All Chapters of My Stubborn Heart-Stealing Ex: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
929 Chapters
Chapter 181
“You’re still refusing to admit that you’re in love with Silvia?”Ryan glanced at him and drank silently. After a while, he spoke again, “So what if I admit it? And what if I refuse to admit it?” Julian laughed. “If you admit it, you should hurry up and win her back quickly so you can continue to have a warm and sweet life with your wife and child. You don’t need to be so dissatisfied and act like a hormonal teenager. If you refuse to admit it, you should let her go so she can find her happiness once again. Stop going to her house every other day and delay her chance at finding love again.”Julian had a thorough understanding of Ryan’s temper after having been friends with him for so many years. Ryan was too proud, and his relationship with Silvia had started in such a way where he had been forced to marry her, so it was not easy for him to admit that he was in love with Silvia. Perhaps he would only lower his ego to admit it and try to win her back when it was extremely uncomfor
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Chapter 182
In fact, Silvia had just rejected Ethan and she never thought about being with him. However, she was angry at the moment and simply answered him like this.After saying that, she did not forget to retort, “Aren’t you also together with Mariah too?”There was obviously a question in his voice just now, but what right did he have to question her? Besides, he was already so intimate with Mariah.They were divorced now. She was a single woman, and it was normal for her to have a new boyfriend and a new home, so why should he talk to her in such a questioning tone?She admitted that being with Ethan would already be enough to make Ryan angry, but she’d even accused him of being with Mariah. Ryan clenched his teeth immediately and defended himself. “I’m not together with her! Didn’t you see my clarification statement? I already said that I’m just friends with her!”Silvia laughed heartily. “Who in their right mind would believe that?!” She had personally seen him accompanying Mariah t
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Chapter 183
If Silvia did not know, the two of them could ask Miss Cullen together. Silvia followed Miss Cullen’s instructions very seriously and taught Christina everything that she had learned in the past few days. She would answer Christina’s question if she knew the answer.In fact, Silvia could also feel that Miss Cullen, who had a calm personality, did not like the lazy and unrestrained Christina very much. This was why she had asked Christina to go to Silvia first if there was anything she did not understand. She was clearly reducing her own direct contact with Christina in this manner.However, Silvia did not mind. She simply took it upon herself to consolidate the knowledge she had learned and gained while teaching Christina.Christina seemed much lazier compared to Silvia’s good work ethic.Silvia would go to the workshop to work as long as she had nothing to do in the office.In addition to watching each process, she would sometimes help the workers in the workshop to do some wor
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Chapter 184
Silvia also thought about how to deal with Ethan. If she kept avoiding him, it would give people the wrong impression that she had some other feelings for Ethan. Therefore, it would be better for her to simply get along with him openly like they used to.So, she answered Ethan’s call. Ethan then said that he had arrived at the hotel and asked her where she was now so that he could go and pick her up to go for lunch. Silvia answered him truthfully, “I’m working overtime at the factory, so I’m afraid I won’t have time to have lunch with you.”Ethan was dissatisfied and protested, “You’re really working overtime? I thought you were deliberately saying that you’re going to work overtime so that I would back off.”Silvia was speechless. She did say that on purpose that day, but after coming to the factory today, she found that there were several new emails, all of which were pushing the delivery date forward, so she could only spend her time and energy keeping an eye on the workers in
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Chapter 185
Therefore, she could only choose to go to Ethan’s place to eat. Silvia felt that Ethan must also be experienced after so many years and would not let the media take pictures of his whereabouts so easily. Moreover, those reporters probably thought that Ethan would never come to such a small third-tier city.However, Silvia did not expect that instead of running into reporters at the hotel where Ethan was staying at, she would run into Julian instead. When she walked into the hotel lobby carrying a large bag of barbecue and a pack of beer in plastic bags, Julian happened to be walking outside with a few men who looked like his business clients. They met face to face in the lobby. As for why she was carrying beer, it was because Ethan had specifically asked for this kind of beer. In fact, he could have ordered the canned or bottled one directly from the hotel, but he had to ask for the one in a pack. In fact, Silvia really wanted to pretend as if she did not see Julian, but they
