All Chapters of Just Got Lucky (BOOK 1): Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
212 Chapters
111LINDY’S POV“Just days ago, you bravely shut the entire media with your initial interview when they all crowded you the moment you left school.” Jimmy says out.I nod, “It was crazy because I was so nervous that time.”“But you handled it in a very great way. I mean, you were able to shut down those people.”I smiled proudly.“As far as everyone knows, Milo Beckett just released a statement about you in their recent interview and the entire world wants to know how have you been coping up?” Jimmy asks.I breathe out nervously, “I mean after going out in public like that with him, it caused a major change in my life and I think he didn’t have any idea what was going on with me. Majorly, the entire attention in school was on me and people were hating me because of it. I was bullied for days even after the release of his statement.”“That’s just awful.”I nod, “It is. I was pretty much handling everything by myself with the help of my bestfriend. I was literally on the verge of quitti
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112LINDY’S POVI lay on my bed, staring at the white ceiling of my room and I still cannot believe how things turned out in my life. Other students in school were praising me and calling me their inspiration and it felt truly overwhelming to hear it. My mind was floating and all my thoughts were still about Milo and wondered if I ever come across in his mind all these days that he has been avoiding me and ignoring me.I just wanted to know where I went wrong because until now, I am still blaming myself that this all because of me.I have not moved from this bed and I have been lying here for two hours. I didn’t want to go anywhere and despite the support that I have been getting from all these people, I was still sad because Milo has not reached out to me. He has not talked to me and it was the most hurtful thing that ever happened in my life. I was home alone and even if Martha asked me to go out with her, I told her I wanted to be alone for a while. She warned me not to cry and wa
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113"If you loved me you could've fought for me or you could've told me ahead of time about everything that's been happening to you.""I wanted to. I thought I can handle it but I was so scared. I'm scared of losing you. I'm scared of hurting you. You didn’t know what I was going through too.”"You’re a coward.” I confronted him.“I was doing this for you, please trust me when I tell you that the management forced me to do this.”“What did you expect? That I’d believe that and we will be okay again?” I asked him sarcastically and he didn’t reply. “You made me look stupid in front of the whole world. You made a fool out of myself. You made me look like a joke in front of the whole world!"My voice quivers and my vision was getting blurry because of the tears filling up my eyes. "And now you call me saying you're sorry? Telling me I need to trust you again?”I scoff, “How thick-skinned.”“Lindy please. I did that to protect you.”“Protect me from what Milo ?!” I exclaimed with fuming an
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114ROWAN'S POVWe were on our last day on tour in Asia when we saw that interview of Lindy on TV with Jimmy Fallon. I was just as surprised when I saw it with Jasper and Silas and how Lucius had to break it to Milo . He didn’t take it well. She denied about her relationship with Milo and calling Milo a liar in front of all those people who were watching the show. I know she must have been really hurt with all these things that happened to her and how we just recently found out that Lindy has been seriously bullied in school knowing it was Milo ’s fault for going out in public and then leaving her hanging just like that. I wanted to hit Milo for everything he has done to Lindy. She doesn't deserve all this pain and humiliation he caused to her life. I mean, she got really close to us and we look after her just as much because she's already a little sister to all of us. The lads and I know how much she loves Milo but what he did was very unforgivable and Milo deserves what he is get
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115SILAS' POVFrom Houston, we went to Arlington, then to St. Jasper, then Chicago and then Pasadena but everywhere we went to, Milo was dead and quiet. He didn't enjoy much the concert like how he does it when he was still with Lindy. He looked always serious during the concerts and sometimes getting lost inside his own bubble and forgetting his own lines.It's our last stay here in Pasadena and it has probably been two weeks since their break up but Milo has gotten worst everyday. He has downer than down. Me and Jasper try to make him smile with our pranks and dick jokes once in a while but he keeps on sitting in a corner all alone. He keeps staring at his phone or outside the windows. He hasn't been himself lately and during concerts, he seldom smiles to the fans. He just waves at them with his eyebrows furrowed, a blank expression and a stern look.During most of the meet and greets after the concerts, we have to force him to smile and he has to act like he was strong even when h
