All Chapters of Mommy, Is The CEO Our Daddy? The Return Of The Ex-Wife: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
119 Chapters
Chapter 61 - Easy Prey
It hadn't been long since David had come to the shocking realization that Sienna was, in fact, his ex-wife Kate, the woman he believed was dead. This revelation had opened the door to the possibility that the twins might be his, and he had clung to that hope with all his heart.But David recalled the time when Jaxon had sent gifts for the twins after the summit had ended. At the time, he hadn't given it much thought, but now, in light of the recent rumors, it took on a whole new meaning. The memory played in his mind, fueling his doubts and suspicions.'Why would Jaxon send gifts for the twins unless there was some deeper connection between them?' David mused, his thoughts spiraling deeper into uncertainty.The more David thought about it, the more he began to doubt himself and his role in Sienna's life. He realized that he had been clinging to the hope that the twins were his, that they shared a bond that could never be broken. But now, as he watched Sienna and Jaxon together, that h
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Chapter 62 - Her Brand
As the words left Sienna's lips, she knew she had hit a nerve. Lyra's eyes flashed with anger, and Sienna felt a rush of triumph.She had won this battle, but she knew the war was far from over. With Lyra lurking in the shadows, she would have to be on her guard if she wanted to come out on top.But Lyra wasn't finished yet. Her laughter was bitter, and her eyes blazed with anger as she challenged Sienna."What is your relationship with Jaxon Steele?" she snarled. "Everyone knows about the rumors. Don't think you can fool me, Sienna. I know you want David too, but let me tell you, he's mine, and I won't let you have him."Sienna bristled at the accusation, but she refused to be drawn in. With a calmness she didn't quite feel, she met Lyra's gaze."My relationships are of no concern to you," she replied evenly. "And I have no interest in David. You can keep him."As Lyra stormed out of the restroom, Sienna took a few deep breaths, trying to steady herself. Looking in the mirror, she re
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Chapter 63 - A Promise
The annual Green Tech Science Fair was in full swing, and David was excited to be there representing Hendrix Technologies. Exhibits featuring cutting-edge environmental solutions filled the convention center, and the atmosphere buzzed with the energy of innovation.As he walked through the aisles, showcasing his company's latest advancements, he spotted two familiar faces in the crowd.His heart skipped a beat when he recognized Bella and Xander, wandering around wide-eyed and fascinated by the displays, accompanied by their grandparents, who kept a little distance, leaving them room to run around.David knew the faces of Kate and Richard Hamilton very well, as they were often on the covers of business magazines in every field.He hadn't seen the twins in a while, and a pang of longing struck his heart. He couldn't resist the opportunity to interact with them, even though he knew he had to tread carefully.As he approached them cautiously, his mind raced with thoughts and emotions.'W
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Chapter 64 - Little Stars
Early in the morning, David lay in his bed, his thoughts consumed by the events of the past few days. He hadn't had a proper conversation with Sienna since they spent that passionate night together. He had so much he wanted to say to her, but he knew she wouldn't listen. Before he even had a chance to enjoy his morning coffee, his phone buzzed, interrupting his thoughts. It was his assistant, Paul. David frowned, well aware that Paul wouldn't dare call him this early unless it was urgent. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for whatever news awaited him, and answered the call. "Mr. Hendrix, I apologize for calling you so early, but I have some crucial information you need to know," Paul said nervously, his voice trembling slightly. David's icy demeanor did little to put Paul at ease. "What is it, Paul? It had better be important," he said, attempting to keep the irritation out of his voice. His assistant hesitated, dreading David's reaction. "It's about the man who was photogr
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Chapter 65 - The After-Party
David reached out and gently grasped Sienna's hand, holding it firmly even as she tried to withdraw it. Reluctant to cause a scene, Sienna conceded, allowing him to hold her hand. Sitting there, their hands intertwined, she was struck by how natural it felt, despite the years of anger and the betrayal that stood between them. When the performance ended, the twins rushed to their parents, their faces beaming with excitement. "Mommy! Daddy! Did you see us?" they cried out, their voices brimming with joy. Their happiness was palpable, and it pierced Sienna's heart like a dagger, knowing that she was the one keeping them from their father. "They were incredible, weren't they?" David asked, his eyes radiating pride. Sienna couldn't help but agree, nodding as she beamed at her children. "Mommy, did you see when I climbed the beanstalk?" Xander asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement. She nodded, her heart swelling with pride. "And did you hear me singing, Daddy?" Bella inquired, he
