All Chapters of Mommy, Is The CEO Our Daddy? The Return Of The Ex-Wife: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
119 Chapters
Chapter 71 - A Pariah
Lyra paced nervously in her lavish living room, her hands trembling as the gravity of the situation finally hit her. Her thoughts raced, and she couldn't help but engage in frantic internal dialogue. 'How could I have known that Sienna and Jaxon are cousins? I asked Cyrus to find out everything about the Hamiltons, but he was taken who knows where,' she thought, her heart pounding in her chest. 'The Hamiltons have so much influence and power. What if they trace everything back to me? I thought I covered my tracks well, but was it enough?' As her fear grew, Lyra began to regret ever meddling in Sienna's life. 'I let my emotions control me, and now I'm the one who's going to pay the price. Why didn't I think this through?' She tried to reassure herself. 'No, I was careful. They can't possibly find out it was me. I just need to stay calm and ride this out.' But as the clock ticked away, her doubts continued to haunt her. 'What if my involvement in the scandal becomes public knowledg
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Chapter 72 - A Fall From Grace
Lyra's phone continued to buzz relentlessly with messages from those she had once manipulated to aid her in her vengeful scheme.There were the reporters she had bribed, the disgruntled ex-employees she had coerced, and the countless others she had convinced to play a part in her twisted plan."You better have a solution for this, Lyra. We put our lives on the line for you!""I can't believe I trusted you. What am I going to do now? My life is ruined because of you!""You're not the only one suffering, Lyra. You dragged us all down with you!"As she read the messages, Lyra realized that she hadn't yet responded to David's text, the one asking to talk. She knew that the moment she replied, the inevitable confrontation would ensue.The man she loved and had hoped to marry would likely cast her out of his life, and the thought of that happening was almost too much to bear.In her heart, she knew that she was about to lose David forever, and the possibility of losing him to Sienna was lik
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Chapter 73 - Breaking Free from Lyra's Grasp
Lyra's heart pounded, her emotions a whirlwind of fear and panic at the thought of confronting David amidst the recent revelations.Marjorie, perceiving her daughter's distress, gently clasped Lyra's hand, lending silent solace."Please tell him I'll be down shortly," Lyra uttered, her voice barely audible.The maid acknowledged her and discreetly retreated, leaving Lyra to brace herself for the unavoidable encounter with her fiancé.Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Lyra knew the upcoming conversation with David could potentially decide the fate of their relationship.As she hesitantly stood up, her mother accompanied her, offering a few comforting words."Remember, my daughter, you possess greater strength than you realize. Just remain composed and in control, and you’ll conquer this."With a final nod of resolve, she steeled herself for the impending meeting and descended the stairs to face the man she adored, uncertain of the outcome that lay ahead.She entered the living
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Chapter 74 - Picture-Perfect Family
Sienna entered the twins' bedroom, her arms full of soft, plush toys, and her eyes filled with a mixture of love and exhaustion. She smiled warmly at the sight of Bella and Xander, who were bouncing excitedly on their beds, seemingly unaffected by the day's events."Alright, you two," Sienna said with a gentle chuckle, "It's time to settle down and get ready for bed.""But Mommy, we're not tired!" Bella protested, her bright blue eyes sparkling with mischief."Yeah!" Xander chimed in, his grin wide and infectious. "We want to stay up and play some more!"Sienna couldn't help but smile at their boundless enthusiasm. "I know you're excited about everything that happened today, but we all need our rest. Besides, tomorrow is a brand-new day, and we'll have even more fun then."The twins exchanged glances before reluctantly conceding, though their excitement was still palpable.As Sienna tucked them in, the twins continued to chatter excitedly about the day's events. "Mommy, were there man
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Chapter 75 - Spend The Night
For a brief moment, she found herself questioning if she should reveal the truth to them all. But just as quickly as the thought had entered her mind, she pushed it away. Now was not the time, and she needed to be sure that they were all ready for the consequences that would come with the truth.For now, she simply watched as David showered the twins with love and affection, a small smile gracing her lips as the happiness of her children filled the room. The bond between them was undeniable, and it brought a sense of warmth to her heart.Once the twins had finally settled down and drifted off to sleep, Sienna led David out of the room and gently closed the door behind them.As they settled in the living room, Sienna gestured for David to take a seat while she poured them both a glass of wine. The tension in the room was palpable, the unspoken feelings between them adding an extra layer of complexity.Finally, she broke the silence. "So, David, what brings you here so late? What did yo
