All Chapters of My Stubborn Heart-Stealing Ex: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
929 Chapters
Chapter 151
When Autumn explained this, Ryan instantly understood that the Aunt Wendy that Autumn was talking about, was Wendy.He knew that Wendy was pregnant and was about to give birth. Silvia had mentioned it to him before the divorce.After thinking about it, he asked his daughter, “So, your mother will also be going to Detroit in the afternoon?”Autumn nodded. “Yes, Mama said that there will be a bus going to Detroit at one o’clock in the afternoon. We will be taking that bus. She will take me to the hospital to see the little baby before she sends me to Grandma’s house. She will then take the bus at five o’clock in the evening to go home.”Autumn told Ryan about Silvia’s itinerary immediately.Ryan was furious when he heard that she was going to take their daughter to take the bus.“She is going to take you to ride on that kind of short-distance bus?”Why was she so stubborn? She obviously knew that he was still here, but she refused to contact him and was even taking their daughte
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Chapter 152
Her mother invited him to stay for lunch?Silvia understood her mother very well, so she knew that her mother must have invited him out of courtesy and as an exchange of pleasantries. It was not really because she wanted him to stay for lunch.She believed that he should also have the self-awareness to know that they did not really want him to stay for lunch, but why was he still staying then? What was going on?When did he become so shameless?Mr. Alberich and Mrs. Alberich then entered the house. Silvia glanced at her mother, who came over to persuade her. “In any case, he accompanied the child to play for a long time. He can stay for lunch if he wants to. It doesn’t matter if he has a meal here. Don’t show him an angry expression later.”Silvia did not say anything. She turned around and went back into the kitchen to continue plating up the dishes.She would not be so petty to treat him coldly the whole time, but she would not be warm or enthusiastic toward him later, let al
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Chapter 153
But who hadn’t been young and ignorant once? Who hadn’t been crazy and obsessed about love?People would slowly grow up and mature. If she was already approaching thirty years old but was still as stubborn, obsessive, impulsive and reckless as she had been when she was twenty years old, it would only show that she was really useless.If she still could not learn to grow up and continued to live in a fantasy all the time, wouldn’t she be useless?Ryan was very angry at her stubbornness when he faced her nonchalant attitude as she tried to drive him away. He wanted to get angry but after thinking about it, he finally suppressed his anger and asked her calmly, “I heard Autumn saying that you’re going to visit Wendy in Detroit in the afternoon?”Silvia understood Ryan’s intention as soon as he asked her this question. He must want her and their daughter to go back with him in his car.She immediately took the initiative to dispel his delusions. “Well, since you didn’t leave, you c
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Chapter 154
“Silvia, I actually think it’s fine for you to take his car to Detroit.”Mr. Alberich tentatively expressed his opinion. “Firstly, it’d be safer for you to take his car and secondly, you can also spend more time with Autumn.”Although Mr. Alberich also believed that the two should not have any more interactions after the divorce, Mr. Alberich’s stance was not as resolute as Silvia’s. For example, he felt that there was nothing wrong if she were to hitch a ride with him today.Silvia lowered her head to wash the dishes. “Dad, since you’ve already witnessed everything, I don’t want to repeat myself.”She was implying that she had already told Ryan about why she was so determined, so there was no need for her to explain things to Mr. Alberich again.Mr. Alberich had no choice but to turn around and leave. After Mr. Alberich left, Silvia continued to wash the dishes, but her movements had slowed down.She did not want to be so firm, but she could not help it because she had truly
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Chapter 155
“Papa! Papa, you haven’t left yet?”Ryan opened the car door and got out of the car. He had a cold look on his face as he ignored Silvia who was behind Autumn, then carried his daughter.“I was waiting for you.”He then opened the door of the back seat, put his daughter into the child safety seat, then fastened her seat belt. Silvia stepped forward, wanting to say goodbye to her daughter, but Autumn then called her and said, “Mama, come in quickly.”Autumn did not know that Silvia had already quarreled with Ryan because she did not want to take his car. She only thought that she could be with her parents if her mother got in the car.Silvia was at a loss for words when she heard Autumn’s words. This was especially so because Autumn was looking at her with such expectant eyes. Silvia suddenly did not know whether to step forward or to leave. On the other hand, Ryan stood silently beside the car with his arms crossed in front of his chest as he looked at her coldly. She hesita
