All Chapters of Alpha's Married Human Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
88 Chapters
Chapter 41- "Chance" Encounter
Derrick’s POVOne week.Seven days.One hundred and sixty eight long hours filled with six hundred four thousand, eight hundred seconds of loneliness since the last time I have encountered my mate. Though those numbers could go in either direction depending on just how many hours have actually passed since the last time that we spoke, but that is besides the point…the point is that I miss her terribly. Hunter has decided to not speak to me at all since I allowed our mate to cry herself to sleep on her hospital room floor, and the silence from him has only increased the loneliness that has been clawing at me with every second that passes. I have done my best to give Salara the space that she has demanded from me, even if the distance is slowly tearing at my soul, causing me to weaken. If I don’t claim Salara or at the least reject her soon then I risk weakening my pack immeasurably. A warning growl reverberates through my mind. The only indication I get this past week that Hunter is
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Chapter 42- Caught in the Act
Derrick’s POV“I don’t want to live without you any longer.” Salara’s whispered words stop me in my tracks. My heart begins to beat furiously in my chest as my brain attempts to grasp hold of whether those words were truly spoken or not. A look of embarrassment passes over Salara’s face as she turns her head away from me with the cutest blush I have ever seen on her lovely face. Time passes between us slowly, the both of us stuck in a paralyzed state as we try to digest the sudden change in our relationship. Hunter muscles his way through the barrier that I had put up against him, his anxious energy taking hold of me as he waits with bated breath for our mate to say more. Salara shuffles her weight from foot to foot, snapping me from the dazed trance that had taken over me. I go to open my mouth to respond to her words, but before I am able to say anything, she has already excused herself from my presence, her whispered words of beratement filling my ears as she escapes down the ha
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Chapter 43- Awkward Check-Up
Salara’s POVHenry and Derrick both stand on opposite sides of me glaring at each other as we wait for the doctor to return to do the ultrasound. I don’t know what came over me when I agreed to allow Derrick to tag along to my doctor’s visit, but at the time I didn’t think it was such a bad idea. All I knew was that I didn’t want to be apart from him.Those thoughts and feelings are what has led me to suffer through the most awkward doctor’s visit I have ever attended. Between the constant glares and periodic growls that erupted from both of them, it has been very difficult to concentrate on the things that Dr. Boyd has been telling me about mine and my baby's health. Usually the constant silence that appears whenever we are all together makes me feel nervous, but this time I am thankful for the quiet so I can focus on the words that I have said to Derrick. I don’t know what came over me when I revealed to him how I have been feeling inside, but it was like something was pushing me t
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Chapter 44- Warning
Salara’s POVHenry’s invitation to lunch caught me by surprise and I find myself pausing in my footsteps towards the door. Henry and I haven’t spent much time together since our meeting in the kitchen a week ago. Training has kept him busy this past week and I have been busy recovering from my attack from two weeks ago. My eyes drift over to where Derrick stands to my left without thought, my mind wanting to gauge Derrick’s reaction to Henry’s invitation. From the tension I can see barely hidden around his mouth, I can tell that either Derrick or Hunter is not happy about the lunch invitation and a part of me wants to turn Henry down because of it, but I know I can’t avoid Henry forever. Releasing a steadying breath of air, I return my attention to where Henry stands expressionless to my right, his focus completely on me. My eyes widen in surprise when I notice that his usual bright blue eyes appear to be a darker, almost black color as he watches me intently before they flash back
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Chapter 45- Prophecy of Old
Derrick’s POVI tried really hard to concentrate on the meeting with the pack Elders this morning, but my thoughts keep going back to Salara and the kiss that we shared in the hallway. The feelings revealed in that single kiss was unlike anything I have ever felt before. If I was unsure about her feelings before this morning, they are in clear focus now. ‘If only that annoying human hadn’t wandered onto our floor.’ Hunter grumbles in my head, his dislike for Henry coming through loud and clear with his words. ‘I still think we should have killed the useless husband while we still had the chance.’ Hunter’s pouting causes a chuckle to tumble out from my lips before I can prevent it from escaping. My eyes quickly snap in the direction of my four Elders, a sheepish look taking over my face. Charles casts me a knowing look, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively as he guessed just where my thoughts had wandered off too. Elder Winifred gives me a disapproving look when I glance in her direct
