All Chapters of My Stubborn Heart-Stealing Ex: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
929 Chapters
Chapter 171
The new job was a big challenge for Silvia. After she reported to the factory personnel on Monday, Miss Cullen brought her to the trade department. The trade department was on the second floor of the factory office building. There were actually only four people in the department.Aside from Miss Cullen, Christina and herself, who were the newcomers, there was another man who looked about twenty-seven to twenty-eight years old. When he introduced himself, he told Silvia that she could call him Ashton. Miss Cullen faced two empty desks and told Silvia, “The reason why we asked you to come to work in such a hurry is because the two previous employees resigned and left.”Miss Cullen was helpless.“It can’t be helped. Many graduates from universities use factories like ours as a springboard to work for a year or two. After accumulating experience, they would then jump ship to trading companies in big cities. Of course, you can also do the same. It’s understandable that people will co
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Chapter 172
Honesty and integrity.The two most basic principles in life.The weather was gradually getting warmer and after going through the various departments in the workshop, Silvia was already sweating from the heat, but she was feeling enthusiastic and full of energy.After returning to the office, Miss Cullen told Silvia about her specific job scope. Now that she had just arrived, she did not have any clients of her own, so Miss Cullen would let Silvia maintain some of her clients temporarily. Silvia would gradually need to find her own clients after she became proficient at her job.Miss Cullen then returned to her desk and went about with her own business after giving Silvia a brief explanation, and Silvia started her first day of work with anxiety. Foreign trade was a very complex job, and the completion of an order started with an inquiry from the customers, making samples according to the customer’s requirements, modifying the sample a few times, confirming the final sample, p
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Chapter 173
“No, I’m outside.”He then added another sentence, “Julian called a bunch of women over. We’re drinking.”…Would it be so quiet over there if he was drinking outside? She also had the experience of calling him when he was socializing outside, and there was nothing but noise in the background. But she did not hear the slightest noise on his end now, yet he said that he was drinking with a bunch of women.She instantly understood that he was making up excuses because he did not want to talk to her at all.“Forget it.”She was about to hang up the phone.She would not have called him if she’d have known that this would happen. She would’ve just asked Nora to go to his house to find the USB flash drive for her. However, she felt that it would be inappropriate for her to ask Nora to help her to look for the USB flash drive as it was in Ryan’s house. Nora would have to ask him for the key, and she would only be troubling Nora. Besides, he would go and see their daughter every day
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Chapter 174
“I don’t have time to serve you!”He finally hung up the phone after saying this sentence. Silvia was furious.Forget it then. If he did not want to help her, she could ask Nora or even her daughter for help another day. But did he have to be so harsh and mean?Detroit, in the villa at Scholaris Street.There was the sound of a cell phone being thrown on the table angrily in the big bedroom. Someone walked out of the bedroom with a cold expression on his face. He was dressed in casual and comfortable home clothes—a pair of black pants and a gray T-shirt. He went straight to the study room.After rummaging through the drawers for a while, he walked out of the study room angrily. This person was Ryan, who told Silvia that he was out socializing when he was clearly at home. When Silvia called, he was about to go to sleep, but he kept tossing and turning on the bed after turning off the lights.For a man who was in his prime and was accustomed to doing something before going to bed
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Chapter 175
In other words, he wasted two hours on something as ridiculous as looking at her photos!He exited a little angrily but suddenly found another video. The title of the video was ‘Wishing You a Lifetime of Happiness.’He clicked to play and started watching the video, but his expression became uglier and uglier as he watched it. He was only annoyed because Ethan was the one who’d made this video for her, and the whole video was all about her. He’d edited many photos of her, from when she first attended university until she graduated. It was a video that was several minutes long. What made Ryan feel extremely annoyed was the captions which accompanied the video, all of which were Ethan’s love confessions to Silvia. Every picture of her was accompanied by a caption by Ethan.“Your bright and radiant smile melted my heart when I saw you for the first time.”There was also a picture of her wearing a flower behind her ear when the spring flowers were in full bloom. She was sniffing
