All Chapters of Mommy, Is The CEO Our Daddy? The Return Of The Ex-Wife: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
119 Chapters
Chapter 81 - Alone in the Dark
Sienna had just wrapped up her workday at Hamilton Industries, opting to steer clear of Hendrix Technologies for now. Her thoughts were preoccupied, making it difficult to concentrate on her tasks even without the distraction of seeing David. Yet working at her office in Hamilton Industries wasn't much simpler, with Shane maintaining a heightened state of vigilance all day. He persistently urged her to exercise caution, fearing that Lyra Whitmore, now stripped of everything, was an unpredictable adversary. "Boss, you must be extra cautious. A woman with nothing left to lose is a dangerous one," her assistant warned her as they traversed the office corridors. "I know, Shane. I promise I'll be careful," she reassured him, though she couldn't quite dismiss the lingering unease. Shane nodded, his face creased with worry. As she left the office, she decided to pay a visit to her adoptive father, George, at the hospital. She realized it had been a while since her last visit, and she mis
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Chapter 82 - Too Many Talents
'Save me? Why would I need anybody to save me?'The man's words worked like a switch, and without hesitation, Sienna's instincts kicked in. She used the man's grip on her shoulder to swing her body around and deliver a swift, powerful kick to his midsection. The attacker grunted in pain and crumpled to the ground.Just then, the lights in the parking lot flickered back to life, possibly due to a backup generator kicking in.The sudden brightness revealed the defeated attacker lying on the ground, with Sienna standing over him, ready for whatever else might come her way."Didn't expect that, did you?" she spat at him, her voice shaking but defiant. She could hear other footsteps approaching and braced herself for the next attacker."Ooh, feisty one, aren't you?" another man taunted as he stepped into the light. "But you won't be so tough once we're done with you."Sienna glared at him, her heart pounding in her chest, adrenaline surging through her veins.Her mind flashed back to the c
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Chapter 83 - Drastic Measures
After the harrowing attack, Sienna returned home, her body still trembling from the adrenaline. Quietly, she made her way to the twins' room, peeking in to find them fast asleep.A wave of gratitude washed over her as she stepped inside, struck by the realization that she could have been injured – or worse – she could have died.'I'm so grateful I'm still here to watch them grow,' she thought, her heart swelling with love and protectiveness. 'I can't let anything happen to me, for their sake.'Gently, Sienna leaned down to kiss each of them on the forehead, then left their room, her resolve to keep them safe growing stronger.Later, as she entered her own bedroom, the weight of the evening's events finally caught up to her. Tears streamed down her face as she sank onto her bed, her body shaking with a mix of fear and relief.Feeling the need to talk to David, she reached for her phone and dialed his number. He picked up the phone immediately as if he was expecting her call."Sienna? H
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Chapter 84 - Twisted Scheme
Lyra sat nervously in the luxurious room that had been booked for her exclusive interview with a major news outlet. This was the big moment, the opportunity to turn the tide of public opinion back in her favor.The entire country had been anticipating this interview, eager to hear what Lyra had to say. Social media had been buzzing with discussions and speculations about the upcoming conversation.Her stomach churned with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Eliza had assured her that this was the perfect way to repair her tarnished reputation.As they waited for the interview to begin, Eliza showed Lyra some of the comments from social media groups.The opinions were quite diverse, and it was clear that Eliza had been working tirelessly behind the scenes to generate some positive feedback and support for Lyra.One user wrote, "I can't wait for Lyra's interview tonight. I hope she clears up all these nasty rumors about her."Another commented, "Finally, we'll get to hear Lyra's side o
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Chapter 85 - Time Tells All
Eliza's social media campaign in support of Lyra was in full swing, and for a moment, it seemed as if public opinion was starting to sway in her favor. The carefully crafted hashtags, such as #StandWithLyra, #LyraTheVictim, and #JusticeForLyra, were designed to rally supporters and amplify Lyra's side of the story. Positive stories and testimonials about Lyra flooded the internet, while key influencers and commentators chimed in to help shape public opinion. Online conversations buzzed with comments like: "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to believe Lyra. Maybe she really is the victim here. #StandWithLyra" "Lyra's charity work is so inspiring. It's hard to believe she's the same person we've been hearing about in the rumors. #LyraTheVictim" "I used to despise Lyra, but now I think she deserves a second chance. We should all be more careful about believing rumors. #JusticeForLyra" These comments, along with the support of influential social media users, began to cr
