All Chapters of My Stubborn Heart-Stealing Ex: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
929 Chapters
Chapter 141
Ryan still had lingering fears over Mr. Alberich’s brutality the last time, so he still let Silvia go although he was very reluctant. Silvia hurriedly took a step back as she pulled away from him and avoided him as if he was a scourge. “There is already nothing to talk about between us long ago. You can leave first. I will send Autumn back.” After saying that, she turned around and walked home.Mrs. Alberich hugged Autumn at the door. She pushed a very angry Mr. Alberich back into the house, not allowing him to stay outside and cause trouble.Ryan obviously had something to say to their daughter.Mrs. Alberich felt that Ryan’s behavior in the past few days was a little abnormal. He came personally to deliver their daughter’s suitcase and even drove Autumn over personally. Could it be that he still had so much affection for their daughter? It was just that she did not know how much this affection was—after all, there was a big difference between one point and nine points.Ry
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Chapter 142
“If it’s not convenient for you, I have the doctor’s business card here and I can give you his phone number. You can make an appointment with him and get him to come to your house to take a look at you.”After Silvia said this, she walked past him and sprinted back home, leaving him outside abruptly. Only then did Ryan realize that the Springfield Hospital that she mentioned was the most famous psychiatric hospital in Detroit.The reason why she had the doctor’s business card was because she suffered from depression after her miscarriage and had gone there to see a psychiatrist there once. She really made him angry.She was going in circles just to curse at him and say that he was crazy!But no matter how angry he was, there was nothing he could do. She had already returned home without even looking back. He simply stood there and looked at the closed door of her house, and suddenly felt extremely depressed.He drove so far so early in the morning to bring their daughter to
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Chapter 143
”Silvia already explained that Ryan Pierce sent their daughter to meet her today. But he’s always given me the impression that he’s very proud and condescending, especially in front of Silvia. How could he be so gracious to send Autumn all the way to meet Silvia?”Wendy said indignantly, “One who is offering unsolicited hospitality must be harboring evil intentions.”Silvia burst into laughter when she saw this, but after laughing, she also thought about it carefully. Why was he the one who came to drop their daughter off today? Last night, Ophelia had clearly agreed to send a driver to drop Autumn off.As she was unable to figure it out, she opened the door and called her daughter who was having fun with her parents outside. Autumn’s face was red as she ran in while smiling. She asked her, “Mama, are you looking for me for something?”Silvia squatted down and asked her daughter in a low voice, “I want to ask you something. Didn’t your grandmother say yesterday that the driver wi
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Chapter 144
This was followed by: “Sisters, I’m dying.”After that, there were no more text messages from her.Silvia guessed that Wendy must be in so much pain that she did not even have the strength to speak.Since Wendy was about to give birth, Silvia was not in the mood to do anything and she simply waited for news from Wendy.During this period, she received a call from Ryan, asking where she planned to take their daughter to play in the next two days. She did not think that it had anything to do with him at all, so she gave him a vague answer. He then said that he found a hotel nearby where he could stay, so if she wanted to take their daughter out by car, she could notify him.Silvia almost broke down emotionally when she read that.She called him angrily. “We can just take a taxi when we want to go out to play. We don’t need your car, thank you. You should just go and do whatever you should be doing. For example, leaving this place.”Silvia did not hide the fact that she did not w
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Chapter 145
After returning to live with her parents for the past few days, she realized that her parents’ health was not as good as they had always said over the phone. She even saw her mother secretly taking medicine. When she took a look at the medicine her mother had taken, she found that it was an anti-inflammatory drug. It was only after she asked her mother repeatedly that her mother finally told her that her gallbladder was not in good condition. She’d gone to the hospital for a checkup and the doctor told her that she had cholecystitis so she could not eat anything that was too greasy or get angry.Silvia felt very guilty. Her mother was taking medicine again these days, so it must be because she was troubled by the divorce and had gotten angry.Therefore, she did not want to tell them these things anymore. She did not want them to worry about her anymore.She should live a good life and work hard so they could feel at ease. While Mrs. Alberich was preparing lunch in the kitchen,