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Chapter 176
But she continued persisting no matter how tired she was. She did not want to give up halfway.She also had a belief to support herself, and she believed she must do a good job to prove her value so that she could raise her head high in front of some people who looked down on her.She came back very late again that night. When she was about to walk in front of the building where her house was, she suddenly saw a large SUV parked by the street light in front of the building. She instantly stopped in her tracks. After all, this was the kind of low-key and yet luxurious large SUV that celebrities usually used. When she thought of the word ‘celebrities’, she was shocked and looked at the car in amazement. Sure enough, the door of the large SUV opened. A man who was dressed in a low-key manner but was still very handsome stepped out of the car. Ethan was wearing very ordinary black clothes but these ordinary clothes looked good on him because of his extraordinary temperament and p
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Chapter 177
But Ethan exposed the strong front that she was putting up directly with just a few words as soon as he came. He even exposed her with such harsh words. She lost control of her emotions out of anger and embarrassment and yelled loudly, “I regret it, I regret it, okay?! I regret falling in love with such a heartless man, I regret using my pregnancy to trap him into marrying me, I regret my naivety and I regret making myself so scarred!”“Don’t you just want to hear me admit that I made the wrong choice? Don’t you just want to hear me admit my failure? Are you satisfied now that you’ve heard it? Leave! I don’t want to see you!”After saying that, Silvia turned around and tried to leave. She would burst into tears if she stayed here.. Ethan stepped forward to stop her, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her tightly. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know that I spoke too harshly but I was just too angry at the moment.”Ethan wrapped his arms around her as he explained to her. His tone w
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Chapter 178
After saying that, he shoved the small USB flash drive into her hand fiercely, then turned around and left. Silvia glanced at the USB flash drive that she wanted in her hand, and was puzzled as she looked at his back as he left. “Crazy man...”What promise of lifelong happiness? She did not know what he was talking about, okay? Didn’t he say that he would not help her? Now, he actually found her USB flash drive for her and even sent it all the way here.Who was the impatient one? Wasn’t he the one who could not wait to start a relationship with Mariah? He actually had the nerve to say that she was impatient…After Ryan drove away, Ethan’s eyes fell on the USB flash drive in her hand, and asked her, “You don’t know what he meant by that sentence?” “No, I don’t!” Silvia said angrily, “Who knows what he’s talking about? He’s been acting strangely all the time ever since we got divorced!”“You—"Ethan also looked very angry as he glared at her. “Go back and take a good look
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Chapter 179
She remembered that Ethan had borrowed this USB flash drive from her when she was about to graduate. After he returned it to her, she never looked at it again. At the time, she was ecstatic because she had just learned that Ryan had agreed to marry her, so how could she be bothered about these trivial matters?After watching the video, she also understood why Ryan would say things like “promise of a lifetime of happiness.” He must have seen the contents of the USB flash drive.It was so rude of him to look at other people’s things without their permission.At the same time, she also understood why Ethan had left angrily.Ethan always thought that she knew of the existence of this video. Unexpectedly, she had never seen it before and had unintentionally ignored his confession for five years. It would be stranger if he was not angry.But still, so what even if she saw the video at the time?She was so deeply in love with Ryan back then. Even if she might be touched after watching t
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Chapter 180
“I’ll wait for you to heal emotionally before you answer my question again, then.” Silvia had a headache. “Anyway, I’m healing at this stage so please don’t ask me such questions again for the time being.”She really wasn’t in the mood to think about these things. She was so busy at work every day and she did not have the will to talk about love. “I just came back from abroad and I still have an announcement to rush. I will come and find you during the weekend,” Ethan said over the other end of the line. Silvia hurriedly said, “I’m not free during the weekends! I have to work overtime, so don’t come!”This was terrible! She planned on not seeing her daughter during the weekend in order to avoid Ryan, but now Ethan was also going to get involved in this matter. Moreover, Ethan was different from Ryan. Ryan usually kept a low profile so ordinary people did not know him.Ethan was different. He was a famous celebrity who was extremely popular at the moment. Could she still live
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