All Chapters of Just Got Lucky (BOOK 1): Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
212 Chapters
121LINDY'S POVWhen I woke up, it was already nine in the morning, I think.My entire body felt tired and my eyes felt heavy for real. I think I fell asleep crying. I couldn’t forget what I saw last night and it made me wonder if he has been doing these all these time even when we were together. Milo kissing other women broke me because I was so eager to talk to him and to listen him.I closed my eyes trying to dismiss what I saw last night from my head and telling myself that he was okay and he was getting better. He was okay this whole time and I had to worry about him being convinced that he was hurt and dying. I don’t know how they managed to get that video of him playing the piano and singing as if he was so heartbroken ever recorded. That was all staged. I should never had come here."Morning."I moved my head to the door and saw Rowan standing. I pulled myself up from the bed and remembered that I was in a jazz bar. I don’t remember how the hell I am in this room with him in
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122MILO’S POVI quickly pulled my head up when I heard her name and I see her standing along the entrance of the hotel’s restaurant as she was staring at me. I can see tears forming behind her eyelids and how she got hurt for seeing the same woman she has seen me kissing from last night."Lindy." I muffled.I see her running away from us and I quickly pulled myself up from the chair as I tried to chase her, I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to explain that it does not what it looked like. I wanted hold her. I wanted to wipe her tears that I've caused for all of these mess I involved her in. I wanted to tell her how sorry I was and how a bastard I've been for letting her slip away from me. I see her running to the elevator but I pulled her wrist back before she could press the button."Lindy wait up please." I called out right away.She rapidly pulled her arm back and stared at me with tears in her eyes. "You're an asshole."“Lindy please give me a chance to explain.” I tell her.Lin
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123"Fuck." I thought as I groan inwardly. “Thanks." I told her as I ran out of the hotel. I was mobbed right away by fans the second I reached outside the hotel and the paparazzi were starting to arrive. It was so hard to get away because the people were crowding around me and I had no bodyguards with me. The fans were dying to get a picture but I had no time left. I hurriedly hailed a taxi cab again and told the driver to head to the airport."Hello?" Jasper answered.Thank god someone has answered my calls!"Finally someone answered!” I exclaimed in the taxi cab.“Why? What’s up? You sound like you’re in a rush.”“I am in a rush. Where are you?" I asked."At the airport. Why?" he asked."I'm on my way. Has Lindy left?""Not yet. But you better hurry up. Her flight is minutes from now and there are fans crowding us.""Shit.""Don't worry I'll tell Paul to watch out for you when you reach the entrance of the airport." He tells me kindly."Alright. Thanks man."I hang up and stared o
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124MILO'S POVEveryone was hyped in the dressing room.Everyone was all in a good mood, laughing and joking around because today was the last day of the tour. We have been waiting for this day to end because we were all literally tired from travelling and not getting enough sleep. Our voices are somewhat strained from performing one concert after another and I think tonight was going to be a good one. This was the day that we have been looking forward to because we can finally rest from all the touring although I would somewhat being on tour with these amazing people. We managed to pull ourselves through the tiring nights from technical difficulties to incompatible differences which caused a few riff-off backstage but managed to made amends. I hoped that this was going to be a good night for the entire band and the rest of the entire crew because once the tour will end, we would have a lot of things to handle aside from the movie On The Road Again: Backstage Access. The director an
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125 When all of us got back to London, we were all happy to be on a quick vacation after all the touring. We had a few days off before getting busy with the movie and I had more time to focus on filing this case and winning it against the management. I cannot wait till I see Patrick and Dan’s fucking face the moment they know I am suing them. We were called in a meeting by the management the next day they found out what I did and I had to bring my lawyers with me during the meeting. Patrick and Dan looked remorse and I have never been so happy seeing them like that. I can finally get back at these assholes who ruined my relationship.“We are not renewing our contract.” Lucius says confidently. “I think it is about time to pull out from this because the management clearly does not know how to take care of their artists.”“All five of you are ungrateful to Modest!” Patrick exclaims angrily.“Patrick, I think we all know how terrible you have been to all of us.” Jasper answers him. “To
