All Chapters of Comeback Of The Rejected Lycan: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
155 Chapters
JULIUS' POV The old witch stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her gloves as her hands trembled. The shadows waved around her like puppies clinging to their master. After centuries of waiting for this day , the coven had always brought me discomfort, causing me to contemplate my whole existence. I was a cursed being, ethereal and ephemeral. All the deals were made by the council if I did not fulfill the oath. I was that desperate. I had to be desperate or there would be no drive for me. Being in this sort of position was something I never imagined to be. The coven wanted more than I had to offer. Like a leech they clung to my body and whispered in my ears even while I was yet in my grave. I had to succumb to their wish, the penalty for not being able to do so was one I didn't want to ever experience. The ordeal sight of it got me trembling, especially after seeing others who had failed to fulfill their oath. This is the reason I had to do what I had to do. And to do it with force.
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JULIUS' POVI stalked towards him whilst he moved backwards. He continued to step back till he sat on the bed, still staring upwards at me."I thought you were not okay." "The pain disappeared a couple of minutes ago. And I didn't want to be alone." I said moving towards him till he was laying on the bed and I was a top him. He raised his hand and I smirked, that's right, once he touches me, I'll be able to sleep with him. His fingers brushed a ringlet out of my face before sticking it behind my ear. Then his fingers caressed my face. I bit my lip."I need you Alder." He caressed my cheeks, looking me in the eyes before taking my hair and packing it into a ponytail. He pulled me down so he was a top me. Then he leaned down to kiss me. His lips touched my neck and my back arched. He kissed my lips twirling his tongue with mine, positions him self on top of me. His hand ran under my shirt and cupped my breast. I bit my lips at the feeling. I had to remind myself that I was doing this t
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CASSANDRA'S POV Awoke from my slumber, my head pounding so hard I groaned loudly. I struggled to get out of my bed and stumbled backwards still i was sitting on my bed again. I clenched my jaw and looked at the necklace that clung to my chest like a second skin. I rose from the bed and gently walked towards the door... because I could barely see where I was going. My senses heightened, and I just knew there was something wrong. Heading towards Alder's room, I barged in without thinking to see if he was in, but he wasn't. My eyes were on the curtains, and they all of a sudden looked different. Wait a moment, I'd lived here and stayed in this room for a good number of years, why the fuck was everything looking so different? Why did I feel like he was hiding something from me? I squinted my eyes at the curtains. Moving slightly due to the gentle breeze. The ache began again as I was beginning to think too much. The ache began and everything suddenly went dark. Another round of voices in
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CASSANDRA'S POVI stood there, stunned at her confession. Die? If this necklace got broken, we were both going to die? I glanced down at the necklace and then at then the one on her neck. I knew what was happening here. I was the exact replica of her, so if one of us was wearing something as sacred as this necklace, then we both had to be wearing it. And as long as this necklace was on us both, anything that happened to her happened to me, if I died, then she was going to die. I saw red as I growled and looked up at her. She caused this, if she had not forced me to wear this necklace then I would be completely normal. I noticed that Alder was staring at me strangely, but I really didn't care at the moment. All I cared about was placing this lady they called Julius in her place. The lady that barged into my life like it was hers. I hated it! Now we were connected, something I never wanted to be with her. I had my own life, my own identity, and I had swooped in, and taken it all away fr
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EL'S POV I swung my legs off the bed and made my way to the window. The darkness outside was heavy, as though time itself had paused. The moonlight was eerily dim upon the earth, casting long shadows that seemed to dance on the deserted streets. It was an unsettling sight, one that made me question the nature of this strange silence. Everything felt so strangely desolate, no life on the street, neither were there any sounds of movements or patrolling. A sinking feeling crepy into my stomach as I realized that something was amiss. I furrowed my brows when I heard solitary footsteps, it caused my mind to wander as I contemplated it's origin. Was it just a figment of my imagination or was tgerr something more to it? My heart raced, curious and a bit anxious to know where the footsteps were heading. The silence that followed, I had to strain my ears, hoping to catch even the faintest sound. The room felt heavy with anticipation, each passing moment amplifying the mystery surrounding th
