he had endured, embraced introspection. He questioned the true nature of trust and the complexities of human relationships. As the moon ascended to its zenith, the fated mates and their united packs set out toward the battlefield, hearts and minds fortified with a renewed purpose. They were no longer just fighting against external foes; they were also fighting against the doubts and shadows that threatened their unity from within.Th
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Chapter 142
With the enemy vanquished and a newfound sense of unity prevailing, the packs set their sights on rebuilding. They worked tirelessly to mend the physical and emotional scars left by the battle. Together, they repaired the damaged structures of their territories, their shared efforts symbolizing the resilience of their bonds. As they rebuilt, the packs also reached out to neighbouring supernatural communities. They sought to establish alliances and foster harmonious relationships, realizing that unity extended beyond their packs. The fated mates and their packs dedicated themselves to creating a world where trust and unity thrived. They implemented systems of governance that prioritized fairness and inclusivity, ensuring that the voices of all pack members were heard and valued. By upholding the principles of equality and compassion, they fostered an environment in which individual strengths could shine while also recognizing the importance of collective progress. With time, t
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Chapter 143
Title: Fated Mates and Alpha TripletsBlurbMillent has lost all her previous fated mates to mysterious deaths, leaving her cursed and alone. But when the chance to contract with not one, but three alpha triplets arises, she is both tempted and terrified. As she starts her new life with her chosen alphas, she finds love and happiness in each of them, despite the challenges of having three mates. But their joy is short-lived as dark forces start to surface again.Together, Millent and her triplets must confront the curse that has haunted her for so long. As they uncover the truth behind the curse, Millent realizes that her true fated mates were the triplets all along. But breaking the curse is no easy feat, and with their lives at risk, Millent and her triplets must fight with everything they have.With determination and love as their weapons, Millent and her triplets face off against the curse and the forces behind it. But as the final battle approaches, they discover a fascinat
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Chapter 144
They burst through the trees into the werewolf community, where the other members of their pack had gathered, weapons at the ready. The triplets quickly joined the group, forming a protective circle around Millent.In the distance, they could see the shapes of several large wolves approaching, their eyes glowing with an eerie red light. The Moon Clan had come for them.Without hesitation, the pack charged forward, their weapons glinting in the moonlight. A fierce battle broke out, with werewolves snarling and slashing at each other with claws and fangs. Millent fought alongside her triplets, the rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins.The battle was intense and lasted for what seemed like hours, but in the end, the werewolf pack emerged victorious. The Moon Clan had been defeated, but not without casualties.As the pack mourned their losses, Millent held onto her triplets tightly, grateful for their love and protection. She knew that their journey was far from over and tha
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Chapter 145
Millent hesitated, staring at the pool of water in front of her. She had never attempted such a spell before, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to handle the consequences."Are you sure about this, Millent?" Mike asked, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.Millent took a deep breath and nodded. "I have to do this. I need to know who's behind the curse that's been haunting me for so long."With the triplets' encouragement, Millent closed her eyes and began to chant the spell. As she chanted, the water in the pool began to stir, forming ripples that grew more intense with each passing moment.Suddenly, a dark figure appeared in the centre of the pool, shrouded in mist and shadow. Millent gasped, recognizing the figure as the leader of the Moon Clan, the werewolf group responsible for her curse."Millent," the figure hissed, "you should have never meddled in our affairs. Now, you will suffer the consequences."Millent's heart raced as the figure disappeared back into the mis
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Chapter 146
Chapter 5 Millent took a moment to catch her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She quickly scanned the room, hoping to find any clue about the identity of their attackers and their motives. Among the wreckage, she noticed a torn piece of parchment with a symbol she had never seen before.Carefully picking it up, Millent examined the symbol. It was intricate and seemed to hold a mystical energy. The sight of it sent a shiver down her spine as if it held a hidden power that she couldn't comprehend."This symbol... it's unlike anything I've seen," Millent murmured, showing it to the triplets.Alex furrowed his brow. "I don't recognize it either. But whoever these werewolves were, they were desperate to find them."Mike groaned in pain, slowly regaining consciousness. "What happened?" he asked, his voice weak.Millent helped him sit up, concern etched on her face. "We were attacked, but we managed to fend them off. They were after something, but we're not sure what."Daniel join
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Chapter 147
Daniel stepped forward, his words carrying a persuasive tone. "We understand the need for caution, for prudence. But let us not forget the battles we have fought together, the victories we have achieved. Our bond has been a source of strength, of unity. It has never compromised our loyalty to this pack, and it never will."Alex, with his calming presence, added, "We ask for your trust, your faith in us. We are determined to navigate the complexities of this forbidden bond with honour and integrity. Let us work together, united, to face whatever challenges lie ahead."The pack fell into contemplative silence, the weight of their decision heavy upon their shoulders. Millent, the triplets, and the entire pack awaited the ruling, knowing that the fate of their intertwined destinies rested in the hands of their fellow werewolves.The outcome would shape not only Millent and the triplets' place within the pack but also the pack's view on forbidden bonds as a whole. It was a pivotal momen
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Chapter 148
Millent and the triplets exchanged glances, their resolve unwavering. They knew that their love and unity had brought them strength, and they believed in the power of their bond to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.As Ethan finished speaking, a wave of murmurs rippled through the pack, their voices expressing a range of opinions. Some werewolves expressed doubt, fearing the ramifications of defying tradition. Others, however, voiced their support for Millent and the triplets, recognizing the strength of their bond and the potential it held for their pack.A moment of quiet reflection ensued, as each werewolf contemplated their stance on the matter. Millent felt a mixture of hope and trepidation, her heart pounding with anticipation.Then, one by one, the pack members began to step forward, casting their votes. The air was thick with anticipation as the ballot box filled, symbolizing the weight of their collective decision.Finally, the voting came to an end, and the moment of t
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Chapter 150
Millent felt her heart quicken, her hand instinctively reaching for the hands of her triplets. The moment had arrived, and they were ready to face it together."The Trial of the Heart will push you to your limits," Alpha Marcus continued, his gaze fixed on Millent and the triplets. "It will test your unwavering commitment to each other and our pack. Only by confronting the depths of your hearts will you emerge stronger and fully embrace your destiny."The pack watched with bated breath as Millent, Mike, Daniel, and Alex stepped forward, their hands intertwined, their eyes locked in a shared resolve. The Trial of the Heart awaited them, a crucible in which their bond would be forged anew.Without hesitation, they entered the sacred grove, the ancient trees whispering secrets of trials past. The air hummed with energy, anticipation intertwining with apprehension.Inside the grove, they faced a series of challenges, each one designed to test a different aspect of their bond. They encount
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