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Chapter 76 - Just For Tonight
Sienna led David to her bedroom, her heart pounding in her chest with every step they took. The air between them was thick with anticipation and uncertainty, but there was also a flicker of hope.As they reached the room, she hesitated at the door, her hand resting on the doorknob."Are you sure you're okay with this?" he asked gently, giving her the chance to change her mind.Sienna looked into his eyes, seeing the love and longing that mirrored her own. She took a deep breath and nodded."Yes, I'm sure. You can sleep here, but nothing will happen between the two of us."As they entered the room, the atmosphere between them shifted, becoming more intimate and charged. They stood by the bed, their eyes locked on each other, each searching for any sign of hesitation or doubt.Sienna felt her heart flutter in her chest, a mix of excitement and apprehension coursing through her veins.David reached out tentatively and brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear, his touch electrifying he
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Chapter 77 - Need You Every Day
Back in Sienna's room, their hands found each other once again, the desire and urgency between them growing stronger with each passing second. Their eyes locked, and it was as if time had slowed down, the world outside the room fading away as their connection took center stage.David gently pulled Sienna into his arms, his lips capturing hers in a passionate, fervent kiss.Their earlier tenderness was now replaced with a hunger, an almost desperate need to reclaim what they had lost. Their kisses grew more demanding, their breaths ragged as they devoured each other, their bodies pressed together, leaving no space between them.His hands roamed her body with a newfound boldness, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Sienna's fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him closer as she returned his touches with equal fervor.They were no longer hesitant or cautious, but rather driven by a primal need to reaffirm their love and desire for one another.Clothes were discarded hastily, the barri
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Chapter 78 - Caught Red-Handed
Sienna gently nudged David, who stirred and reluctantly opened his eyes. "We overslept," she whispered urgently, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "The twins are awake, and we need to make sure no one else finds out you were here." David nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll get up and let them in. We'll figure something out." He carefully extricated himself from their embrace and grabbed his clothes from the floor, pulling them on quickly. Sienna, meanwhile, straightened the bedcovers and adjusted her clothes, making herself presentable. David unlocked the door and opened it just enough for the kids to slip inside, preventing anyone else from seeing him. "Hey, guys," he whispered, trying to sound casual. "Why don't you come in and join us for a bit?" Bella and Xander, their curiosity piqued, entered the room without protest. Sienna quickly ushered them onto the bed, doing her best to maintain a sense of normalcy despite the underlying tension. "We need
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Chapter 79 - Family Bonds
Though she didn't explicitly mention Sienna's real identity, David understood her meaning immediately. Caught off guard by her question, he hesitated before answering."I... I found out recently. I admit, it was quite a shock. I love her, Mrs. Hamilton, and I'm committed to working things out between us."Kate studied him for a moment, as if assessing the sincerity of his words. Finally, she nodded, her expression softening."I can see that you truly care for her. Just remember that trust and honesty are the foundations of any strong relationship. Don't let her down again."She continued, "You know, David, while I didn't appreciate how you divorced my daughter without giving her a chance to prove her innocence or trusting her, I have to admit that the divorce led her to find us, her long-lost family."David felt a pang of guilt in his chest at the reminder of the difficult situation from six years ago."I'm sorry for the pain I caused her, Mrs. Hamilton."Kate nodded, her gaze sympath
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Chapter 80 - The Fixer
The media was in an uproar following the Hamiltons' declaration, and the fallout was swift and merciless.Starlight Scandal TV, the once-popular gossip show that had gleefully spread the malicious rumors, was shut down in the wake of the scandal. Its host, Victoria Hughes, faced severe consequences for her actions. She was fired from her position, her reputation and career in tatters, and she also faced hefty fines, as well as possible criminal charges for promoting false information.Claire Anderson and Greg Mitchell, the guests who had been paid to spread rumors on the show, found themselves facing public scorn and potential legal trouble for their involvement in the scandal.Lyra Whitmore's face was plastered all over the media, identified as the mastermind behind the entire sordid affair. It was her worst nightmare come true.She went outside her home just for a few minutes, and everywhere she turned, she was met with judgmental stares and whispers. Her once-pristine reputation wa
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