All Chapters of Stuck Between The Alpha And Rogue King: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
173 Chapters
Chapter 91
HAILEE. As I slowly woke up the next morning, I found myself enveloped in Sebastian's tight embrace. The warmth of his body against mine was both comforting and enticing. I could feel the rhythm of his breathing, steady and peaceful, and for a moment, I wished time would stand still.But reality soon caught up with me, and I realized I was running incredibly late. With a sense of urgency, I gently nudged Sebastian, hoping to rouse him from his slumber. "Sebastian," I whispered, my voice filled with urgency. "I'm really late. I have so many chores to do."He stirred, his eyes blinking open to meet mine. A sleepy smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Don't worry about the chores, Hailee," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep. "Just go straight to training. I'll take care of everything here."I was taken aback by his words. I knew how meticulous Sebastian was about maintaining order and discipline within the pack. For him to suggest skipping my chores and focusing solely on train
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Chapter 92
In the moonlit garden, Sebastian found himself lost in his thoughts, the weight of his past weighing heavily on his shoulders. Memories of his mother danced through his mind, stirring a mix of longing and pain within him. As he sat on a bench, contemplating the complexities of his life, Clara appeared seemingly out of nowhere, catching him off guard.Clara approached him tentatively, her eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and hope. She hesitated for a moment before settling onto his lap, seeking comfort and closeness. Sebastian's heart skipped a beat as he felt the warmth of her body against his, a familiar sensation that stirred both desire and confusion."I've missed you so much," Clara whispered, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I'm sorry for everything I've done, for the pain I've caused. Can't we start over? Can't we be together again?"Sebastian felt a surge of conflicting emotions rise within him. Part of him still held onto the love he once felt for Clara, the mem
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Chapter 93
HAILEE.As the door closed behind Sebastian, I felt a mixture of relief and sorrow wash over me. My heart pounded in my chest, my breaths coming in ragged gasps as I tried to steady myself. The weight of my emotions threatened to crush me, but I knew I had to push forward.I quickly composed myself and wiped away the tears that had escaped down my cheeks. With trembling hands, I approached my training team, who were eagerly awaiting their instructions for the day. Their excited chatter filled the air, but as I walked towards them, their smiles faded, replaced by concern."Something wrong, Alpha?" Sarah, one of the team members, asked softly, her voice laced with worry.I took a deep breath, trying to find the strength to speak. "Today, there will be no training. Take the day off and rest," I managed to say, my voice wavering slightly.Confusion and surprise rippled through the group as they exchanged glances. "But Alpha, is everything alright?" Jacob, another team member, questioned,
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Chapter 94
HAILEE.I woke up to the harsh splash of cold water drenching my body, jolting me back to consciousness. The pain from my previous injuries seared through me, intensified by the icy shock. As I blinked away the water from my eyes, I saw Clara standing before me, a cruel smile etched on her face."You thought you could escape, didn't you?" she sneered, her voice dripping with malice. "Well, my dear Hailee, there's no running from me. I'm going to make you suffer until you beg for death."A surge of fear and anger coursed through my veins as I struggled against my restraints, futilely attempting to free myself from the bonds that held me. The searing pain of the silver burns on my skin intensified, a constant reminder of the torture that awaited me.Clara circled around me, her eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure. She reveled in my pain, relished in the power she held over me. The room echoed with my desperate cries, my pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears.The blows rained down upon m
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Chapter 95
SEBASTIAN. I couldn't bear the weight of her absence any longer. It had been one agonizing week since Hailee had gone missing, and each passing day only deepened the torment within me. My wolf was restless, pacing back and forth within the confines of my mind, a constant reminder of her absence. The pain of not knowing where she was or what had befallen her gnawed at my soul.The search team had scoured every inch of our territory, following every lead, questioning every rogue and informant. But there were no traces of her, no signs of her whereabouts. It was as if she had vanished into thin air. Clara, with her twisted mind and sinister intentions, suggested that Hailee might have returned to her pack, plotting an attack against us. But I refused to believe such a possibility. Hailee was not a vengeful person. She had a heart filled with compassion, even for those who had wronged her.Day after day, I would roam the vast expanse of our territory, calling out her name, desperately ho
