All Chapters of My Stubborn Heart-Stealing Ex: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
929 Chapters
Chapter 121
Nora was devastated. “I’d also like to know!”She also wanted to know why she still had no boyfriend when she was twenty-two years old. She had absolutely zero experience in love. The little girl with big black eyes thought for a while before comforting her, “Aunt, don’t worry, your prince will drive his pumpkin carriage to come and marry you soon.”“…”What was this all about?Nora was only twenty-two years old, so why should she be in a hurry? She was not in a rush at all; she was only depressed that a few girls in the same dormitory as her would always make fun of her because she had zero experience in love.She held Autumn in her arms, then closed her eyes, and cried, “You cried to me and said that all fairy tales are lies—"Autumn was instantly scared away by her and jumped off to find her grandmother.… In the restaurant.Ryan and Julian walked in side by side. After walking a few steps, Julian could not help but turn his head to glance in the direction where Nora and
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Chapter 122
They met each other during work when they took charge of their respective companies. When they met, Ryan and Silvia were already married, so Julian did not know much about Ryan’s first love.Ryan silently took a sip of his wine.On the afternoon of the day when he issued that public statement, Mariah’s nurse had called him and said that Mariah lost control of her emotions when she saw his statement. She howled and screamed hysterically in the room, and the nurse had to give Mariah a sedative. He knew that Mariah would be irritated, so he was already mentally prepared. After receiving the call from the nurse, he went to visit Mariah in the villa. Mariah’s eyes were red and swollen from crying. As soon as she saw him, she complained frantically, “Ryan, are we ordinary friends? Are we really ordinary friends? I’ve loved you for so many years and you love me too, don’t you? If it wasn’t for your father, Silvia, or Rowan back then, we would still be together now! We would have alr
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Chapter 123
“He said that he hated that you were born and took away everything that originally belonged to him. He said that he hated that you were living so happily and had both love and Pierce Group. He said that he also hated your parents, your family, and everything about the Pierces! He said that he must destroy you! That’s why he took me away and tortured me, just so he could see you in pain!”Mariah’s words managed to intensify the gloominess in his eyes. If this was really Rowan’s ultimate goal, he would not continue sitting without doing anything any longer. He should take the initiative to attack and uproot Rowan so as to eliminate any future problems. Julian was used to his silence. After taking a sip of wine, he said, “I won’t care about the project anymore in the future. Besides, I’ve already done all the public relations work before this. Since you caused all these problems, you’ll have to take care of it yourself when that old French man comes then.”“I will choose to go on a
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Chapter 124
“Why should I go? It’s your problem if you can’t handle her, so does it have anything to do with me?” Julian used what Ryan had said earlier against Ryan himself. Ryan frowned. “You’re different from me. She is determined not to contact me now, but if you come forward and ask her for help as a friend, based on her temperament, she might help you.”Julian felt that Ryan’s words made some sense, but he also did not forget to seize the opportunity to mock him. “It’s not like you to retreat and back off before you’ve even started. Didn’t you once swear that you would be able to handle a young girl? Why don’t you have any confidence now?”Ryan’s expression instantly darkened. He could definitely manage and control her if she had her previous gentle personality, but unexpectedly, she suddenly turned into such a tough woman. He raised the wine glass in front of him, raised his head, and drank it all in one go.Ryan never thought that Silvia would be so ruthless to him one day. He n
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Chapter 125
He remembered the way she used to look at him, which was so intense and eager.He remembered that she was not good at cooking, but she’d learned to cook for him after they got married.He remembered how she would get up early every morning to prepare a delicious breakfast for him. He remembered how she studied how to make the perfect cup of coffee for him, and how she carefully ironed his clothes for him, and so forth. When they first got married, he’d discussed things with her and said that he would hire a housekeeper to do these trivial things. What was her reply at the time? She put her arms around his waist and nestled in his arms, then smiled and shook her head as she refused. “No, no, I want to do everything for you personally. I enjoy this feeling.”He did not force her again then.It was already quite late after dinner with Julian, so Ryan went straight home. He had spent several nights in a row with his daughter, so he felt a little uncomfortable when she was not aro
