All Chapters of Beautifully Unfinished: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
316 Chapters
CHAPTER 32H U G O"I'll drive you home." I offered."I don't wanna go home." She spits.I exhale heavily. "You need to go home. It's already late.""I said I don't wanna go home!"I stared at her eagerly and I'm getting kind of annoyed with her and attitude right now. I try to take a deep breath in and relax. I exhale heavily as I keep my composure together."Melody." I say her name firm.She didn't flinch."Where can I drop you off?" I ask her again as I kept gazing at my watch. I don’t have much time for this and her.She doesn't answer."Mel?" I try to catch her attention but she's still quiet."Melody. Where. Can. I. Drop. You. Off." I paused on every word.Still no response from her.She looks at me eagerly while I worry about Miranda already giving birth right now. I have so many things in mind and Miranda is on the top of my priority of it all. I've texted Zachary, and he said she's already in her labor. That means I need to go to the hospital soon to check on her. I wanna be
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CHAPTER 33M I R A N D A"Bethany Adelaide." I say as I carry her over my arms as I wipe my tears escaping from my eyes.All I could do was hold her and I was smitten by her innocence. This is always gonna be the best feeling in the world. She's so perfect on my arms as I carry her just like how I carried Ben for the first time. I still get amazed by how I created this tiny gorgeous person. As I look at her with her small face, tiny fingers, hands, toes, and how she's so small is beautiful to me. She sleeps on my arms so peacefully. She's just too beautiful to look away.It's always gonna feel fantastic and it's gonna feel this way, I think. I feel very emotional as I think of how I held Ben like this years ago. I remember that I was alone that time when I gave birth to him. Hugo wasn't here for me, and nobody did. The second time I gave birth to his second child, he still isn't here. He chose to be with Melody than to be with me while I give birth to his baby.I've been crying since
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CHAPTER 34H U G O"Don't say goodbye, please. Don't tell me it's over cos I don't want it to end. Don't tell me not to wait cos I still want to wait for you. Don't tell me you've got a change of heart because that will kill me." I tell her.I shake my head as I watch her cry. "Don't say goodbye yet. Say goodbye when you're ready to let me go." I wipe her tears off.She exhales, "Hugo... It's too complicated. Why do you do this to me?""Because I know we're still in love with each other. I still feel it Rose."She sighs heavily and I know this sounds crazy but I wanted to let her know about what I still feel for her after what she find out about what I've been having with Melody lately, I know she overheard us talking about it. I wanted to let her know that I'll still wait for her and only for her even if it means it'll take years for me to. I will. And I wanted to let her know that I don't want anyone else but her. Only her."What about Melody?" She asks, not looking at me."She's ju
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CHAPTER 35M I R A N D A"Zachary." I called out as soon he enters the backyard and joined us. He quickly gave me a brief hug and released me."Hey Randy." He greets and smiled. "Hey hey Benny boy." He greeted Ben too and squat down in front of him."Uncle Zachary!" Ben exclaims and hugs him. I watch as Zachary smile so beautifully right now.Damn he still looks so perfect like a God.Ben pulled himself away and pointed at what Zachary was bringing with him. "What are inside that paper bag?" Ben asks."Oh this?" He asked then placed the paper bag on top of the table. "My mom baked cookies last night and sent us some." He added."Cookies?!" Ben happily exclaimed."Ben calm down." I say while chuckling.Zachary pulled his head up to me and joined me from laughing then he stands. "It's okay Randy. I thought maybe Ben would love it too.""Thank you. But this is a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?" I asked him."I just wanted to check on you."I smiled. "Wow. That's surprising."He
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CHAPTER 36H U G OHow?How did that even happen?How in the world did it get leaked?I pace back and forth inside my office as I think about it and still no clue leads to everything that I just found out. I have no idea how it went viral and I'm maddened that it got leaked but by who? I've googled what Ned told me a while ago and it was indeed the one on my phone.But how? I mentally asked myself again the question I couldn't even answer myself.I've had my iPhone with me the entire time and I don't recall any incident these past few that it had been lost cos it wasn't. I kept reading the news until I was halfway through it, my eyes dilated as I was surprised that my name was brought up to the topic. I was involved right away. Of course I had to be, she was my ex wife.'Audrey Chamberlain was videotaped doing cocaine with an unknown man and caught doing sex with him afterwards. The leaked scandal was said to be hacked from Hugo Saintclare's iCloud account based from an unknown source
