All Chapters of Mommy, Is The CEO Our Daddy? The Return Of The Ex-Wife: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
119 Chapters
Chapter 91 - Anticipation
Sienna's social media account, which had remained silent since her videos scandal broke, suddenly sprang to life with a post that immediately set the internet abuzz."I must say, I was deeply moved by Lyra Whitmore's fervent defense on my behalf," Sienna's post began, a subtle note of irony in her words. "So, in a bid for justice - for both Lyra and myself - I reached out to Ethan Bradley. I am as eager as you all are to see the results."The response from Sienna's followers was immediate and vocal:"@SiennaHamilton is Queen! She's not backing down, I love it! #SiennaStrong""Finally! Can't wait for Ethan Bradley's Breakdown. The truth will come out. #JusticeForSienna""I love how Sienna is handling this. Cool and collected as always. #TeamSienna"Others were more skeptical, hinting at a potential double-edged sword:"If the videos are fake, this will be a huge win for Sienna. But if they're not... #WaitingForTheTruth"The comments continued to pour in, with followers eagerly weighing
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Chapter 92 - On Air
The atmosphere was charged. Across the country, millions huddled before their screens, their anticipation palpable. It had arrived, the moment everyone had been eagerly waiting for - the latest episode of 'Bradley's Breakdown'.Ethan Bradley, the prodigious tech whiz renowned worldwide, was about to step into the limelight. Known for unveiling the truth hidden beneath layers of fabrication, he was the beacon of authenticity in a world often shrouded in falsehood.As the opening credits rolled, a montage of Bradley's most notable investigations flashed across the screen, all set to an intense, adrenaline-pumping score. The sense of thrill was almost tangible, hearts pounding in sync with the countdown to the live broadcast.Behind the scenes, a flurry of activity filled the air. The production team buzzed around, meticulously checking and double-checking every detail, ensuring not a single thing could go amiss.The seconds ticked away, and then, the red 'ON AIR' light flickered on.Eth
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Chapter 93 - Destination
As Ethan's analysis confirmed that Sienna's videos were indeed taken out of context, the Hamilton residence erupted in a chorus of cheers.The adorable five-year-old twins, Bella and Xander, jumped up and down in delight, their little faces glowing with joy."Mommy, you won! He proved you're not a bad person!" Bella exclaimed, throwing her arms around Sienna."Mommy was just showing her self-defense moves, my loves," Sienna replied, hugging her daughter tightly."And you beat up those bad men, didn't you?" Xander asked, his grin spreading from ear to ear.Sienna chuckled, ruffling Xander's hair. "Yes, sweetie, but it was only a demonstration. I was never in any real danger. Remember, we don't use violence unless we absolutely have to."Richard and Kate exchanged glances. They both knew the truth behind their daughter's words, but they kept their silence, cherishing the joyful atmosphere.Their faces were beaming with pride as they watched the scene unfold before them. Their daughter w
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Chapter 94 - Breakdown
The Whitmore residence was steeped in an eerie silence, the aftermath of the bombshell dropped on 'Bradley's Breakdown.'The grand and opulent living room, which once hosted countless glittering parties, was now the stage for a confrontation that was about to take place.Lyra Whitmore, known for her typically composed demeanor and flawlessly applied makeup, was now overcome with emotion as tears streamed down her face, plunging her into a profound sense of despair.Her mother stood close by, her trembling hands and pallid complexion reflecting the deep turmoil she was experiencing.Eliza, the fixer, had been watching them both, her eyes sharp and calculating.Lyra's sobs echoed through the room. "That woman!" she spat out, her voice choked with bitterness. "She took everything from me, everything!""Ms. Hamilton was fully justified in asserting her self-defense," Eliza interjected with a chillingly icy tone in her voice.Lyra shot her a venomous glare. "She was not even content with t
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Chapter 95 - A Personal Vendetta
The ominous command, "We have a warrant! Open the door now!" reverberated through the mansion, causing the occupants to freeze in their tracks. The chilling words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the imminent threat they were facing. Lyra's panicked gaze darted around the room as if searching for an escape, while Marjorie clenched her hands into fists, her knuckles white with tension. Thomas, the man who had been the catalyst for this entire mess, stood as still as a statue, his face drained of color. Eliza, the fixer, was the first to regain her composure. She moved towards the window, parting the heavy drapes to peek outside. The scene was chaotic, with reporters swarming the property like bees around a hive. "Reporters," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "There are reporters everywhere." Silence enveloped the room once again, punctuated only by the incessant pounding on the door and the distant chatter of the reporters. They were cornered, trapped like animals in a c