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Chapter 156
However, he was also angry at the same time. Would their daughter be in this state if she hadn’t insisted on a divorce?So, he replied to her angrily, “Since you think that I can’t take good care of our daughter, why did you initiate a divorce in the first place? There wouldn’t be a problem at all if you take care of her yourself. Our daughter won’t be suffering like this then!”Silvia did not understand why he was bringing up the topic of their divorce again. The deed was done, so why was he still mentioning it?Moreover, from his discontented tone, he seemed to be implying that the divorce was caused by her being unreasonable. Silvia was very annoyed and thought that he was being ridiculous. If he hadn’t caused her to feel despair in this marriage, would she have insisted on a divorce?She refused to be outdone when facing his accusations and complaints. “Since you know that you have no experience in taking care of children, why did you fight with me for the custody of our da
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Chapter 157
But someone did not want to let her read in peace and continued to question. “Ten thousand dollars?”Silvia was so angry that she wanted to hit him with the book in her hand.He was clearly teasing and mocking her when he said ten thousand dollars.She was just a small clerk in the factory, and a novice at that. Would the director of the factory be so crazy as to give her a salary of ten thousand dollars? Forget other companies. Would Pierce Group give a newcomer a salary of ten thousand dollars? He clearly knew that she would not be getting a salary of ten thousand dollars but he was still saying this deliberately just to mock her.She clenched her teeth and continued ignoring him.She thought that he would stop talking to her because there would be no fun in it if she ignored him.Unexpectedly, he continued talking endlessly and actually sounded rather surprised. “You’re not even getting ten thousand dollars?”After thinking for a moment, he spoke up and said, “I used to g
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Chapter 158
She was angry and embarrassed. She raised the book in her hand in anger, wanting nothing more than to hit him with the book in her hands.However, she had no choice but to give up in anger when she thought of how he was driving now.If he was not driving now, she would have hit him hard. He was really crazy!He was saying such lewd words to his ex-wife, so could it be that his lover was causing him to be sexually frustrated?She was so angry that she rummaged through her bag as she sat there, then finally took a business card from her wallet, leaned forward, and threw it on the passenger seat next to him.“Go and get yourself checked. You’re welcome, you don’t need to thank me!”She then sat back down in her seat and turned her head to look out the window with a huff.Ryan tilted his head and glanced at the business card that she threw over. It said, Springfield Hospital, XX psychiatrist, or something like this.The corners of his lips then curled up inexplicably when he glan
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Chapter 159
“I’ll just take Autumn away after visiting Wendy. You don’t have to send her back then.”With that said, he raised his hand and took Autumn from Silvia’s arms. Silvia: “…”She could not hold back as she rolled her eyes at him.The elevator happened to come at this time so Silvia did not bother to argue with him anymore. He got into the elevator with Autumn in his arms. It was up to him if he wanted to be greeted with Wendy’s cold attitude. Besides, how could he be so self-assertive?She really wanted to send Autumn to Ophelia herself so she could thank the older woman. After all, Ophelia would be taking care of Autumn most of the time in the future. Although she was divorced and Ophelia was only helping her son to take care of his child, Silvia was still the mother of the child, so she should still be thanking Ophelia personally. Moreover, Silvia had a good relationship with Ophelia in the past, and it had been a while since they last saw each other. It would be great if she
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Chapter 160
“Don’t worry too much about it, I’ll explain it to you when there’s time.”Wendy was unwilling to accept her answer and pulled her over as she continued asking, “The two of you are not rekindling your relationship, are you?”Silvia was helpless. “How can that be possible?!”She answered so firmly that Wendy could not ask her any more questions. Wendy then saw that Caleb was already greeting Ryan out of courtesy. Wendy also smiled reluctantly and greeted Ryan. Everyone who came was a guest. After exchanging pleasantries, Autumn was curious to look at the little baby. Ryan carried her the baby’s crib while Silvia sat on a chair next to the bed and chatted softly with Wendy, sharing her parenting experience and so on with her.Wendy had a normal delivery. Her body was recovering quickly, so she could be discharged after another day of observation.After looking at the baby, the little girl then ran over to Silvia and nestled in her arms as Wendy teased her. While Silvia was cha
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