All Chapters of Mommy, Is The CEO Our Daddy? The Return Of The Ex-Wife: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
119 Chapters
Chapter 51 - A Cruel Prank
Still seething with rage after Sienna spilled coffee on her face and hair, Lyra felt her cheeks burn with humiliation. The barista hesitantly approached her, holding out the coffee Sienna had ordered for her before leaving. Lyra glared at the cup as if it was the most offensive thing she had ever seen. "Do you seriously think I want that?!" she screamed, her voice shrill with anger. The barista quickly retreated, and she stormed out of the café, slamming the door behind her with a resounding bang. As she stomped down the street, her mind raced, consumed by thoughts of revenge. 'How dare she mess with me? How dare Sienna try to take David away from me? I won't let her win! I'll make her regret ever crossing me!' she fumed internally. Her anger was so intense that she barely noticed the curious stares from passersby, who gawked at the woman covered in coffee, muttering and occasionally shouting in fury. She was too wrapped up in her own turmoil to care about what anyone else thought
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Chapter 52 - A Connection
David sat at the corner table of the dimly lit, upscale restaurant. The elegant chandeliers cast a warm glow over the mahogany furnishings and plush, velvet seating. Soft jazz played in the background, providing an air of sophistication and a gentle hum to accompany the clink of fine silverware and the murmur of conversations.Despite the luxurious surroundings, David's eyes remained fixed on the half-empty glass of whiskey in front of him. His mind raced, a flurry of conflicting thoughts and emotions pulling him in every direction.The pictures of him with the unknown woman from his hotel suite in Silicon Valley were still fresh in his memory. The fact that someone had looped those pictures on the screen at his house for his family and fiancée to see only made matters worse. He couldn't shake off the embarrassment and the feeling of being violated.Lyra's earlier behavior only added to his confusion. She had appeared at his house all disheveled and drenched in coffee.'Why do I feel
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Chapter 53 - Outsmarted
Sienna arrived at her home, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and guilt.She tried to sneak inside, hoping that her five-year-old twins and her parents wouldn't notice that she had spent the night away.It was the first time something like this had happened, and she felt like a teenager or a perpetrator trying to break into a house.As she tiptoed through the living room, she couldn't help but feel the weight of her actions. 'What am I doing?' she thought, feeling silly with each step.Just when she was about to reach her room, her twins, Xander and Bella, appeared in the hallway, their eyes wide with curiosity."Mommy!" they exclaimed in unison, running toward her with open arms."Shh!" Sienna whispered, holding a finger to her lips, but it was too late.Her parents emerged from the kitchen, their expressions a mixture of surprise and curiosity."Mommy, where have you been? You were out all night!" Xander exclaimed, his little hands on his hips, trying to mimic a scoldi
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Chapter 54 - A Father's Intuition
"Are you sure you want to go inside all by yourself?" Shane asked.Sienna confirmed with a determined nod. ‘I need to do this alone.’"I'll be here if you need me," he added reassuringly.Her body trembled as she walked down the sterile corridors of the hospital. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she entered the hospital room where her adoptive parent lay in bed, frail and ill.It had been six years since Sienna last saw him, and a flood of nerves, apprehension, and longing washed over her. He wouldn't recognize her now; nobody recognized her. There was no trace of Kate Hendrix, David's late ex-wife, left in her; she had become a completely different person.Corrective eye surgery had addressed her severe myopia and astigmatism, slightly altering her eye color in the process. Once nearly blind without her glasses, she could now see the world with clear, confident eyes.Her hair, once a uniform dark shade, now boasted subtle highlights and had grown longer and more lustrous.Over
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Chapter 55 - A Ghost
Her heart skipped a beat, a surge of anxiety and jealousy coursing through her veins.'How could David be so shameless, visiting my adoptive father with Lyra after the night we spent together? I was a fool to fall for him again.'It had been David's vulnerability and his professed love for Kate, not realizing she was the very woman he spoke of, that had led her to open up to him once more, to make love to him.She shouldn’t have forgotten that he had never believed her and had asked for a divorce without giving her a chance to prove her innocence. It was a night of weakness, but she couldn’t find it in herself to fully regret it. She needed it. She needed him.Reluctantly, Sienna knew she had to leave her adoptive father's side to avoid being caught by David and Lyra. The thought of explaining her presence at the hospital, especially in her current emotional state, was overwhelming."I... I have to go," she whispered to her adoptive father, her voice strained. "There's something I nee