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126LINDY'S POV“The five-piece English-Irish band Spitfire Strip had finally called it quits with their management after years of working together.” The TV reporter says out loud.“Could you turn it up please?” I asked Martha politely who is lounging on the couch eating potato chips as she increases the volume. “They left Modest?” Martha speaks.“The band reportedly did not renew their contract with Modest management after it expired just recently due to incompatible differences and a few growing arguments which has been happening between both parties for the last couple of years behind camera.”“Well, it’s about time they decided to leave that shitty management!” Martha exclaims. “They recently have signed up for another huge management in London called DIVINE and looked really happy with their decision after leaving Modest. The lads tweeted about it and was looking forward for more better projects with the same band and same crew but under a different management. DIVINE had relea
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127I kept wiping my tears, “I don’t wanna know this feeling unless it’s you and me. I don’t wanna waste a moment. And I don’t wanna give somebody else the better part of me. I would rather wait for you.” My lips were trembling as I watch him sing the words I wrote on his notebook.“Dont wanna feel another touch, don’t wanna start another fire. Don’t wanna know another kiss, baby unless they are your lips.” His voice shaking and getting raspier as he sings a higher note.“Don’t wanna give my heart away to another stranger or let another day begin. Won’t even let the sunlight in, no I’ll never love again.”He finally finished the song.The positive comments on Milo ’s live video were really overflowing and it’s absolutely insane how these people support their love for this man. Milo turns to Gwyneth as soon as she says out loud, “You have been getting really great feedback.” Milo ’s brows creasing, “What are you talking about?”“The comments are flooding, Milo !” Gwyneth tells him. “T
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128LINDY’S POVI cried for a while and lowered my head as I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. It has been so long since I talked to him and it felt like home. It reminded me of how it felt when I used to talk to him every day and it reminded me how I have missed talking to him so much.You are not being nosy. I have been really well. I just wanted to support you with this ongoing trial. - LindyThank you. Getting a message from you already makes me happy. - Milo My phone started ringing and as I stare at it, it was Milo calling. Instantly, my heart was beating ridiculously fast, and how he is still able to affect me this easily despite being away for months. I was nervous because I haven’t talked to him for so long and it makes feel really anxious. I caved in as I feel my hands shaking, “Hello?” I croaked softly.“Hey.” Milo greeted, his voice sounding soft and low.I pressed my lips, “How have you been Milo?”“I have…” He trails off before exhaling heavily. “I have been re
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129MILO’S POVI have been getting pretty busy with all the recording for our fifth album, writing songs and getting perfect tunes for our next kind of music while the band were also getting very busy reviewing some clips that we wanted to include in the movie. Personally, it has been getting more hectic because I was also juggling the ongoing trial for the case I filed against Modest. The first trial went really good and I have a good feeling that we will win this case. My lawyers told me that we had the entire court on our side and we just need to continue giving our legit and valid proofs to help strengthen this case and win it. I have been receiving death threats from anonymous accounts regarding to pull out from the case and I know Modest is behind it. “You look extra happy today Milo .” I hear Rowan speaking to me as we were both in the studio.I smiled, “I am just really happy lately.”“Have you finally talked with Lindy?” Rowan questions.The lads have been pretty much caref
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130Days continued going on like that until we were able to finish the entire album and had to wait for the release date of it. We were all excited for the fans to hear because most of the songs there mean so much to the band. We did a lot of promotions for the upcoming album and had been busier for the movie release as we kept having meetings for the movie’s upcoming promotions through talk shows, interviews and radio shows and the big premier night happening in November.I have been visiting my mum in her home during freer days and I was hanging out with some of my friends. Apparently, after our fifth trial in the law court, the judge had finally decided to plead the management guilty which allowed me to win the case against Modest. I was over the moon when we won it because I have finally gotten back at those people who manipulated all of us in the most wrong way through blackmailing. We celebrated my win with my family, a few close friends and the lads. It was all over the news a
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