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Chapter 186
Julian thought that it would likely be too late if Ryan only apologized to Silvia he returned. As Ryan’s friend, he had no choice but to help Ryan appease Silvia first.But he did not expect that he would run into Silvia in this manner before he could look for her.After Julian sent the message, he went out to meet his clients, intending to treat them to dinner. The group got into the car, and the driver drove them away.Julian received a phone call from Ryan when he was on the way. Ryan asked him directly, “What do you mean by sending me that photo?”Ryan could obviously tell who the person in the photo was at a glance.Julian replied lazily, “It’s nothing interesting. I happened to come here to check on a project and ran into Silvia at the hotel.”“Why is she at the hotel?”Ryan, who was far away abroad, was surprised by Silvia’s appearance at the hotel. Her family lived there, so she did not need to stay in a hotel.However, the next second after asking Julian, he suddenly
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Chapter 187
He’d only felt that she was very tired and exhausted that night so he only said those words because he was distressed. In Ethan’s opinion, Silvia was a wonderful and beautiful girl who should have a bright future, just like Miya and Jane.However, she became a housewife and she was also a housewife who was not loved. How could Ethan, who adored her, not feel distressed? Moreover, aside from feeling distressed, he also felt pity for her. So, when the two met again, Ethan’s gaze fell on her unrestrainedly as he carefully observed her. Silvia felt uncomfortable being stared at by Ethan, and she took advantage of the situation to raise the bag of barbecue in her hand, covering her face and diverting Ethan’s sight. “For you!”Ethan raised his hand to take the bag from her. After knowing each other for so long, how could he fail to see that she was deliberately using this method to stop him from looking at her? The corners of his mouth curled up slightly as he smiled helplessly
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Chapter 188
Autumn was quite angry.“Okay, I’ll wait for your call then.”She then hung up the phone. Silvia shook her head helplessly. She really could not do anything once Autumn lost her temper.After turning around and returning to the chair, she smiled apologetically at Ethan.“Sorry, my daughter called and insisted on having a video call with her grandfather and grandmother.”“It’s fine.”Ethan smiled.“I secretly ate two of the meat skewers when you were on the phone. Oh, I really missed this.”Silvia teased him, “You actually miss eating barbecue? You’re really useless.”Ethan leaned against the back of the chair, looked at her, and smiled as he said, “I used to think that I’d become a frequent visitor here and would come and eat here often. Unexpectedly, it took me more than five years to finally eat it again.”Silvia obviously understood the meaning behind Ethan’s words. He was saying that he thought that once he got together with her, he would often accompany her back to visit
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Chapter 189
Autumn simply refused to listen to Silvia.“I want to see Grandpa and Grandma! I don’t want to talk to them on the phone!”Ethan, who was opposite, could obviously hear Autumn making a fuss on the other end of the line. He simply sat there and fixed his deep and cold gaze on her the whole time.Silvia got a little annoyed because of Autumn, so she reprimanded her coldly, “Autumn!”She did not understand why her daughter was being so ignorant tonight and had to make a fuss about having a video call with her parents. However, as soon as Silvia scolded her like this, Autumn burst into tears immediately. Ophelia took over the phone and said, “Silvia, you can just have dinner with your friend. I will soothe Autumn so you don’t have to worry.” Autumn had already made such a big fuss, so Silvia was no longer in the mood to continue eating. She simply said to Ophelia, “Thank you, Aunt. Please tell Autumn that I’ll go back home soon.”“Okay, I’ll hang up first then.”Ophelia hung up
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Chapter 190
She did not know how they would react if they knew that she was in contact with Ethan again.Her parents knew of Ethan because they came here for an outing when they were in university. She’d invited everyone to her house for a meal at the time. There were four people from her dormitory during that outing: Ethan, Caleb, and a few of their friends. Therefore, her parents met Ethan. Everyone, especially Wendy, was constantly teasing and matching her with Ethan, so her parents also knew of Ethan’s feelings for her. It was just that after marrying Ryan, she lost contact with Ethan, and the topic of Ethan simply ended there. The reason why her parents were optimistic about Ethan was because they felt that they were of the same age, had the same family background, looked good together, and were both highly motivated. Most importantly, Ethan liked Silvia so much that he would definitely love her very much in the future. For parents, it was very good for their daughter to find such a
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