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Chapter 46- Running Through the Woods
Derrick’s POV ‘What has that useless husband of hers done to her now?’ Hunter’s anger burns through me as I make my way through the pack house towards the kitchen. ‘Now can we kill him?’ It is hard to hold back Hunter’s murderous rage when I myself am close to losing control of my senses. “She ran off into the woods just behind the dog houses.” Charles runs close behind me, his connection still open with the border patrol that notified him of Salara’s disappearance. What the hell was Salara doing near the stretch of dog houses? The last time that I saw her she was heading off towards town with Henry, and that was only around an hour ago. What in the world could have happened in such a short time that would cause her to run away. ‘Why didn’t your useless border patrol stop her from running off into the woods?’ Hunter grumbles in my head, his anger rising inside of me. I can feel the ripples begin just below the surface of my skin as he claws to be released. ‘Wait until we get o
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Chapter 47- Foolish Human
Henry’s POV‘I have warned you about talking to my mate in that way.’ The menacing growl enters my head, startling me for a moment. I thought the dreadful beast had tired himself out and disappeared, but clearly I was wrong. Letting out a tired sigh, I ignore the annoying voice in my head and continue to make my way to the training grounds in search of my trainer. ‘Do not ignore me, puny human.’‘Oh shove it you annoying old wolf! You and I both know that you can’t do anything to me. So just SHUT UP!’ I must have slipped and yelled the last part out loud because the looks that those around me are giving me are not flattering. After taking in a steadying breath, I smile charmingly at the wolves surrounding me. After giving me a wary look, they all wander off in to different directions, avoiding me as much as possible. With my eyes closed, I look up to the sky and hold my breath for a few. This damn wolf has been nothing but a headache since I discovered that there was one inside of my
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Chapter 48- Foolish Human pt. 2
Henry’s POVBlood drips down Salara’s neck, leaking from around my teeth as I send my teeth even further into her collar bone to ensure that the mark is prominent. Beowulf howls in my mind angrily, but I ignore him and pull Salara in closer. Her body goes limp in my arms, causing me to wrap my arms around her tighter to prevent her from falling to the dirty ground. Beowulf stirs in my mind, fighting at the tiredness that is draining away his energy in a bid to take control of my body. I pull back on my canines, pulling them out of Salara’s swollen neck before licking her wounds like I remember Savannah doing after marking me as her mate. A frown tugs at the corners of my brows when I notice that instead of healing, her wound is looking worse by the second. ‘What is happening to her?’ I ask Beowulf, releasing him from the box that I placed him in earlier. ‘Salara is not your mate you STUPID, FOOLISH human!’ Beowulf growls at me the moment that I allowed him to join me in the forefro
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Chapter 49- Ruthless Fate
Beowulf’s POV“My mate will soon leave this world because of this stupid human’s bite. I have no reason left to live.” The will to live has quickly drained from my body thanks to this stupid human that I have been paired with. At first I thought how perfect it was that the Moon Goddess had put me in the body of the man who is married to my mate. I thought the Moon Goddess had finally smiled down on me and had blessed me with the chance to correct the mistakes of my past. But of course I should have known that the Goddess wouldn’t make things easy on me this time around. Not after how badly I screwed things up the last time we walked the Earth together. It was all my fault that my mate was killed after all. Of course I would have to work to have her in my arms once again. But what I wasn’t expecting was to have to sit back and watch as my mate is abused by the man who swore to love and respect her or to learn that the Goddess has fated her to another. Destiny can be so cruel and I ha
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Chapter 50- The Cry of an Alpha
Derrick’s POV Anger burns through my veins as I glare over at Henry who is currently hiding behind the witch. I wonder if she is the same witch that was making it impossible for me to track Salara earlier. It would make sense if she is, especially since she was found standing in the clearing with Henry. As well as Salara, who is lying unconscious in a pile of leaves. I never thought I would be able to pull Hunter away from our dying mate, but I finally convinced him to rise up and take his revenge against the human he has been trying to kill since the very begining. The promise of murder and revenge was the only thing that could cut through the deep mourning we both were feeling upon seeing our mate lying lifeless on the ground. ‘Go to your Luna.’ I order my Beta, not wanting to remove my eyes from where Henry is standing with the witch. The witch in question pays me no mind and turns to Henry before opening her mouth to speak. “Will you come with me or not, Beowulf?” Beowulf?
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