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Chapter 96 - Change Of Heart
The cold, cramped cell was a far cry from the opulent lifestyle Lyra Whitmore, her mother Marjorie, and their fixer, Eliza Carrington, were used to.The sterile scent of the cell mixed with the harsh odor of its occupants was overwhelming, the stale smell of fear and desperation sticking to their high-end clothes.Lyra sat rigidly on the narrow bench, clutching her Chanel purse as though it were a lifejacket in this sea of uncertainty. Beside her, Marjorie looked on, her hands trembling in her lap.Eliza, however, was pacing back and forth, her eyes darting between the cell door and her clients."Just relax," Eliza whispered, attempting to sound reassuring despite the tremor in her voice. "I've already called our lawyer last night, and he confirmed he’ll be coming today. He will be here soon."The cold, hard reality of their predicament was starting to sink in. They had spent the entire night in this disgusting cell, sharing space with alleged criminals and societal rejects - a stark
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Chapter 97 - A Perfect Picture
Sienna's return home was perfectly timed with the delightful chaos of breakfast. She found her lively five-year-old twins, Bella and Xander, already seated at the table, their seats vibrating with their boundless energy."Are you two ready for the waterpark today?" Sienna asked, a bright smile lighting up her face.Bella and Xander responded with instant enthusiasm. "Yay! Waterpark!" Bella squealed, her pigtails bouncing with her excitement. "We're going to ride the slides!""And swim in the big pool!" Xander added, his eyes wide and sparkling with anticipation.Sienna's laugh rang through the room, a heartening melody that only her children could compose."Absolutely! But first, let's finish our breakfast, okay?"After a chorus of groans, the twins returned to their cereal bowls. A few bites in, Xander looked up at Sienna, his tiny face serious."Is Daddy coming with us? You promised we would go together, as a family."Sienna's heart fluttered uncomfortably. "Would you like David to
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Chapter 98 - On the Edge of a Secret
The sun shone brightly over the waterpark, its rays sparkling off the watery surfaces of the slides, pools, and fountains. The air was filled with excited laughter and splashing water, creating a lively backdrop for the scene unfolding by one of the larger pools.In the midst of the crowd, Sienna Hamilton and David Hendrix, accompanied by their adorable five-year-old twins Bella and Xander, stood out like a picturesque family painting.Sienna, beautiful and radiant, was laughing as the twins engaged in a playful water fight. David, dashing as ever, splashed a handful of water towards Bella and Xander, sparking a delightful eruption of giggles and retaliatory splashes.As David lifted Bella high in the air and Sienna helped Xander attempt a cannonball splash, the sight was so captivating that several people nearby paused to watch. Whispers of admiration rippled through the onlookers."Look at that family... they seem so happy together.""That's Sienna Hamilton, isn't it? And David Hend
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Chapter 99 - A Mother's Confession
Sienna glanced at David as she answered her call."Shane," she responded, her voice a tight whisper that seemed to be swallowed up by the night air."Paul," David murmured into his phone, his gaze pinned to Sienna, as if drawing silent strength from their shared connection."Boss, you need to check the news," Shane urged her from the other end of the line, his voice filled with an unusual urgency that immediately caught her attention.David, on the other hand, listened silently to Paul, his expression growing increasingly stern.Frowning, Sienna quickly pulled up a news website on her phone, her heart pounding in her chest. The first thing she saw were pictures of herself, David, and the twins at the waterpark. A snapshot of their temporary bliss, of their created haven.She smiled at their captured happiness, but confusion marked her features as she asked Shane, "Is this what you're talking about?""No, boss," Shane responded, "Keep scrolling. There's more."With a soft sigh, Sienna
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Chapter 100 - Silent Vows
The digital world was buzzing in the aftermath of Lyra's explosive press conference. Various hashtags began trending instantly, like #LyraExposed, #MarjorieConfesses, and the biting #ThrowMomUnderTheBus, reflecting the public's mixed emotions.Tweets filled with outrage were dominating the conversation."Lyra just expects us to swallow this story? Convenient that mommy takes the blame now," one user typed, skepticism dripping from every word.Another chimed in with, "Playing victim when she's the villain? That's low, even for Lyra."Some posts were particularly harsh, "Throwing your own mother under the bus to save your reputation.Truly disgusting. #LyraTheManipulator," read one comment.Yet another tweet exclaimed, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? #LikeMotherLikeDaughter."But amidst the sea of disdain, there were a few islands of sympathy. Comments started to appear that showed an understanding of Lyra's plight, "Poor Lyra, victim of her mother's madness," and "M
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