All Chapters of My Stubborn Heart-Stealing Ex: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
929 Chapters
Chapter 131
Back then, the lecturer also said that they should get into mechanics if they wanted to engage in trade. There were not many processes, the trade was not diversified, and the processes were even simpler for large machinery. Therefore, Silvia preferred the machinery factory out of these two factories.However, this was just her personal preference. She decided to attend the interview for both factories. After all, she had no right to choose in such a situation and could only wait to be chosen. If the garment factory chose to hire her, she would accept the offer.She simply needed a job quickly and could not afford to pick and choose. The interview at the machinery factory was scheduled for Friday morning, but the interview for the garment factory was scheduled for Saturday morning. The person in charge of contacting her said that the factory manager would be going abroad to participate in a trade fair next week and would not be back for a month or so. As a result, the manager co
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Chapter 132
Ryan frowned. “What do you mean? Shouldn’t she be the one visiting the child today?”The driver smiled. “I’m not sure about that.”He was just following orders. Ryan turned around and entered the building. The more he thought about it, the angrier he was. That woman was really shameless. She actually expected the driver to send their daughter there when it was time for her to visit their daughter?How could she have such pleasant dreams?As soon as he got out of the elevator where Nora’s house was, he saw his mother, Ophelia, opening the door and leading his daughter, who was fully dressed and seemed extremely excited, to go out.He was very displeased and stopped them.“Why isn’t her mother coming today?”The little girl took the initiative to explain to him, “Mama said last night that she has a job interview in the morning, so Grandma said to ask the driver to send me there instead so I can see Grandma and Grandpa too.”A job interview? This word sounded incomparably
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Chapter 133
Ryan stopped them again.“Can you rest assured by handing the child over to the driver on such a long journey?”“What’s there to worry about? Our family has been using this driver for many years, and I specially called a driver who drives steadily—"Ophelia instantly understood her son’s intention upon saying this and felt very helpless. She decided to fulfill her son’s wish. “It’s the weekend, I suppose. If you’re free, it’d be best if you can drive and send Autumn there yourself, then.”The little girl also instantly cocked her small face to invite him as she said, “Papa, do you have time? I hope that you can drive me there so we can talk on the way. I have nothing to say to the driver, so the journey will be very boring!”Ryan eventually drove their daughter, Autumn, to Silvia’s house. The driver, who had been recruited early in the morning, was sent back by Ophelia. …Silvia went to the garment factory early in the morning to wait for her interview. While she was waiting
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Chapter 134
“Good luck with your interview.”Silvia was so angry that she hung up the phone directly. The tone of his voice was clearly mocking her, mocking her for going out of her way to find a job.Therefore, she had to try her best during the interview later. She had to do her best to grab this job opportunity and use her own ability to shut his mouth!She had already decided to give up on the job at the machinery factory where she’d been interviewed in the morning yesterday—she felt that the factory manager was too wretched. He kept staring at her chest during the interview and also asked her questions that were completely irrelevant and unrelated to the interview. As she wrote that she was divorced and had little work experience, the manager kept asking her why she wanted a divorce.He also kept hinting that he was interested in him and that as a divorced single woman, it would be better for her to find a rich and powerful man that she could rely on.Silvia was so angry that she almos
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Chapter 135
The other people who were done with their interviews gathered in twos or threes to discuss amongst themselves. Silvia wanted to join in the discussion too, but as soon as she was about to speak, her cell phone rang again.When she saw that it was a phone call from Ryan again, she instinctively hung up.After the unhappy phone call just now, she did not want to talk to him at all. She had nothing to say to him.As a result, after she hung up the phone, he sent another text message: “Send me the address of the factory where you are interviewing.”Silvia suddenly had a bad premonition when she saw his text message. Could it be that he was personally sending their daughter here? As she thought of this, she hurriedly called him back and he answered the phone quickly. She prayed that it would not be the answer that she was thinking of. “Why are you asking for the address where I’m interviewing at?”“Autumn said that she wants to see you as soon as possible.”“…”It was really hi
