All Chapters of Alpha's Married Human Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
88 Chapters
Chapter 31- Unlikely Situation
Derrick’s POVAs I make my way out of the kitchen and head towards my office, my Beta appears at my side, an amused look on his face. I lift my brow in question as I continue to make my way towards my office in silence. “I just saw Henry enter the infirmary.” He says suddenly, a smirk spreading across that annoying face of his. “It is not what you are thinking.” I grumble out, rolling my eyes slightly at the amusement in his eyes. He widens his eyes in mock innocence as he lifts his hands in the air in front of him, a knowing look appearing on his face. “His wolf nearly took control of him.” I tell him between clenched teeth, slamming into my office with more force than was necessary. Beta Charles enters my office close behind me, a humming noise escaping his lips as he closes the door gently behind us. “Is that all?” He asks, his brows drawing together in concentration. A tired sigh leaves my lips at his words, Charles is right of course, his wolf taking control was just the excuse
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Chapter 32- Meeting With The Elders
Derek’s POVWinifred, Nigel, Frank, and Simon all look at me with blank expressions covering their faces, not saying a single word about the situation I have just informed them of. My wolf shifts in my mind, uncomfortable with the continued silence that has taken over the room, causing the rapid beating of my heart to echo around like a drum beat at a rock show. Charles glances over to me from across the table, shifting his body uncomfortably as the silence stretches on forever. I open my mouth to break the thickening silence, only to have Winifred snap her head in my direction, an intense look taking over her wrinkly features. No one knows exactly how old Winifred actually is, but some speculate that she is well over five hundred. I, on the other hand, believe she is much older than that. There is something in her eyes when she stares you down that speaks of a long history with an endless stream of darkness. My words catch in the back of my throat as Winifred’s beady eyes lock ont
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Chapter 33- Cookies & Milk
Salara’s POVDr. Boyd suggested that I get out of my hospital room and walk around the packhouse, and though I was unsure at first, I gradually found myself wanting to stretch my legs. My body still aches and there is still a lot of healing that needs to happen, but being couped up in that room all day was driving me crazy. So I took the Dr.’s advice, and decided to leave to grab a snack from the packhouse kitchens. Dr. Boyd didn’t feel like I should leave my bed alone, so here I am, sitting at the large island counter in the massive kitchens, with my doctor sitting beside me. His worried looks that he casts my way every few minutes is maddening to say the least. Though I will say that I do feel safer with him here beside me, at least I know he isn’t out to harm me. The images of what Savannah and her friends did to me still haunt my dreams as well as my waking moments. Fear clutches at me anytime I see another she-wolf and I find myself clamping up inside whenever they try to talk
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Chapter 34- Unexpected Salvation
Salara’s POV“Has the little Luna lost her tongue?” Savannah’s teasing words cause a frown to appear between my eyes. Before I can process what Savannah has said for very long, the black haired woman snarls at her viciously, with spit flying from her lips and enlarged canines. My heart stutters in my chest at the sight of the dog like teeth that are protruding from the woman’s lips while she stares at me with clear disdain. “She is no Luna!” The woman snarls, moving to take a step towards me in her fury. The third girl looks around uncomfortably with fear shining brightly in her eyes. She raises an arm and grabs hold of the dark haired girl’s arm, preventing her from stepping towards me. The woman turns around and growls at her in a warning, but the woman refuses to let go as she shakes her head in the negative repeatedly. With a roll of her eyes, Savannah berates the dark haired girl. “For Goddess’s sake Daphne, get a hold of yourself.” A thought suddenly clicks in Savannah’s brai
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Chapter 35- Unexpected Salvation pt. 2
Salara’s POVHenry pulls Savannah’s tomato red face closer to his, ignoring the struggles she puts up to escape his grasp. “I heard every word that you were saying to Salara, Savannah, so there is no need to hide them now.” His mouth opens up as he growls in her face, leaving spit behind from the force of his growl. His teeth grow in size, looking similar, but more frightening, than when Daphne’s came out earlier. A shiver of fear moves through me at the sight . Henry has always frightened me, but this fear is on a whole new level. What if once he’s finished with Savannah, he turns his anger onto me?Pulling up on my legs, I pull my body closer to myself, creating a smaller ball that will hopefully go unnoticed by the wolves in the kitchen. The sound of Savannah’s attempts at speaking is the only noise that breaks through the silence of the kitchen for a long time before I hear her slamming to the kitchen floor roughly, a sound of disgust leaving Henry’s lips. “You are pathetic Sava