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Chapter 66 - Taste of a Family
On the other side of the call, Lyra clenched her phone tightly, her knuckles turning white as fury bubbled within her. Her breath hitched as she tried to process the information she had just received."Tell me that again, Jess, I think I misheard. What do you mean they're playing parents?" Lyra spat, her voice barely containing her rage. "How can that be? David would never... Sienna Hamilton must be up to something."Her mind raced, conjuring up images of Sienna and David together, laughing and enjoying themselves like a real family. The thought was unbearable.Jessica hesitated for a moment before replying, "I don't know. All I can tell you is what I saw. They seemed... happy. He didn’t even notice my presence at all. He had eyes only for Sienna and her kids.""Happy?" Lyra scoffed, her voice dripping with venom. "He's supposed to be happy with me! Not that... that woman!"As Lyra paced her lavish living room, her designer heels clicking angrily on the marble floor, her thoughts swir
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Chapter 67 - Regret and Longing
David hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting to Sienna to gauge her reaction. Seeing her children's hopeful faces, Sienna's heart tightened, and she knew she couldn't deny them this simple request. She offered David a small, reassuring smile as she nodded in agreement.'I'll allow it, but only this time. What harm could it do? They seem so happy!' she thought."Of course," David replied, his voice warm and gentle. "I'd be happy to."The twins' faces lit up with joy as they eagerly clasped their parents' hands, leaving the restaurant together. A whirlwind of emotions stirred within Sienna – happiness for her children, anxiety about the future, and a deep, unshakable yearning for the family they could have been.As they drove home, the twins chattered excitedly about their day, their voices gradually becoming softer and more tired.Upon reaching the Hamilton mansion, David carried the drowsy twins to their bedrooms, gently tucking them in with a tender touch. He kissed their forehead
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Chapter 68 - A Mother's Heart
The next morning, Sienna awoke to find her phone buzzing with notifications. Rubbing her sleepy eyes and reaching for it, her heart briefly sank as she saw her face plastered all over the front pages of scandal magazines.Quickly recovering from the momentary shock, she rolled her eyes in exasperation. The headlines screamed about her alleged longtime relationship with Jaxon Steele.With her usual calm and collected demeanor, she smirked, her thoughts racing.'Lyra… Lyra… Isn't this old news? You poor thing… have you run out of ideas? Or have you grown even more desperate?'Sienna maintained her composure as she scrolled through the articles, each one more sensational and far-fetched than the last.The most audacious was the one from Starlight Scandal TV – a promise of an exclusive interview with so-called 'celebrity friends' of hers and Jaxon's, eager to reveal 'shocking secrets' about their relationship.'Ahh… this is new. This might be really good. It sounds exciting!' she mused, h
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Chapter 69 - Sensational Exposé
As evening settled, a tense atmosphere enveloped those most affected by the upcoming revelations.Sienna sat calmly in her stylish living room, awaiting the start of the Starlight Scandal TV show. Despite her inner turmoil, she remained poised, her mind already anticipating the twists and turns while formulating her own plans.In another part of town, Lyra eagerly looked forward to the downfall of her long-time rival. She had skillfully orchestrated this event to bring Sienna down and could hardly contain her excitement as she prepared to watch the drama unfold.The bitterness in her heart fueled her desire to see her mortal enemy suffer.David, on the other hand, felt a growing sense of dread as the show's broadcast neared. Though now certain of his paternity to the twins, he couldn't shake the uncertainty surrounding Sienna and Jaxon's rumored relationship.He felt a mix of jealousy and fear, worried about the impact of the rumors and the upcoming show on Sienna and their children.
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Chapter 70 - Unraveled Scandal
The following day, an electric atmosphere permeated every television station and news outlet, as people all over the country eagerly awaited the Hamilton family's declaration. Set to be broadcast live at 8 pm, the anticipation was palpable.David, like everyone else, was keenly interested in hearing what the Hamiltons had to say.He hoped that Sienna would be able to clear her family's name and bring an end to the chaos that had enveloped her life and the lives of her twins.Along with others, he also yearned to uncover the truth about Sienna and Jaxon's relationship.Lyra, on the other hand, was experiencing a whirlwind of emotions, a blend of excitement and trepidation.While she couldn't help but feel apprehensive about what the Hamiltons might reveal, she continued to reassure herself that they would be unable to trace any evidence back to her. She had been thorough and calculated, carefully covering her tracks to ensure her safety.Deep down, however, a nagging uncertainty linger
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