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Chapter 56 - Past and Present
A torrent of anxiety and hope flooded his chest as he unlocked his phone and opened the message. This was the moment of truth, the confirmation of the suspicions that had been relentlessly haunting him.His pulse raced, his breaths turned shallow, and his hands trembled slightly as he tapped on the email.He hastily scanned the contents of the email, his eyes widening as he absorbed the information. The DNA results confirmed what he had been both desperately hoping and dreading: Sienna was indeed Kate, his long-lost ex-wife.'How can this be even possible?'A whirlwind of emotions engulfed him – relief, disbelief, anger, and a sense of longing for the woman he had once loved deeply.She had been right there in front of him, and he hadn't recognized her. The sheer magnitude of the revelation left him momentarily breathless, struggling to comprehend the enormity of the situation.As he stood there, staring at his phone in shock, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for having doubt
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Chapter 57 - Long-Term Relationship
It was almost Monday morning, and David hadn't managed to sleep a wink the previous night. His thoughts had been consumed by the revelations of the day before, leaving him tossing and turning in his bed, the weight of his emotions pressing down on him like a heavy blanket.He tried to form a plan, to figure out what he should do next, but guilt gnawed at his heart, making it difficult to think clearly.The crushing realization that he had been wrong about Kate, that he had pushed her away without giving her a chance to prove her innocence, filled him with profound remorse.'Is this why she set me up? To make me realize the extent of the damage I did? Because without experiencing it myself, would I have ever understood?'In the dark, quiet room, David grappled with the idea of confronting Sienna, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He resolved to let her carry on with whatever plan she had devised. He couldn't help but wonder what her intentions were.'Is she seeking revenge? Is sh
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Chapter 58 - Of Ice and Fire
Lyra sat on the luxurious couch in the living room, scrolling through the online scandal magazines with a smug grin on her face. She couldn't help but revel in the satisfaction of a perfectly executed plan. Ever since her friend Eric had mentioned that he'd seen a photo from Mark, showing Jaxon Steele and Sienna together from a few years ago, she'd become obsessed with the idea of using that information to her advantage. After spending an impossible amount of money and pulling a few strings, she managed to get in touch with the paparazzi who had snapped that initial picture. As she'd hoped, there were more photos, including some taken at the recent Silicon Valley summit. With the evidence in hand, Lyra had paid a few scandal magazines to publish the news, and soon enough, others followed suit. As she swiped through the articles detailing the alleged secret love affair between Jaxon Steele and Sienna Hamilton, Lyra felt a sense of power and control coursing through her veins. ‘This
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Chapter 59 - Whispers of Doubt
Lyra arrived at David's office during lunchtime, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and unease. News of Sienna and Jaxon Steele's alleged affair had made headlines in every magazine, and Lyra couldn't resist the urge to gauge David's reaction.As she approached his desk, she attempted to feign nonchalance, as if she had accidentally stumbled upon the news herself."David, have you heard about Sienna and Jaxon Steele?" she inquired, her voice laced with feigned concern.David looked up from his computer, his expression a blend of surprise and irritation. "Yes, I have. But as you must know by now, I detest gossip," he replied curtly.Lyra's heart leaped with joy as she realized that her ploy had worked – David was indeed aware of the news. Her next objective was to ensure that he didn't question Sienna's involvement with Jaxon."Well, it does make sense if you think about it," she said, trying to sound reasonable. "They've both been in the public eye for a long time, and they
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Chapter 60 - Star-Crossed Lovers
Sienna glanced at her watch as she looked forward to the dinner she had planned with Jaxon Steele. Their meeting was intended as a relaxed get-together, an opportunity for them to catch up amid the whirlwind of rumors and gossip about their supposed relationship.She felt a sense of comfort and reassurance in Jaxon's presence, knowing that her best friend and cousin would stand by her side through the storm of speculation and innuendo.In her heart, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment towards David. They hadn't crossed paths since their night together, and she couldn't shake the idea of him showing up at the hospital with Lyra. It felt like a betrayal, a painful reminder of the complicated web of emotions that had ensnared them all.'I don't owe him any explanations. He chose Lyra, he chose to break my heart,' she thought bitterly as she adjusted her dress in the mirror. 'I'll make him regret ever doubting me.'Meanwhile, David was trying to suppress his own turbulent em
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