All Chapters of Beautifully Unfinished: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
316 Chapters
CHAPTER 42H U G OI grabbed the Kleenex tissue box.I threw myself to bed as soon as I got home but I still see Rose. I loosened my belt and unbuttoned my jeans. I think about how Rose looked when she wore those undies on. As I fantasize about her I placed my hand over my bulge and try to touch it. I miss staring at her body. Even after giving birth, she's still god damn hot though.God, how I wish I could hold my hands around her right now. I have been here imagining her since I left their house. I have been lying down on this bed thinking about her. I slipped my hand inside the garter of my boxer brief and tried stroking myself. I close my eyes as I imagine Rose. I bite my lower lip as I see her, wearing those undies on from a while ago. She still makes me stand. I began to pull my boxer brief together with my trousers down then started stroking myself again. But faster this time.I groan as I lick my lips. My eyes were still close while my hand is still busy.I climaxed and moaned
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CHAPTER 43M I R A N D AHugo sighs heavily as he holds the back of his neck with his hand as soon as he peeled his eyes away from mine.“Where is he?” I ask him, still holding onto his shirt."We'll be there." I hear Hugo responding to Landon and he hangs up the next second.I held on to his sleeve with both hands as I asked, "Hugo? What's wrong?" I ask him intensively because his eyes looked incredibly in complete despair and sadness."Hugo." I pull his sleeve again while he sighs heavily trying to run his hands over his face and his eyes as he groans under his throat.“What is it?!” I pulled harder.Hugo slowly move his head to me and looked into my eyes with knitted brows and tears flooding behind his eyelids."W-What's the matter?" I ask worriedly. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask again as I clenched harder onto his sleeve but he is not answering me. “What?!”He shakes his head as he tries to breathe in and out. "I can't believe this." He mutters to himself as he push
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CHAPTER 44M I R A N D A"We saw Ridge and Audrey at the same bar. Landon didn't want to leave at first because he was too mad at them for what they have done to Hugo but I persuaded him not to do anything and that we just leave. Ridge’s guy blocked the entrance and…” He groans as he wipes his tears with his hands.He curses under his breath as he whimpers, “Everything just went too fast. Ridge forced us to follow him to the backdoor exit and we did. I did. I forced Landon to go with me because I was mad at Ridge when he mentioned about Paris’ OD. I got blinded by my anger and followed Ridge and Landon was stopping me. Ridge was taunting Landon that his men will come to your house and someone would hurt you." Zachary explains as his voice continues to tremble.That's why he's been texting me to lock the doors and to keep the kids safe with me. Oh my goodness Landon. Why didn't you tell me?My tears are building and my heart is thumping so hard in my chest."Landon texted Hugo right aw
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CHAPTER 45M I R A N D A"Is daddy Landon going to be okay?" Ben asks.I push his hair off his forehead, "Daddy Landon hasn't woken up yet but I'm sure he will be fine." I assured him."Can Bethany and I go with you to the hospital mommy?" He asks sweetly. “I want to see dad.”"Benny, I would love to take you with me but kids like you aren't allowed to go upstairs where daddy Landon is."He sighs."Don't worry, okay baby?" I cup his cheek.He nods."Once daddy Landon will wake up, I'll call you right away. How 'bout that?" I cooed and pinched his cheek gently."Okay mommy."I kissed Ben's forehead then Hugo kissed him goodbye too as he stands right next to us. I gazed at the window and there were paps waiting for us to say something about what has been going on but I don’t really don’t know what to tell them. The media have found out about what happened to Landon and the world just wanted to know why it happened, how it happened, when it happened and who did it."Bags are packed?" Hug
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CHAPTER 46M I R A N D A “Landon, you have not. God, you have never been that way!”He shakes his head, “I have had.”“What are you even talking about?” I questioned him.There is silence again and it is making my heart race.He groans as he runs his free hand over his hair, “I have been a jealous, deceitful and lying husband to you and when I was shot that night, I thought my entire life flashed before my eyes and I thought I…” He shakes his head subtly before he looks back at me.My heart is thumping.“What?” I asked him as I patiently wait for the next words that he would tell me.“You know I love you right?” He asks and I nod. “With everything I have and with every single bone in my body.”“Of course, and I do too.” I responded but he is not saying anything and just staring at me with sad eyes. “Landon, you were never lying to me and you never deceit me for anything, even from the start.”“No.”“You have always been true and God, you have the right to be jealous for my wrongful b
