All Chapters of Comeback Of The Rejected Lycan: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
155 Chapters
ALDER'S POVI knew it was a crazy thing to have just revealed my true identity after all these years. I grew up disliking nothing more than witches because my father was always against them and just everything that they were but one was in fact my mother, and that caused me to be quite unhappy about a lot of things because I never treated my mother the way she deserved because I was fed lies about her since I was a child. I hated my father for lie to me about witches when in fact my mother had been one of the best one could ever ask herself nothing, but giving us everything. He was vehemently against the existence of every witch, denouncing their very nature. These prejudices seeped into my consciousness, shapibg the nature of my perception of witches and tragically my own mother as well.Unknown to me, my mother, the woman I'd grown to despise through the words of my father was herself a witch-a fact concealed behind a web of lies and deception practiced by my father. I
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JULIUS' POVThe world transformed under the ethereal glow of the moon into a mystical tableau as shadows danced and stretched, playing hide and seek with reality. The once familiar streets took on a bewitching allure, as though they held secrets uncovered. The moon radiated softness over the landscape, brushing everything with a silvery sheen. The leaves of the trees shimmered like liquid silver, their gentle rustle created a soothing symphony in the night. The flowers, normally vibrant and bold in daylight now appeared to be delicate and ethereal, their colors muted as though they were whispers of their true selves. The stars embraced the luminous presense if the moon, creating a celestial masterpiece. Like a shimmering diamonds scattered across a velvet blanket, the stars twinkled and shimmered and punctuated the night with their ethereal glow. It seemed as though the universe had come alive, revealing the beauty of it's nature. The moon and the stars reminded me if so many things
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JULIUS' POV The figure emerged towards me from the dense forest, causing adrenaline ti course through my veins. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my senses sharpening as I prepared myself for what was about to happen. The air grew thick with anticipation as I tightly gripped my hairpin which was my only weapon. With each step the figure took, I ciukd sense it's ominous presence drawing closer. Shadows danced around it's stilhouette, observing it's true form. The moonlight cast an eerie glow, revealing glimpse of it's unsettling features...quite familiar features. But there was no time to observe. I narrowly missed the claws of this creature as I got momentarily distracted in who it was. My heart still raced, trying to decipher the true identity of the mysterious assailant. A sense of determination surged through me as I fixated my gaze in the unknown adversary ready to protect this necklace at all cost. Without warning this creature lunged towards me again, unleashing
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JULIUS' POVI fixated my gaze on the horizon as the ocean moved in gentle waves. I couldn't help but recall the previous times I spent with my family. We had shared moments of joy, laughter and love, creating memories that would forever be etched in my heart. I remember the sun painted the sky with vibrant colors...casting a warm twilight glow upon my family and I, as we spend the afternoon having loads of fun. The sound of laughter filled the air, harmonizing with the rhythmic crashing of the waves. The epitome of joy and happiness, a memory that would forever be etched in my soul. A memory of the past... Cassandra and I decided to make today the day she would get all her memories back. She might not be able to take it all, but what she could take was more than enough for me, as long as she wouldn't change her mind on what we agreed upon already.I brought back the memory of how we had explored the beach along with the family, discovering beautiful sea shells that had been washed ash
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JULIUS' POV I couldn't get the guilt of the past off my chest and it was something I didn't feel I could forgive myself from. How could I leave my family for something temporary and unfulfilling? I thought I could find more, I thought I could be free...all I wanted was to know who I was and where I belonged to but forgot the most important thing is never to forget the family that raised you unconditionally. I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by guilt. Regret clutched my chest as I realized I chased after vanity. Because of this I became empty and isolated...while my parents searched for me day and night. I refused to reveal myself, abandoning their unconditional love for me, unknown to me that it could never fufill me. If only I could turn back the hands of time. The burden of regret heavily laid upon my shoulders, as though it was following my every step. It always whispered into my ears the mistakes of my past, it was a consistent reminder, of all the bad choices I've made. It w