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Chapter 36- Rollercoaster of Emotions
Salara’s POV“Are you hurt?” Henry’s strangely gruff voice breaks me from my trance. My body jumps in my seat when my gaze refocuses and finds Henry standing right beside me with a concerned look on his face. An angered look flashes in his eyes momentarily as his hands lift up to show that he is no threat to me. The fear that usually consumes me at the sight of Henry’s anger is slow to appear, so slow in fact that I don’t feel any fear at all. My brows furrow in confusion at that realization. Henry’s anger has always frightened me, even more so with everything that has happened between us lately. Why is it then that I feel no fear when faced with his displeasure at the moment?My gaze moves over his athletic body, taking in the new muscle growth that I can see forming across his body that I didn’t notice before. When did Henry gain so much muscle mass? Sure, he has always been muscular, but his build was always much smaller than other muscular men. But now… My cheeks heat up as I
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Chapter 37- Go Ask Your Whore
Derrick’s POVI was just finishing up with Beta Charles and the Council when I saw Savannah being dragged out of the packhouse by Daphne and Giselle. “Halt!” I had said to them as they were just about to walk over the threshold of the front door. Three sets of frightened eyes turned around to look at me fearfully. “What has happened?”That was when Savannah had told me all about Henry and how he was alone with Salara in the kitchens. She told me that he was the one that attacked her out of nowhere for refusing to leave him alone with Salara, per Alpha’s orders. I didn’t completely believe everything that came out of Savannah’s mouth, but I was certain she was telling the truth about Henry at least. I could smell him all over Savannah. Which is to be expected with newly mated pairs, but not after the way I saw Henry treating her outside of the packhouse earlier tonight. There is something going on between the two of them, and it doesn’t appear to be anything good. After dismissing th
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Chapter 38- Stay Away
Salara’s POVI don’t know what came over me, but suddenly I found myself yelling out at Derrick. “Why don’t you go ask your whore what has happened to me?” Once those words left my lips, I instantly regretted them, but I held firm in my anger and fixed a glare on my face. I will not be played by another man. Derrick’s body flinches back at the sound of my voice, my words catching him by surprise. I watch as genuine confusion crosses over his face, causing me to second guess my accusation for a moment. Just as I was about to apologize for my outburst, a look of understanding appeared on Derrick’s face, causing me to bite my tongue. Remorse takes over Derrick’s features as he lifts his right hand to rub the back of his neck in that nervous habit of his. “Daphne did this to you?” He asks me, avoiding making eye contact with me and looking guilty as hell. Anger wells up inside of me once again at the mention of that woman’s name. The fact that he knew exactly who I was talking about le
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Chapter 39- Stay Away pt. 2
Salara’s POV“Will you stop walking for a damn minute and let me speak!” The angry tone of Derrick’s voice has me halting in my struggle to get away from him. In all of the times that I have spoken with him, I have never heard him this angry with me before. I watch silently as Derrick takes a few deep, calming breaths with his eyes closed before he opens and reveals his gorgeous green orbs and looks at me. “Why are you still resisting the mate bond?” The heartbreak in his voice was hard for me to handle. I nearly threw myself into his arms at the sound of it, but I held myself back and didn’t say a word. After some time had passed, Derrick let out an exhausted sigh, his head tilting to look up at the ceiling. “Goddess grant me strength.” The whispered words under his breath sends comfort through my body for an unknown reason. Who is this Goddess that he is talking about? And why does she bring me comfort?Derrick’s hand suddenly lashes out to grab hold of mine, pulling me from my th
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Chapter 40- More Than Meets the Eye
Derrick’s POVWatching as the tears flow down Salara’s face while she denies having any feelings for me was my breaking point. Something is going on with her and I will not rest until I get to the bottom of it. I know she has feelings for me. I can feel it every time that we touch. So why is she standing before me telling me that she feels nothing?Hunter surges forward in my mind, taking control of my body for long enough to roar out at her. “You are my mate Salara.” My words echo throughout the packhouse, letting everyone who didn’t already know about our relationship in on the secret that Salara is my mate. I grab hold of Hunter tightly and lock him away in a dark corner of my mind, cursing him for being so foolish. Silence reigns around us. Everyone who has come to see the show has been stunned speechless from my loud declaration. My mind was busy working through how I can salvage this situation when Salara’s meek voice breaks through my thoughts. “No, I am not.” My hands drop a
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