All Chapters of My Stubborn Heart-Stealing Ex: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
929 Chapters
Chapter 161
He would only be willing to use his actions to show love and care for her like the way Caleb was treating Wendy, if she had a place in his heart.Wendy looked at Ryan, who had turned around to leave the ward, then covered her mouth and laughed. Her anger was relieved as she whispered to Silvia, “He’s embarrassed.”She then looked at her husband, Caleb, and praised him unabashedly. “Honey, you’re amazing!”Wendy was complimenting Caleb because his care and considerate warmth toward her had clearly provoked Ryan.Caleb glanced in the direction where Ryan had left, then looked at Silvia and suddenly asked her, “Did Ethan call you?” Silvia was still a little confused when she heard Ethan’s name at first. “No, no he didn’t—"She hadn’t contacted Ethan in the past few years, and the only medium through which she could get news about Ethan was the media.She also knew about Ethan’s life in the past few years. She knew that his career was developing very well, as well as which movi
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Chapter 162
Needless to say, Wendy did not welcome him, so it was impossible for her to invite him.As for Caleb, he considered that his good friend, Ethan, would definitely be there that day, so he did not invite Ryan either.Caleb also felt that they were actually Silvia’s friends, so now that Ryan and Silvia were divorced, they had nothing to do with him and it wouldn’t be inappropriate if they didn’t extend an invitation to him.In the parking lot at the hospital. Silvia felt that her encounter with Ryan today should end here. He could drive Autumn home directly, and she could take a taxi to the bus stop to catch a bus home.She originally thought that she would take her daughter to take the bus. After arriving in Detroit, she would take a taxi to the hospital, then take her daughter back to Ophelia’s place and exchange pleasantries with Ophelia, which would take a while. She thought that she would have to take the last bus back in the afternoon but she ended up saving a lot of time beca
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Chapter 163
She was really reluctant to leave her daughter. Ryan also opened the door and got out of the car. When he saw that her eyes were red, he snorted angrily.Silvia knew what he meant by snorting. He was expressing his contempt as if he was saying, “Look, you’re the one who wanted to get divorced, so both you and our child are suffering.”Silvia knew that he would react this way. He always thought that the divorce was her fault and that she was unreasonable for finding fault for no reason. He always thought that he was not at fault.Silvia was in no mood to argue with him now. Since he thought that he was not wrong, he could continue thinking that way.He stood in front of the car. Silvia glanced at him and said, “Thank you for today. Goodbye.”She then lowered her head and tried to walk past him.Ryan pulled her back and said inexplicably, “I meant the words that I said the last time.”Perhaps the two of them had a tacit understanding after being together for such a long time, so
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Chapter 164
It was a heinous crime to go against the rules, even just a little.After Silvia ran into the bus station, Ryan stood in place and raised his hand to wipe his lips, which still seemed to be stained with the scent of the fragrance of her lips.It made his heart sway.After standing like that for a while, he turned around and returned to the car.Autumn in the back seat watched the two people’s every move very carefully as they stood outside. After Ryan started the car and drove away, she asked him curiously, “Papa, do you like Mama?”It was said that children had no inhibitions when they spoke.Ryan was dumbfounded by his daughter’s question.Did he like her? He suddenly did not know how to answer this question, so he turned and asked his daughter, “Why do you ask that?”Autumn put her hands on her cheeks and answered adorably, “Aunt Nora said that you will only be willing to kiss someone if you like them.”As her aunt had instilled such thoughts in her, Autumn took it for gran
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Chapter 165
After Mariah told him that his father, Greg, had forced her to be with Rowan, he had always felt a tinge of guilt toward Mariah; after all, Mariah’s current miserable fate was caused by his father.Before Ryan went to the place, Mariah had just gone crazy once, tearing up the piano score until it was scattered all over the piano room for no other reason other than because her nurse had come back from a trip to the hospital and had told Mariah that she saw Ryan and his family of three in the hospital.Mariah thought she had heard her wrongly at first. How could it be their family of three? He and Silvia were already divorced, right?As far as she knew, Silvia had already returned to her hometown to live in the city where her parents were and she was isolated from everything here in Detroit. However, after Mariah saw the photos that the nurse had secretly taken, she realized that it was really the three of them.He was carrying their daughter and Silvia was walking next to them.H