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Chapter 136
Silvia was very nervous. She thought that even if she was not offered the job position this time, she wanted the opportunity to go for the second interview at least so that she could gain some confidence and she would not lack confidence when she continued looking for a job later. Fortunately, her name finally appeared on the list of candidates for the second interview. She said excitedly to herself many times, “Silvia, you can do it! Silvia, you can do it!” The remaining few of them went through a second interview one by one. This time, they were mainly asked questions about their salary expectations and other issues that were most relevant to the actual situation. Silvia told them everything honestly and truthfully. After the second round of interviews, the trade department manager discussed the results with the manager again and asked them to go out and wait. While waiting, she received another text message from Ryan: “We are here. Where are you?” Silvia was nervously wait
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Chapter 137
So, she simply smiled and pointed in the direction of the washroom.“I drank too much water just now, so I’m going to the washroom.”She then walked toward the washroom, avoiding answering Christina’s question. She wrote her divorce down on her resume, but only Miss Cullen and Mr. Snow should know about this. She believed that as leaders, they would definitely keep this secret for her. She did not want to make her divorce public. After all, this was not a positive thing.Silvia deliberately stayed in the washroom a little longer so she could avoid going with Christina. Ryan and their daughter were still waiting outside, and she did not want to be seen by others. Silvia only came out of the washroom when she heard no more movement outside, then she hurriedly walked toward the main entrance. The office building in the factory was still some distance away from the main entrance. Silvia’s steps were a little anxious. Now that the interview was over, all she could think about was
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Chapter 138
“What’s there to be happy about working in such a small and rundown factory?”His tone was very disdainful and he even had a disgusted look in his eyes. Silvia wanted to argue with him, but she then thought about why she should waste her time arguing with him. How could someone as high and mighty as him, who had power over so many people’s lives, possibly understand her mood or how difficult it was for someone as insignificant as her to even find a job?Pierce Group’s office building was in the most expensive prime location in Detroit. How could the factory here compare to his high-class and expensive office building?But Silvia was very satisfied and felt that having a job was God’s gift to her. So, she pretended that she did not hear his mocking words. She hugged her daughter, then said to him, “Thank you for sending Autumn here today. You can go and get busy first, I will take Autumn home in a taxi.”Ryan almost passed out from anger. He drove their daughter all the way to h
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Chapter 139
But someone did not give her a chance to leave at all. He came over and picked their daughter up, then snatched their daughter’s suitcase from her hand, and stuffed both the suitcase and their daughter into the car. Silvia was extremely angry and speechless. He stood by the car and glared at her angrily. “Get in the car!” Before Silvia could say anything, he spoke up again with a cold expression. “Do you want me to put you into the car too?!”Silvia was not angry anymore when she faced his arrogant and unreasonable attitude.Why should she get angry at him? He was a capricious psychopath, and according to her observations, his condition was getting worse and worse. Instead of continuing to go against him, she simply walked over and got into the car. She sat in the back seat with her daughter. She would treat this as if she was hitchhiking a ride in a stranger’s car. Besides, she was also in a hurry to take her daughter home. Ryan then got into the car, started the car, an
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Chapter 140
He was just angry,As soon as he heard her describing to Miya how the old man was looking at her lewdly, he felt extremely furious as he was on fire, and he wanted to gouge the old man’s eyeballs out!Silvia laughed faintly, but her smile was not sincere at all. “Why should I tell you? Are you going to deal with that factory manager?”Silvia sat up straight in the back seat. Her smile seemed even calmer as she said, “Ryan Pierce, what rights do you have to deal with him? Not to mention that he hasn’t even done anything to me yet. Even if he did something to me, what angle are you going to take to deal with him? Don’t forget that we are already divorced.” She reminded him word by word in a clear and cold voice. “And don’t you forget that I’m ‘just a woman that you’ll never fall in love with in this life’!”After that, she looked away and refused to look at him or speak to him anymore. After all, she was aggrieved. She felt angry that all she got in return for her many years of ded
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