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CHAPTER 37M I R A N D AI take a good look at Bethany while she sleeps peacefully on top of her crib. I kiss her forehead goodnight and walked to Ben's bedroom. He's fast asleep too while he hugs that hot dog pillow in between his thighs and hugs it close to his cheeks. I've been walking around the mansion to look for Landon.When I woke up, he wasn't next to me anymore. And I'm worried where he is at this very moment. I stand out of his study and I think he is behind this room. I slowly opened the door as it squeaks open and stood by the threshold."Landon?" I entered his study.There he is with a bottle of liquor next to him and a glass half emptied by the golden brown colored alcohol. I wonder what's bothering him. He always comes here and brings with him a bottle of alcohol and drowns himself with it."There you are." I added with a soft voice.He pulled his head up to me and I noticed that the entire room was insanely quiet and a bit dark. The light from his lampshade was the o
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CHAPTER 38H U G O"Are you sure with this Mr. Saintclare?" He asks.I nodded."Yes." I fix my tie. "I wanna clear my name from this irreverent matter.""I'm just worried for you, boy." He says.I grin. "I'll be fine Trenton. Don't need to worry about me. I'll just say something to make the issue go away. I don't want my company's name to be downgraded and to be at risk just cos of this stupidity.""Your company is always important to you.""Of course. It's my bread and butter."He slightly smiles. "Can you really do this? Against your ex wife?"I nodded firm. "Of course I can."Suddenly there came a knock by the door and as soon as it swings open, I see Maria standing by the threshold. "The media are ready at the conference room, sir." She says to me.I stand from my chair and placed my blazer over me. "Tell them to wait. I'm on my way." I instructed her.She nods. "Right away Mr. Saintclare."Maria leaves the room while Mr. Trenton, my Press Coordinator, was still looking at me susp
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CHAPTER 39H U G OMy heart raced."Is there something important that we need to talk about?" I asked Rose. "Yes. Let's talk about it when Landon and Zachary's here with us." She responded.I'm surprised. "Zachary?" I quizzed.She awkwardly looked away."What's Zachary gonna be here for?" I ask her again but she's not looking at me anymore. "Rose?" I call out her attention.She looks straight ahead. "They're here."I see Landon and Zachary's presence coming to our table. The two of them, walked to where we were. They joined us right away. Landon kissed Rose's cheek, my heart ached by the gesture, and the lads quickly gave me a brief hug. Landon sat next to Rose and Zachary sat next to me. I glanced at them and I think they know something that I don't. I'm nervous. Im always the last one to know about things. "I've ordered for all of us." Rose speaks.Landon clears his throat as he glances at Zachary."What's going on guys?" I questioned.Zachary sighs heavily. "I can't believe we'r
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CHAPTER 40M I R A N D AI left the table when Hugo started talking about kissing me and I hurriedly walked to the bathroom because I feel my cheeks burning. I was blushing in front of Hugo the entire time and I have no idea why he always affect me like this. I have been staring at myself in front of the mirror and tried to stop myself from blushing.Damn cheeks!I have been here for almost ten minutes now, just staring at my own reflection and I have been waiting for my cheeks not to blush anymore. Hugo always makes me red like a tomato and I hate how he can easily do it.Suddenly a knock came by the door, "Rose?"Fuck it's Hugo."Y-yeah?" I chirped."Landon just left."What?"Someone called him up and he said it was his client from a while ago. Something came up at work." Hugo explains.I rushed to the door and opened it. There stands Hugo, carrying Bethany over his long leans arms and huts waited for me to open up.He smiles. "He asked me if I could take you home." He says.I feel
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CHAPTER 41L A N D O N Why did they have to be here too? Why did we have to be in one bar at the same time? Why did I have to see her lying ass and his freaking shit face?"Landon lets just go." Zachary tells me.Landon: Love, I'll be home a bit late. I’m sorry. Don't wait up for me. I love you so much.Audrey wore a pair of distressed black jeans that had a huge hole on her left knee, paired with a black boots and a black shirt under the black leather jacket. She looked as if she wasn't on the news a week ago and now she's out partying like she doesn't have a son.Has she really gotten crazy?"Landon." Zachary calls out to me but I don’t mind him at all. The more I look at Ridge and Audrey the angrier I become and it feels like this anger is raging inside me after what they have done to Hugo and what she has done to me.As she passed by the other tables that were around, people were busy looking and obviously gossiping about her but she didn't even bother it at all. She walked casua
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