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Chapter 96
HAILEE.As I sat strapped to the chair, my body bruised and battered, a glimmer of hope flickered within me. I noticed the silver knife that had been used to stab me lodged in the shoulder, and a surge of determination coursed through my veins. With a burst of adrenaline, I mustered every ounce of strength I had left.I contorted my body, reaching for the knife with my leg. The pain intensified with each movement, but I gritted my teeth, refusing to succumb to the agony. Finally, I managed to grasp the handle of the knife and skillfully flung it upward, catching it in mid-air. The metallic taste of desperation lingered on my lips as I used the knife to free myself from the restraints.With newfound freedom, I fought my way out of that wretched place, channeling all my rage and pain into every strike. Every blow landed with purpose, a testament to my will to survive. The men who had tormented me now felt the wrath of a woman fighting for her life.I ran as fast as my battered body woul
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Chapter 97
SEBASTIAN. As I carefully arranged Hailee's belongings in her bedside cupboard, a sense of urgency coursed through me. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving her side, but I needed to gather any information that might lead us to the culprits responsible for her torment.Leaving her room, I made my way to the search team, their weary faces reflecting the intensity of the task at hand. I approached them, my voice laced with determination as I sought answers."Has there been any progress in the investigation?" I asked, my tone firm yet tinged with an undercurrent of frustration. The members of the search team exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of weariness and determination.One of them stepped forward, his voice filled with regret. "We've been scouring the area tirelessly, but we haven't come across any substantial leads. It's as if they vanished without a trace."I clenched my fists, the frustration bubbling within me. "Someone must know something. I refuse to believe that the
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Chapter 98
As Hailee woke up in a state of fear and panic, her breathing ragged and her eyes wide with terror, Sebastian swiftly moved to her side, his voice gentle and soothing. He caressed her cheek, trying to calm the storm of emotions that ravaged her."It's okay, Hailee. You're safe now," he whispered, his voice filled with reassurance. "I'm here with you."Hailee clung to Sebastian, finding solace in his presence despite the pain she was undoubtedly experiencing. The trauma she had endured had left its mark, both physically and emotionally, but Sebastian's unwavering support provided her with a glimmer of hope.Just as their moment of tranquility began to settle, Clara walked into the room, her eyes fixed on Hailee with a glare that spoke of deep-rooted animosity. Tension crackled in the air, thickening the atmosphere and intensifying the unease that had settled between them.Sebastian's senses were heightened, acutely aware of the brewing conflict. He knew that something was amiss, but wi
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Chapter 99
HAILEE.As Sebastian left the room, a wave of relief washed over me, granting me a much-needed respite. I couldn't deny that his presence had an undeniable effect on me, his wolf's dominance intertwining with my own desires in a way that both intrigued and unnerved me. I needed space to think, to heal, and to reclaim my sense of self.Gazing out the window, I pondered the path that lay before me. My mind was consumed with thoughts of revenge against Clara and reclaiming my pack. It was clear that she was behind my abduction, orchestrating the torment and pain that I had endured. The fire within me burned fiercely, fueled by the determination to make her beg for mercy and face the consequences of her actions.But for now, I needed to focus on my own well-being. As I sat on the edge of the bed, I reached for the tray of food that Sebastian had arranged for me. The aroma of warm soup and freshly baked bread filled the air, comforting and enticing. I took small bites, savoring each spoonf
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Chapter 100
HAILEE.As I emerged from the garden, basking in the glow of the setting sun, the mischievous glint in my student's eyes caught my attention. They approached me with playful grins, their voices filled with laughter as they teased me about my supposed infatuation with the Alpha. I couldn't help but blush, my denial quick to slip from my lips."Oh come on, Hailee! We've seen the way you look at him," Sarah, one of my students, chimed in, unable to contain her laughter. "It's written all over your face!"I playfully rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "You're imagining things, Sarah. I assure you, there's nothing more than friendship between the Alpha and me."The students erupted in laughter, their teasing banter filling the air as we walked together, the joyous atmosphere enveloping us. It was refreshing to have these lighthearted moments, a temporary escape from the complexities that had engulfed my life.As the evening progressed, our laughter and chatter filled the air, weaving a tapes
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