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Chapter 126
To be honest, Ryan had always been frustrated when facing Mr. Alberich, because Mr. Alberich had always shown only hostility to him.In the past before he got divorced, he could be unscrupulous and reckless because of Silvia’s love for him.However, now that he and Silvia were divorced and no one would speak up for him anymore, he obviously felt a little powerless when he faced Mr. Alberich. He also understood how Mr. Alberich felt as a father when he told his daughter the bedtime story that night. After thinking a lot about it from that angle, now that he was facing Mr. Alberich again, he suddenly felt that he was a jerk for having bullied someone else’s daughter and trampled on her wishes like that.However, despite the emotions in his heart, he had no choice but to go forward at this time. “Uncle—"He greeted Mr. Alberich politely. Mr. Alberich was originally instructed by Mrs. Alberich to go to the market to buy a few vegetables for dinner but when he saw Ryan, he became an
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Chapter 127
“I’m sorry, Mr. Pierce, are you hurt?”Ryan felt a chill in his heart when he heard Mrs. Alberich addressing him as ‘Mr. Pierce’.When he came to deliver Silvia’s suitcase the last time, her mother had addressed him as ‘Ryan’ in a pleasant manner at the door. This time, she addressed him as ‘Mr. Pierce’ directly.The intention to draw a line between them was obvious and thorough. “I’m fine.”He forced a smile, then pointed at the suitcase at his feet. “These are some of Silvia’s belongings that were left at my house.”He suddenly felt extremely depressed and he did not want to say anything anymore.“Please pass it to her. I’ll leave first.”He then turned around and got into his car before driving away. After Ryan left, Mrs. Alberich scolded Mr. Alberich angrily, “What do you think you’re doing?! Didn’t Silvia already tell you that you should simply pretend that you don’t know him when you see him in the future? What did you do? You even hit him a few times!” Mr. Alberic
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Chapter 128
She was instantly in high spirits as she walked home with the books in her hand. In fact, she did not want to be a full-time wife when she decided to marry Ryan. She also thought about having her own job and also wanted to survive and gain a place in society by virtue of her own efforts.However, she’d had a miscarriage not long after she got married and had to recuperate at home. The miscarriage had done a lot of damage to her mentally, and she did not come out of it for a long time. She almost had a nervous breakdown and nearly fell into depression.During that time, the public’s evaluation of her miscarriage was extremely vitriolic and vicious. They said that her miscarriage was her retribution for the tricks she’d used to get ahead. There were even speculations in the media that the Pierces would kick her out in no time.Such comments were a nightmare for Silvia, who had always lived in a simple world.These harsh words also succeeded in causing her to break down emotionally.
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Chapter 129
Mr. Alberich was afraid that Silvia would get angry so he hurriedly explained again, “Don’t worry, I hit him with scallions so he definitely won’t be hurt.”Silvia raised her hand and rubbed her forehead. It was not a question of whether Ryan was hurt or not, but her father’s behavior was really too… too childish!But Silvia really could not get angry anymore when she looked at her father’s nervous expression, where he seemed so afraid that Silvia would be mad at him.Mrs. Alberich comforted her from the side. “I’ve already reprimanded him for a long time just now. He should know what to do when he sees Ryan Pierce again in the future. Go and wash your hands, and prepare to eat dinner. You should also unpack the suitcase.”“Mm.”Silvia glanced at the suitcase and pushed it back into the room.Mr. Alberich glanced at her and muttered softly, “I’ll be rude to him if we meet again in the future.”Mrs. Alberich was furious. “Do whatever you like. When the time comes and he reports y
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Chapter 130
She felt that he was simply being unreasonable!She still felt bad for him at first because her father hit him with the scallions, but she felt that he deserved it now!As soon as Ryan drove out of Silvia’s neighborhood, he stopped the car because of the smell of scallions on his clothes. He took off his coat and threw it on the back seat angrily, then stopped driving and started smoking a cigarette alone.He did not get to see her the last time, and he did not see her again this time. If he did the math carefully, he had not seen her for almost a week now from the day he stopped her at the airport, which was almost equivalent to the number of days they did not see each other when he’d gone on long business trips in the past. Why did he feel so awkward?He happened to finish smoking the pack of cigarettes that he carried on him, so he raised his hand to get the cigarettes from the glove compartment. Instead, he found the divorce certificate. He had been keeping the divorce ce
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