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116LUCIUS’ POVThe four of us walked back to the dressing room after the concert as soon as we were not able to find Milo anymore. Paul had found him and told us that Milo was back on stage in the empty arena. We wondered what the hell he is doing out there.“He does not listen.” Paul tells us.“Let’s go lads.” I called out to the trio.We worriedly went out of our dressing room to look for Milo . He was not on his usual behavior and it was pretty much alarming to leave him alone. He has been getting all moody and antsy and always on the edge with everything lately. He keeps staying away from us and avoids talking to us and he is always by himself staring at his phone. He does not talk to anyone and always seems to be not so in the mood. We were all concerned and disturbed about Milo ’s actions.We called out his name a few times as we were heading back out on stage of the empty arena but he didn't answer to any of us. We were all worried what must have happened to him and I didn’t w
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117Lindy’s mother stares at Lindy and she has been for her own daughter to be going through that same pain again caused by Milo . She is worried but she knows how Lindy loved Milo and even if she stops Lindy, she knows her daughter will still go to Glendale and take the risk on last time for the man that her heart beats for."Are you really sure about this honey?" Lindy's mother asked her with concerned eyes.Lindy nodded as she grabbed her bag and hang it on her shoulder. "Rowan has booked a flight for me to Glendale and I'm going to see Milo , mom. I need to make sure he's okay. They told me how he has been acting so strange on tour.""You will get hurt again.” She tells Lindy and reminding her the unavoidable pain that could happen. “And I told you young lady that you're not allowed to see him." Her father interrupted."I know.” Lindy answers. “I know I will get hurt and I know you warned me dad but I love him. I love him so much and I still worry about him despite the things he
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118MILO'S POVBy nine in the evening, Josh had invited me to go to some sick clubs around Glendale and he said I need time to party to forget about the pain that I have been carrying for the past days. He said maybe I can meet up with people or some girls to spend the night away but I knew no matter how many girls I used to void out Lindy in my head, I know it will do nothing. I was not really up for any party tonight but somewhat in the back of my head I know I had to get out and have fun. We arrived in this club that had really upbeat music but I was not really pumped up because I know I was suppose to be in my hotel room, sleeping. There tons of women in sexy dresses who were flirting with me and I was politely responding back with a smile. There two bodyguards with us who made sure that no one could crowd around me. We were led to the VIP table where I see a few of the crew being around here and has ordered a few drinks and some foods. Josh was hyped as we were hanging out with
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119ROWAN'S POVI was super fucking pissed at Milo . He's adding fuel to the fire.I chased Lindy who was already leaving the pub and I can tell that she is crying as she was heading out. I called out her name through the massive people around but she didn't look back at me. I have to stop her and I have to explain that this was not part of the plan. This was all my idea of her coming here all the way to Glendale, and I was even the one who pleaded for her to be here and Milo just fucked it up again.I told the lads to keep an eye on Milo and not to let him know that Lindy was here and saw it because this place was not the perfect time for that chaos. It's too public and Milo looked too drunk to handle this now. I don’t even fucking know why he is kissing Georgia Fowler and allowing her to sit on his fucking lap."Lindy wait up!!!" I called out to her as I grabbed her wrist before she reaches the door.She pulled them back and stared at me with her tears all over her rosy cheeks. I pi
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120I sit here still ignoring him hoping that he would go away. I stare at the man who is now turning his attention to me. I pulled out my phone and replied to Rowan: Dream Jazz and Blues“You look like you need some company.” The man still does not go away.I kept ignoring him so I stand on my feet and tried to look for a vacant table. As soon as I stood, I felt my entire world getting dizzy. The man violently grabbed my arm and pulled me back as he stares at me angrily, “Don't be rude!" "I don't want to talk to you!" I yelled and fought as I tried to pull my hand away causing me to spill all of my remaining alcohol on his pants.“Why you little--”"Hey man.” He was cut off when Rowan arrived the jazz bar bringing Paul and the other bodyguard that looked humongous. “Don't push the girl if she doesn't want to."The man holding my wrist had finally released me but my entire world was spinning completely around causing me to lose my balance. I fell on the ground but was thankfully caug
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