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Chapter 166
Mariah turned around and left after explaining this to the nurse.After Ryan answered the phone and went upstairs, the nurse came to meet him. He asked, “How is she doing these days?”The nurse answered him according to Mariah’s instructions. “She’s doing much better and she’s cooperating with treatment every day.”Ryan’s brows relaxed a little. The nurse went on to say, “Miss Mariah just finished playing the piano for a while and has gone back to the bedroom now.”When he heard that, Ryan grunted and went upstairs. He raised his hand and knocked on the door when he arrived in front of Mariah’s bedroom. After Mariah answered him from inside, it took a while before she opened the door for him but the scene that caught his eyes caused his expression to change in an instant. Mariah was wearing a black silk halter nightdress. The hem of the nightdress only reached her hips. She was not wearing lingerie, and her exquisite body could be seen at a glance. Mariah opened the door, wal
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Chapter 167
“I’m sorry, just now I—"“I’m the one who should say sorry.”Ryan quickly interrupted her. Mariah was a little puzzled , but he did not explain further and simply changed the topic. “The nurse said that you’ve been cooperating with the treatment in the past few days?”“Mm-hmm.”Mariah nodded, walked over, and sat down on the soft stool in front of the piano. “Didn’t you say that I should get well soon for my parents’ sake? I thought about it and reflected a lot after you hung up the phone that day. I had been blindly immersed in my own sadness, which only caused my loved ones to get hurt and make my enemies happy.”Mariah’s expression was very serious and firm.“My parents are getting old, and I’m their only child. If I continue going on like this, what will they do in the future? I should hurry up and get better, find a job, and work hard to earn money to support myself and my parents.”Mariah’s words caused Ryan’s slightly frowning brows to relax a little. “I’m glad you
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Chapter 168
Surprisingly, he did not have any physical reaction just now when Mariah was dressed like that in front of him. The first thing that came to his mind was the one time when Silvia also wore pajamas of almost the same style, which stimulated him, and he could only give up halfway through dealing with his emails to hug her and have sexual intercourse with her.This thought made him feel a little annoyed, especially when he thought of how she scolded him and called him disgusting when he kissed her today, which was why he’d deliberately allowed Mariah to approach him just to get that damn woman out of his mind. However, before Mariah could kiss him, he could not take it anymore and pushed her away. This was why he apologized to Mariah. So, he called Julian again and asked Julian to help him find another woman.He needed a woman desperately now to prove that he did not necessarily want that particular woman.Julian was surprised when he heard Ryan’s words. “What’s this about?”Rya
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Chapter 169
Ryan had dinner with Julian and was slightly tipsy after he drank a lot of wine. Julian had already booked a room for Ryan and prepared a so-called woman for Ryan. As soon as Ryan opened the door to the room, he was greeted with an array of women in front of him. There was a row of women dressed provocatively (basically almost naked) standing beside the bed. Some of them were standing and some were sitting. All of them had provocative postures as they looked at him seductively. Julian smiled and explained, “You said ‘anything,’ but I really don’t know your preferences. After all, you haven’t had a woman outside for so many years, so I had to find a few more ladies for you to choose from.”Ryan had a terribly ugly expression on his face and almost instantly sobered up. He even felt a bit of a headache coming up.Julian pointed at those women and said, “You can choose.”Ryan wanted to throw Julian out. When Julian saw that Ryan had been standing at the door without respondin
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Chapter 170
Silvia felt that it was incomprehensible. Both Wendy and Caleb were her friends and they had nothing to do with him. They were divorced so why was he still getting involved in their affairs? Why was he giving them a red envelope?Wendy also had a headache.“I don’t know. We didn’t want to accept the red envelope, but that person kept insisting on giving it to us. He said that he’s also acting under his boss’s orders so we should not make things difficult for him.”“He’s nuts!”Silvia cursed angrily. “We initially didn’t want to invite Ryan to the celebration for the baby’s monthsary but it wouldn’t be appropriate if we didn’t invite him after he gave us a red envelope. However, both you and Ethan will also be coming on that day.”Wendy was very worried. She was such a simple person but was overwhelmed because of a red envelope from Ryan. Silvia also had a headache. Her ex-husband and former suitor being in the same scene was indeed too embarrassing.Moreover, many of the pe
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