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EL'S POVIn the midst of tranquility, as I delved into the pages of a captivating book, my world suddenly shifted. The book slipped through my grasp crashing onto the floor like a thunderous echo. As if in sync with this abrupt disruption...echos erupted around me. The once serene atmosphere transformed into a mad storm of confusion. The air crackled with uncertainty, as though nature itself could sense the impending turmoil. The wind howled fiercely. It was funny everything seemed to change within the blink of an eye. At the beginning everything was well and okay, the sun shone brightly across the horizon and the beauty of daylight was more captivating than night. I loved every bit of it. But today was different. All I remembered was reading a book in a very serene library, and the next thing was darkness. I was in the midst of chaos...the whirling of the wind sweeping through the trees and rattling the windows. Dark clouds rolled in, casting a shadow over the once brig
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CASSANDRA'S POV I don't know what was going on in my head but I found myself moving towards El. She looked perplexed at my strange behavior, but it was as though I was getting there was a magnetic pull. As I moved towards El and touched her hand, a peculiar sensation washed over me, unlike anything I'd never felt before, transporting me to a different time and place. The surroundings shifted before my eyes, and I found myself somewhere that wasn't here. The darkness was overwhelming, but I could see through it. There came, all of a sudden glimpse of El and realized that I was immersed in the depths of El's past. It was as though I had accessed a hidden portal, revealing fragments of her life that she had kept hidden from the world.As the scenes unfolded, I couldn't help but sense the weight of pain and sorrow that permeated the air. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken secrets, echoing the struggles and hardships El had faced. I was stunned to see El in this sort of s
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CASSANDRA'S POV I took it upon myself to be responsible for everything that happened from this moment onwards. I sat down with my legs crossed, trying to focus on my breath and my thoughts. The magic bubbling within me...I could feel the heat coursing through my veins, the atmosphere of the night adding to the intensity of the flowing magic. I shook a little as it was a bit overwhelming. The magic within me begins to bubble and surge, coursing through my veins with fiery intensity. The night's atmosphere amplifies the power that flows within me, creating an electrifying energy. I shook a little, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of this newfound magic. It's something I've never experienced before, but Julius, now my trusted mentor, took it upon herself to assist me through this process. At first I missed my concentration a lot of times because I didn't understand what to do. Most times I panicked especially in times when I felt like I was falling down. Those times I jerked upwards,
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ALDERS POVAs I observed her from the window, I could see the determination in her eyes. This was a totally new side iof her that was seeing. The Cassandra I knew before didn't know how to manipulate this amount of magic and this, caused me to see her in a new light. It caused me to see her differently than I used to. I cherished the fact that she was growing gradually and daily. With my hand folded at my back, every movement of her hands, every incantation she spoke, was with precision and focus. It was clear that she had dedicated countless hours to mastering the art of magic manipulation. The progress was obvious and I couldn't be any more proud.These days, her nights were spent in deep contemplation, exploring the vast possibilities that magic held. She would immerse herself in books, studying ancient spells and rituals, seeking to understand the fundamental principles behind the magic she sought to control. Apparently, she didn't have time as much as she used to, for me, and eve
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JULIUS' POVAnd while I was training Cassandra one night, I couldn't help but notice the shadow from the woods from the corner of my eyes. Then I turned to Cassandra, who obviously needed a good night rest...I noticed her dozing off and took that as an opportunity for me to leave and go after the shadow. As I quietly slipped away from Cassandra, my heart pounded with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Who or what could be lurking in the shadows of the woods? Curiosity propelled me forward as I followed the foot steps of the shadow. The moonlight filtered through the branches, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor as I ventured deeper into the dense foliage. Every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig sent shivers down my spine, but I pressed on, driven by a need to uncover the mystery behind this. The atmosphere was familiar, the sensation was also familiar. I knew the feeling of that magic from anywhere and I wanted to know who this person actually was. Could it be who I thought
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