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CHAPTER 47M I R A N D AWhen Landon was discharged from the hospital after a few days he woke up, Ben was very happy to see him again. He kept on hugging Landon all the time and told him what foods he ate when Landon wasn't around. He asked if Landon was already feeling better and that he needed to rest more. He asked what happened to him and what happened to his arm. He asked so many things that just made me realize how worried he must have been for his daddy Landon.Ben even told Landon about the bedtime stories that he heard from aunt Jo, Lottie and Felicite. He also told Landon that he had seen his baby pictures and how he adored Landon when he was a child. I saw how Ben cares a lot for Landon the same way he treats Ben as his very own son."Ben." I call out to him as I stand by the threshold.Ben pops his head up from the bedtime storybooks that he has been reading with Landon."Your daddy Landon is already tired. Why don't you go to bed now sweetheart?" I say as I enter our mas
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CHAPTER 48M I R A N D A Hugo chuckles. "That's a problem then." He answers so calmly then suddenly calls out to someone from his background. "No, don't touch that. The files are on the other folder. Thank you."My brows creasing, "Where in hell are you?""I arrived in Germany yesterday morning because I was suppose to meet with some people related to work today.""Oh. I see. You've been really busy." I replied in a soft voice."Yes. Kind of. But I'm on my way to the airport right now since you told me that Ben's worrying about my absence, I'm coming back home for the three of you." He states those words seriously.And my heart swells in a split second."But you said you had some people needed to meet with?" I asked."They can wait." He says reassuringly."No, Hugo.” I answered firmly. “You have to go back and meet those people. I know how important work is to you and anyways Ben would just understand and--”"Rose it's fine.” He cuts me off. “I'll be back in London maybe in a few hou
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CHAPTER 49M I R A N D ALandon: I would love to go so badly but I'll be working late here at the studio. I'm sorry love. I hope you and the kids will have fun with Hugo tonight :) I'll try to catch up if I can. I love you. xxI reread Landon's text as I sit on Hugo's passenger seat while we are on our way to the art exhibit. Bethany was on her carrier while Ben was next to her in the backseat. It was our first ever family date together and I'm a bit nervous to be honest. I know that I don't need to be worried about this because I've got Landon's consent, yet I'm worried about what the people are going to say when they'll see me with Hugo. I know how the people's doubtful minds go and how those gossipy mouths will say about this.I reminded myself not to get distracted about the issues that will come tomorrow as long as Ben will enjoy his time spent with his father, that is all that matters to me and nothing else. Also, it would totally matter if Hugo will also spend time with his kid
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CHAPTER 50M I R A N D AWhen the auction event ended, Hugo signed some papers affiliated with the painting and paid the amount he bid for the auction. He got the £10,000 worth of painting and talked to the event coordinator who mentioned that he will send it first thing in the morning. Hugo talked to Mr. Hawkins for a while and I think they exchanged a very healthy conversation filled with thank yous and all that.Hugo smiles at me. "What's with the long face?"I haven't even noticed that if he didn't mention it to me. "I'm fine. I'm just surprised that you bought that painting." I answered softly.From the corner of my eyes, I see Melody walking up towards where we were and I swear to God she has been annoying the hell out of the entire night. And I on the other hand, feel myself being so petty for even being this childish.But in the back of my head, I hate that she's clearly very happy about what just happened today especially about the painting that Hugo bought. I know Hugo clea
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CHAPTER 51M I R A N D AI sigh heavily.We went completely quiet for a while and neither of us wanted to speak.Hugo decides to drive again and as he drives me back home, I feel like I don't want to go home yet and spend the night with Landon because my selfish thought still wants to be with Hugo. But I try to stop myself from thinking like that, because I don’t need to make another mistake against Landon. Just thinking about it is even a sin.My heart is really hurting right now from those words that Hugo said to me it's because I wanna do those things with him too even though I have Landon. I wanna be with him as well as much as he wants to be with me. My heart is yearning for him. My heart is really cluttered. My heart is really messed up.Sometimes I love him and there are times that I force myself to forget about what I feel for him but I still think about him. When I don’t see him for a long time, he is all I think about. My mind tells me that my feelings for Hugo shouldn't com
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