All Chapters of Just Got Lucky (BOOK 1): Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
212 Chapters
101LINDY'S POVMilo took me to this wonderful candlelight dinner date where we went to this beautiful garden where a table for two was set for us near the stream. There were lights hanging from the trees that brightened the entire place. It was all so pretty. It was so peaceful. There were violinists playing these sweet serenade for us while we were busy eating. It was first-rate romantic. Milo , is always the sweetest guy ever and always has something up his sleeve. I have never been to a dinner like this before and I didn't notice the paps were around because the place was very secluded.The sound of nature was eerie and there were crickets making noises too. His eyes, as he speaks, are like calling me to make love to him.Get a hold of yourself Lindy.After having dinner, we walked around the garden where the pathways were lighted by these amazing colored bulbs. The stars were bright on the sky and I didn't want it this night to ever end. I didn't want him to leave me again but I
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102The cheerleaders squealed merrily and it was not something I usually attend."Ah, I see Miss Swanepoel today.” I turned my attention to Mrs. Stones. “You're all over the news since you went out with Milo Beckett."I paused and noticed that all the other students were staring at me."Are you really dating Milo Beckett? Oh my god you're so lucky." she says and I don’t know it it was a compliment or her being sarcastic."Yeah Lindy, are you really Milo's new flavor of the month? I bet he'll throw you away as soon as he realizes you’re not worth his time!” one girl chuckled.The rest of them laughed."Class, let's not be judgmental." Mrs. Stones exclaimed."Oh come on Mrs. Stones we all know she's using Milo Beckett for fame! She's just like those other girls who use Milo for their modeling career. User." another woman exclaimed.I just bent my head down."Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's proceed to our lesson today."It was almost six in the evening, everybody went to the field
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103LINDY'S POVIt has been crazy in school ever since the PEP Rally and it’s all thanks to Avery.All students were making fun of me and I didn’t know what was their point of trying to poke fun at me when they clearly do not know what happened to me and Milo. Martha tells me they were jealous and I should not let it get into my head but I can’t stop thinking about it so much because almost everyone in school were making fun of me. As much as I wanted to avoid everything with what has been going on in school, I still cannot help but feel so down and humiliated every time they call me names and tease me. I’ve been named as “Attention Seeker”, “Flavor of the Month” and the infamous “SLUT” that they frequently call me every time they see me. I don’t get it why they were bullying me and I don’t know how will I be able to stop everyone to stop teasing me. Lately, I have noticed that Milo has been getting pretty busier and somewhat elusive. I wonder how he has been doing because these pas
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104MILO'S POVI didn't really want to ignore her but I have no choice. I don't know what to do because the management is forcing me to do things that I don’t want to do. and things that can hurt Lindy as much as I am already hurting her. The management and their power to turn the entire thing around to make me look like a single guy who is always entertaining women to please my manly needs. The management have been watching me and how often I am talking to her and texting her or making any form of communication. I was under surveillance with every single move I do. I can't continue making a form of communication with her because the more I respond to her and reach out to her, the more I want to be with her and the more the management will be making up lies about me to break the two of us. The management have already warned me about this and we have already talked about this with the rest of the other bosses and they were threatening me about this movie deal that is on the line and
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105“Do you want your little girlfriend to be declined by all colleges she applies for?” Patrick smiles at me and I want to punch this fucking man. “I wonder what will happen to a high school girl like her if she gets constantly declined.”“Don’t you fucking touch her Patrick!” I stand on my feet as I close my fists. “Don’t you ever do anything to harm her or I swear to God!”There was more tension and more anger raging inside me. I breathe heavily as I stare at them angrily and I cannot believe how they try to manipulate people’s mind to the very end just to get what they want. These people are literally sick!“She doesn't deserve to get all the hates and death threats right? She doesn't deserve it all Milo so get your shit together and make up your fucking mind or God knows what we can do.""If you really love her..” Dan speaks. “Break up with her. Set her free and if you do, we can help her get into the best university in the world.”“You don’t need to do that, she’s smart. She can
