All Chapters of Beautifully Unfinished: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
316 Chapters
CHAPTER 22L A N D O N I did not even want to answer her."Love?" She quizzed.I held her chin while rubbing my thumb on her skin. "I love you."She smiles. "I love you too. But what seems to be--"I cut her off from what she was going to say by cupping her cheeks and pulling her closer to me so I could kiss her forehead."I love you more than you love me Miranda." I say softly against her temples.She pulls herself away from me and just stared at my face. "Is there something wrong that you need to tell me?" she asks again.I shake my head. "Nothing.""Your face doesn't say that nothing is bugging you." She insisted.I smile to make her stop questioning me. I don't want to tell her what I heard a while ago. I love her too much to be angry at her."I wrote a song by the way." I changed the topic.She turns her attention to the piece of sheet and stared at it."You say you’re a mess. You said that you’re broke. All that I see are crystal tears. Shining through these empty fears." She t
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CHAPTER 23M I R A N D A"What?!" Paris exclaims.I glazed at my shoulder while I talk over the phone with Paris."Paris I feel so guilty. I really feel so guilty." I muffled as I cup my phone with my hand."Why should you?" She asks."Because I haven't told Landon that I knew about Audrey's intention on Hugo and in him too." I answered."Don't worry about it okay? You're out of this. Stop feeling guilty about it. But right now I'm too mad that she used me as well! How could she totally do that to me? It was so cruel of her! She used the three of us!" She rants.I feel totally bad too."And she lied about Alex's real father! She's gone too far!" She continues angrily. "I'm sure that guy she's seeing is Alex's real dad. Ugh! The nerve of that bitch!" She added right away.I remained silent while she continues to rant about Audrey. I wonder what Hugo has been doing now that he knows Alex isn't his son and now that he knew Audrey's real intention with his own eyes on what she has been d
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CHAPTER 24A U D R E Y"I'm terribly sorry ma’am." She tells me."Why can't you do that? It's as simple as writing ABC. Now give me what I want." I spit angrily as I demanded."I'm sorry." She apologized again. "But you don't have any access to Mr. Saintclare's bank accounts." The teller says to me."I'm his wife!" I demanded.She shakes her head. "You can't withdraw five million ma’am."We have been fighting over this for a few minutes now and she is making me terribly mad. I wanna punch this woman straight on her face. She's maddening! She doesn't give me what I want to have and I know she won't give in no matter how hard I try to persuade her.She's just jealous of me because I'm married to Hugo and she's not! I know from the way she looks at me, she's just a jealous bitch. Every woman is obviously jealous that I'm married to Hugo that's why they're all being a bitch to me."I told you Hugo instructed me to withdraw that amount of money. My husband told me to do so. Why can't you u
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CHAPTER 25H U G OThe door swings open and it was Audrey who was looking good in a red dress. She enters the walk in closet and stands next to me in front of the huge mirror."You look very handsome." She says. "And I'm excited on where you'll be taking me."I smile. "I'm quite excited too."I fixed my collar but then Audrey pulls me around to make me face her. She fixes my collar instead."I'm very lucky to have you honey. I wish you know that." She says to me.I nod. "I know."She smiles."You ready?" I ask her.She nods happily. "I'm thrilled for this surprise!"I smirks.When both of us were done, we quickly headed out of the mansion. We climbed into the car and I started driving. She was busy texting on her phone but I didn't really mind who she was texting with cos I know it's Ridge. Attorney Travis had made a new will of testament and the other things that were on the black folder have been newly done as well. I was glad everything happened fast and I couldn't wait for newer t
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CHAPTER 26M I R A N D AI'm being like a complete teenage girl again acting like an NBI looking through Twitter for some information like I used to do before when there was still Satellite Patrol and it's kind of funny as I think about it now. An aged woman is still stalking members of Satellite Patrol.But it wouldn't hurt if I try to stalk things about Hugo right? I just wanted to know what the people are talking about now that they're buzzing about Hugo's divorced Audrey.@hugosaintclare is it true that you divorced @audreysaintclare? #YES #FINALLY #SingleSaintclareI think it's NOT true. @audreycsaintclare is still using @hugosaintclare' surname here. They look good together though. #lieslieslies@hugosaintclare please tell me you're single again!!! #SingleSaintclare #Finally#SingleSaintclare is trending worldwide! I'm really happy! It's such a good morning! @hugosaintclare it's true isn't it? ;) #BachelorAgain@audreycsaintclare what happened? I hope the news isn't real #HAUDRE