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Chapter 86 - A battle of Wits and Wills
The atmosphere at the Whitmore mansion was suffocating, thick with tension and anger. The once-vibrant halls and opulent rooms, usually echoing with laughter and the clinking of champagne glasses, now seemed haunted by whispers of betrayal and defeat. It was as if a dark cloud had settled over the entire estate, casting a gloomy shadow on everything it touched. The servants moved about their tasks with an air of unease, sensing the change in mood and doing their best to stay out of the line of fire. The house had not known laughter in quite some time, and the oppressive atmosphere made each day feel like an eternity. In the grand living room, Marjorie Whitmore paced back and forth, her fury palpable. The elegant woman, usually so composed and poised, was now a storm of emotions. Her eyes flashed with rage, her cheeks flushed with indignation, and her hands clenched and unclenched as she tried to process the latest turn of events. "How could this happen?" Marjorie seethed, her voic
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Chapter 87 - Rivalry
"And what about that woman in those pictures? Or are you still insisting that you were framed?" Margaret pressed, her voice strained with concern."I don't insist, I was framed," David replied, his voice cold and even.Though he remained polite, the temperature in the room seemed to drop to freezing as his frustration simmered just beneath the surface.John and Margaret exchanged worried glances. They wanted to believe their son, but the evidence against him had been overwhelming.As the silence stretched between them, the weight of their doubt hung heavily in the air.Finally, Margaret spoke up, her voice wavering slightly, "David, we want to believe you. We really do. It's just been so hard to understand everything that's been happening."David's expression softened slightly. "I know it's hard, but you have to trust me. I would never do anything to hurt our family or my reputation."As his parents hesitated, their faces clouded with worry and indecision, David could see them beginni
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Chapter 88 - Sienna The Savage
Meanwhile, in a lavish office perched high atop a downtown Los Angeles skyscraper, a middle-aged wealthy businessman was engrossed in the dramatic saga unfolding between the Whitmores and Hamiltons.A successful businessman in his own right, he was a towering figure, his enigmatic aura enhanced by the dim lighting of the room.His sharp-eyed assistant, a young man with an air of sophistication that belied his years, hesitated at the entrance, a sense of trepidation creeping over him. The news he carried bore implications that could change the course of their current operations, and he was acutely aware of his boss's icy demeanor.Mustering up his courage, he cleared his throat, "Mr. Duncan, it appears we might have inadvertently aligned ourselves with Lyra Whitmore. I’ve sent her your present."His boss didn't react immediately, his gaze still fixed on the shimmering cityscape. The silence stretched on, causing the assistant to regret his decision to broach the subject.But then, afte
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Chapter 89 - DeepFake
Influencers and online personalities soon jumped on the bandwagon, adding fuel to the fire with their hot takes and video reactions.From conspiracy theorists dissecting the footage frame by frame to gossip vloggers spilling the tea on Sienna's "hidden past," the videos became a hot topic that no one could ignore.Some users started to defend Sienna, pointing out the discrepancies between the videos and the known facts about her life."There's no way this is the same person! Observe her body language in the videos – it appears as though she's defending herself, not attacking anyone. #SiennaIsInnocent," a fan fervently asserted.Others pointed out the peculiar timing of the videos' release, considering the raging feud between the Hamiltons and the Whitmores."Isn't it a bit too convenient that these videos emerge right when the Whitmores are being scrutinized? It seems like someone is trying to divert attention... #WhitmoreSmokeScreen," a user speculated with suspicion."Did anyone els
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Chapter 90 - The Majority Shareholder
In the sprawling conference room of Hendrix Technologies, the air was rife with tension. Shareholders were gathered in a tense assembly, their faces reflecting the gravity of the situation. The volatile feud between the Hamiltons and Whitmores was wreaking havoc on the company's shares, creating a crisis that needed immediate addressing. Both Sienna Hamilton and Lyra Whitmore held significant stakes in the company, and their public squabble was causing the company more damage than anyone had anticipated. David Hendrix, the company's CEO, and majority shareholder was also present at the meeting, his normally relaxed demeanor replaced with a grim resolve. He was aware that his company was walking on thin ice, with Lyra's minor shares and Sienna's substantial 25% stake in the balance. The shareholders were agitated, their whispers echoing around the room as they strategized about the possibility of buying out Sienna and Lyra's shares. Lyra, playing the victim as usual, seemed fluster
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