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106MILO’S POV"Weeks ago before your concert in Canada, you have been spotted numerous times visiting the city.” She goes all the way back. Great.I nod.“You have been active on your socials posting photos about a brown haired woman and the entire world wants to know if it’s the same woman you have been visiting in Canada?” She finally asks.“Yes.” I answer as I glance at Patrick.“She must be lucky to spend time with you.” Kevin tells me.I smiled.“I am sure your fans wanted to her in her shoes.” Nancy adds.I answer a nod. She continues, “During your concert in Canada you were spotted going on dates with her too. You seem to visit her a lot.”“I think there is nothing really wrong about visiting someone I want to see.” I answer.“This unnamed mystery woman that has been circulating the news for months has finally been named and she’s a seventeen year old girl who goes to Lakewood High School in Canada.”“Yeah.” I answered.“You have been seen lately with this teenage girl who's
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107LINDY'S POVI didn’t want to leave my bed.I didn’t know what to do.All I know is that I was really really hurt and I don’t know how I can be able to let go of this feeling and to forget about this pain of rejection and humiliation. All these days I have been so strong for us and for him because I know he was there to catch me and to push me. But he was the first one to let me.The moment Martha left, I was in my bed and I didn’t want to go out of my room. There were so many questions in my head that I will no longer be able to answer because I don’t want to talk to him ever again after what he caused me. I had to question myself if I was not enough for him or was it my fault that things went out of place or was it because I was always far away? I wondered if the attention I have him was still not enough because he hurt me like this too easily.And I cannot take it.My heart cant take this pain. My heart does not want to feel this kind of pain because I know I can never recover f
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108MILO'S POVI am such a coward.I’m such a fucking coward.I crashed myself to bed and just grabbed my pillow, tugging it close to me. Lindy's smile is all I could imagine as it begins to fade into a vision of her crying. I don’t know how I hurt her but I am sure she is so damn hurt by those meaningless words I told her. Everything we did together played inside my head, from when I was texting her to those days where I kept teasing her and how I unexpectedly fell in love over some girl who I swapped phones with. I love her.I fucking love her and this hurts so fucking much how I denied her like that.It’s for Lindy. It’s for the band. Don’t be selfish Milo . You did what is right and what is right is to set your happiness aside for the people who means a lot to you even if I had to be the reason why she is massively hurt.Damn I didn't even notice that tears were already falling down my cheeks.The concert just finished but I don't feel tired at all. I don’t feel anything and I ac
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109LINDY’S POVI honestly don't wanna go to school today and I didn’t want to go anywhere after Milo released his statement about me. I was still not okay and I was still torn between hoping and giving up even though I am on the brink of it all. Milo pointed out how he made me and my emotions look like a joke n front of the entire world and I can never forgive how he managed to do that.I decided to look okay even though I was dying inside. I didn’t really want people to know that I was hurt and I didn’t want students in school to make fun of me again because it would only hurt me even worst. I have been dealing with the bullying after Milo and I went out to public and how Martha is the only one keep me sane for the past days.As I passed by the living room, I saw my dad watching TV and I instantly paused when he stares at the morning news about Milo ."Milo Beckett spotted once again with Paige Reifler last night! These two have been hanging much often than the usual and looked inse
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110"There's no way out now Lindy. Shit. You're cornered." Martha whispers to me.Seriously, even here at school, they're following me and I can’t even have my own privacy now all because of Milo and his damned interview. I grasped my books and walked to the gates confidently. Well, confident enough and I'd be damned if o get my words not right."I need to end this once and for all." I said to Martha as I pulled myself away from Martha's grip."Lindy!" She calls out to me. “Where are you going?”I look back to her, “Getting back my privacy.”When I was close enough, the paps started taking pictures of me and there was these reporters who waited for me to come out. They hurriedly rushed towards me while there were cameramen tryig to get every angle of me. This was unusual because I was completely surrounded with flashes of lights from the cameras which were blinding me because there were dozens of them that I couldn't count them all. They started running towards me and I feel Martha st
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