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CHAPTER 27H U G O When we finished golfing it was already late, around seven in the evening kind of late. Ned left with Hannah and of course I was left with Melody. It's not that I don't want to hang out with her but I just didn't want to hang out with women after my divorce just yet. I guess Ned is trying to help me forget about what Audrey did and trying to help me on moving on with what I felt for Rose.I took Melody out for dinner and we talked about random stuff. I enjoyed my time with her. She told me she loves writing stories when she was young and she loves singing but she wasn't too good. She told me her parents divorced when she was twelve and she had a hard time coping up with it. She talks a lot and she's funny even without trying. It was a great dinner with her actually."Can we take photos together? I wanted to tweet about it too if that's okay with you." She says.I smiled. "Of course. It's not like I'm a celebrity anymore."A waiter walks closer to us."Excuse me, ta
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CHAPTER 28H U G OWhen we got there, she was beginning to act shy. She showed me her paintings. They were abstract and they were all a beauty. She explained each meaning to me and it was mostly related to her life. She was merely talented. She was good with art. And she even had molding clay that were made into curtains art pieces that awed me.Melody is smart. She's pretty. She's easy to talk to. She's funny. I enjoy my time with her. And her coming into my life was unexpected. I mean, I met her at a club and I didn't know such woman will be this amazing and to think we have only went out thrice. Though I know and I am aware that I shouldn't fall for her, I am also aware that I shouldn't make her fall for me because I have no intention of committing yet after what happened to my life.I don't need a new relationship after my divorce. I don't need new flames. I don't want to get into commitments yet, I've had enough of that. I won't commit if if it's not Rose. I know I'm already a th
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CHAPTER 29H U G OIt's been a week since I've been hanging out with Melody. I'm still going out with her and no, we're not together. It's nothing like that. We're not committed to each other and I don’t want to be either. We're not in a relationship and never will be. I don’t think I even want to be in a relationship for now. I'm not planning to ask her out exclusively even though we've had dinner together quite a couple of times but it's nothing sweet, romantic or anything. It didn't mean anything to me. Because to me, we were just...We were just fucking.We've fucked a lot lately.We had lots of sex for a while now. Lots and lots of it. In the back of my car, her kitchen sink, her bathroom, against her fridge, her TV room and almost always inside her flat.Sex was the only thing I am after her, as selfish as it sounds. We always have sex in her place and never in mine. I don't invite her at my home even if she insists. It's like my rule now. I don't want any woman to come inside
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CHAPTER 30H U G OShe didn't answer and instead she lays back down on her bed and turned her back at me. I sigh as I pull myself off her bed as I march my way towards my clothes. I begin to dress myself and fixed my hair because I don’t want to stay here after what I told her."I can't give you a future with me. If you want something romantic, find someone else to give you what you deserve." I tell her.I know she's crying and she is planning to cry herself to sleep and I feel bad for what I've done. I don't want to lie to her too. I don't want to stay committed to her just becasue I pity her.I wouldn't risk it.The next day, I didn't text Melody nor I didn’t even call her. I really didn't want to because it was unnecessary for me to do so. I didn't want to chase after her just for sex, especially now that she subtly confessed that she has feelings for me. I could get sex from any woman I want to and in the first place I wasn't hurting that she wasn't texting me or calling me, it wa
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CHAPTER 31M I R A N D AI didn't want to hear those things coming from him.I didn't want him to agree how big her boobs were.I didn't want him to say how amazing he had sex with Melody.I didn't want to know that he had sex with her.I didn't want to know about those stuff because those things make me feel like he has finally moved on about how he felt for me.Selfish.I feel bad for being so selfish right now. I feel bad for still wanting Hugo to myself even if I'm married to Landon.Selfish.Why does it have to be like this?Selfish.I know that he can have a lot of sex with any other women he likes because he is divorced now. He can have sex with the sexiest woman even and it should not have me concerned. He can have sex, threesome or even foursome now that he's single.And it doesn't concern me.It doesn't have to concern me at all and you should be reminded of that Miranda!Despite telling myself and convincing myself that I am ready for this, I'm so bothered about the thought
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