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Chapter 146
Her introduction was particularly detailed. She did not only introduce the food to him but she also introduced the interesting places in the city and some interesting cultures to him. She wanted him to learn more about the city she grew up in and thus learn more about her.She’d introduced the beautiful scenery, food, as well as the beauty to him.The so-called beauty, of course, was referring to her. At that time, she was shameless and referred to herself as a beauty. It was his first time coming to her house and she kept pestering him in her room. She’d showed him photos of herself from childhood to adulthood, then introduced each photo to him.She knew that she was very noisy at the time, but she was just desperate for him to get to know her, and she desperately wanted him to fall in love with her. He listened to her with slight interest and he finally could not take it anymore when she continued chattering endlessly. He pushed her on the bed, saying that he did not need to
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Chapter 147
He organized his words as best as he could. “You should also get well soon for your parents’ sake.”Mariah was very sad and she began to sob as she said, “Ryan, can you come here for a while? I feel very, very upset. I used to be the pride of my parents, but now that I’ve become like this, I really don’t want to live anymore.”Ryan suddenly felt a little annoyed when faced with Mariah’s crying.Some women whom he wanted to see cry and show weakness simply refused to do so. She was so stubborn that it made people feel resentful.Meanwhile, some women whom he wanted to be stronger simply cried all day long.Mariah was the latter and a certain woman was the former.Ryan’s mood became even more irritable when he inexplicably thought of Silvia again. “I’m out of town now so I can’t go back. Don’t think too much, just go to bed early.”Mariah refused to hang up the phone.“Ryan, don’t leave me alone. I’m really scared. I’m afraid that Rowan will find me, I’m afraid that I’ll go cra
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Chapter 148
“I’d have forgotten if you didn’t mention it. When Autumn came here the last time, she really loved playing at the park here. Her grandfather said that he was going to take her out to play today. Since you have time, you can come over and pick them up.”In fact, her daughter did not say that she wanted to go out and play. Silvia was just using her father’s trick to make him back off so that he would stop bothering them.He had been beaten several times by her father with scallions the last time so he probably had lingering fears when he saw her father now. Silvia felt that he definitely would not dare to come if she heard that her father would be going out with Autumn.Sure enough, as soon as Ryan heard that Autumn’s grandfather would be taking her to the park, he immediately fell silent. She was glad to be free at last. “Goodbye.”He continued questioning her without giving up on the other end of the line, “Wouldn’t you be going along?”She casually replied, “I have other thi
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Chapter 149
After breakfast, Autumn walked out the door happily with her grandfather. Autumn wanted to pester Silvia to come along, but Silvia did not want to spend any time with Ryan at all, so she had to tell Autumn that she would be starting work soon and had a lot of preparations to do. She somehow managed to coax Autumn in this way.Ryan had been waiting outside. Silvia went out to call him once when their daughter was washing up and having breakfast. She asked him politely to have a seat inside the house to wait. After all, it was not good to keep him waiting outside.But he did not come in himself. Silvia felt that someone as proud as him must not be able to stand her father’s cold attitude toward him after he entered the house. After calling him, if he did not come in, Silvia’s task would have been completed. She turned around and walked home. He stopped her and asked unwillingly, “Are you sure you don’t want to come along?”“I have to start work tomorrow and I need to prepare many th
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Chapter 150
“If she finds another man again this time, her mother and I will definitely keep an eye on her this time no matter what it is. We will make sure that she finds someone who treats her well this time. What’s the point if she finds someone that she likes but the man does not like her back? In the end, she will be the one getting hurt.”Mr. Alberich glanced at him. “However, after having suffered a loss, I believe that she has also learned to be smart. She will definitely find a man who treats her well in the future.”Mr. Alberich’s words were clearly aimed at Ryan. Mr. Alberich wanted Ryan to know that there were men who were willing to cherish those whom he did not know how to cherish.His daughter might not mean anything to Ryan, but she would be a treasure to other people. After Mr. Alberich was done speaking, he turned his attention to the little girl on the carousel and ignored Ryan.He glanced at Ryan out of the corner of his eye, watching as he turned around and walked out, t
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