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CASSANDRA'S POVAs I clutched my head, the world around me seemed to blur and fade away, leaving me alone with the overwhelming rush of memories from my past. Each memory hit me like a wave, crashing against the shores of my mind, bringing with it a torreny of burden and agony. Amidst this chaotic whirlwind of thiughts and emotions, a shocking image flashed before my eyes, a man falling from a bovering building, descending towards the unforgiving earth. The realization slowly dawned upon me, confusion and disbelief filled my mind as I looked up, desperately searching for answers. And then there was a glimpse of someone, a figure in the distance. Was that me? The connection between my uncertain memoryes and the present moment became tantalizingly close and as I looked down, my heart sank, a surge of horror washed over me. There, laying lifeless on the ground was a man with blood pouring from his head. The sight was gruesome and haunting, leaving me questioning the reality if what I had
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EL'S POVThe old woman stared at me bent in figure and she was gone, it happened in an instant, without any explanation. I couldn't comprehend what had just occurred. It felt surreal as if I had stepped into another dimension. I stood, frozen in the room, trying to make sense if the sudden disappearance. There was no logical explanation that could account for what just happened. It wasn't an hallucination for I had seen her dtanding thereonents ago and it wasn't a trick of the light or my imagination, for everything else in the house remained unchanged. A shiver ran down my spine as I considered the possiblities. Was this spoke kind of mystical occurrence? Had thebold woman possessed power and beyond my understanding? Or was there a more rational explanation hidden within the depths of my mind?Taking a deep breath, trying to steady my racing thoughts. Perhaps there was something about this atmosphere... something mysterious and inexplicable.“Beware all who hold this book in their ha
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CASSANDRA'S POV The piercing scream shattered the silence, causing Alder, Julius and I to jump into action. Without hesitation, we rushed towards the origin of the familiar scream, my heart pounding with a mix of concern and fear. And there, amidst the eerie shadows and tangled branches witches attacked El, along with the shadows, threatening her very existence. Swiftly, I jumped into action, the others following behind. With vexation, I fought of the witches, stabbing them in the heart and clawing them with my Lycan claws while I growled at them. The shadows scampered away when they sensed our presence and that was another question that needed to be answered. They were shadows, untouchable creatures. We couldn't attack them even if we tried, but they could attack us, their attack would always catch one unawares. So why did they run? The dark forest, notorious for it's malevolence, had neatky claimed El's life. El kneeled, clutching her abdomen as blood gushed out. I didn't even kn
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JULIUS' POVOut of the situation of El, I had to move back to the camp and had a very important meeting with that old witch, tricking me into believing that every thing is going to be alright. If I had slept with Alder. I abruptly left without telling anyone. In the depths of the chaos and uncertainty I found myself facing the old witch. With her mysterious aura and enigmatic smile, she lured into a meeting filled with promises and deceit. Her plan was cunningly crafted, a web of manipulation designed to lead me astray. With vexation, I faced her getting more vexed each passing moment. I turned towards Kathrine who still stood where she was yesterday. This time she wasn't smiling evily, her face was just stern and calculating. I wondered what it was that she was up to, but I knew that she had intentions with Katherine and I was still yet to understand why Katherine had to be the one for her task. But that shouldn't even be my problem for now. My problem was that she'd convinced me tha
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CASSANDRA'S POVI looked Alder in the eyes with so much fright within me. With uncertainty and surprise, I observed his eyes and noticed how it kept shifting to something else entirely. I got the feeling immediately that he was an hybrid. Half witch and half wolf. All these years that I'd been with him, I couldn't believe that he could hide something as crucial as his identity. What was he scared about? What was he running away from? Why did he hide himself? I said nothing as I stepped back instinctively...he moved to touch me but I moved my hand away. Then turned before walking away, there was absolutely nothing I could say to it for now. I just needed space so I could think. So I left to check on El. I was still worried about her and her not being able to wake up after all the treatment we'd tried on her. One thing I noticed was that Julius had left and I didn't know when I began calling her name. The connection that I felt with her currently was unlike any other one I ever had. I
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