All Chapters of Stuck Between The Alpha And Rogue King: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
173 Chapters
Chapter 81
HAILEE.My heart was racing as I watched Dolph from the window. Fear and anxiety gripped me like a vice, and my palms began to sweat. I couldn't believe he was here, of all places. The last time I saw him was when we ran away from the pack together, and that was years ago.I remembered the rage on Sebastian's face when he found out we had left, and I knew he had never forgiven us for it. The thought of him finding out Dolph was here made my blood run cold. I knew what he was capable of when it came to protecting his pack and his position as alpha.My mind was racing as I tried to figure out how to keep Dolph safe. I couldn't let Sebastian find out he was here. I couldn't bear the thought of losing another friend to his wrath. But how could I keep him hidden? How long could I keep up the act with Sebastian?The weight of the situation felt like a ton of bricks on my chest. I was scared, and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't tell anyone about Dolph, not even Sebastian. He would see i
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Chapter 82
Hailee made her way back to her room with a heavy heart. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. As she walked down the hallway, she bumped into Clara who was walking in the opposite direction. Hailee noticed that Clara's eyes lingered on Sebastian's shirt that she was wearing, but Clara quickly looked away and left without saying a word. Hailee couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious.As Hailee entered her room, she sat down on the bed and tried to shake off her unease. But her thoughts kept going back to Clara. She had always known that Clara had a thing for Sebastian, but she never thought it would go this far. Hailee had seen the way Clara looked at him, and it made her uncomfortable. But she had always trusted Sebastian, and she didn't think anything would happen between them.But now, as she sat there, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy herself. She knew that Sebastian and Clara had a history, and it made her feel insecure. She wondered if Sebas
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Chapter 83
HAILEE. As Sebastian's grip tightened around my arm, I felt a surge of fear coursing through my veins. His eyes were wild, filled with an intense desperation that I had never seen before. It was as if he had completely lost control of himself, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of danger looming in the air. I tried to pull away, to escape from the room and from whatever madness had overtaken him. But he held onto me with a strength that surprised me, his fingers digging into my skin as if he couldn't bear to let go. "Please," he pleaded, his voice strained and filled with anguish. "Don't leave me. I don't know what's happening, but I can't lose you." Confusion swirled in my mind as I searched his face for answers. Clara wasn't dead, so why was he behaving like this? What had caused this sudden frenzy within him? Questions spun around like a whirlwind, but no answers came. Sebastian clung to me, his body trembling in my arms. His once proud and composed demeanor had crumbled, lea
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Chapter 84
HAILEE.In the midst of the chaotic situation, Hailee found herself caught between an unconscious Clara and a seemingly unhinged Sebastian. Fatigue and confusion settled upon her, pulling at her weary eyelids. Exhaustion claimed her as she drifted into a restless slumber.Within the realm of dreams, Hailee's subconscious mind painted vivid images. She found herself walking alongside her father in an ethereal underground passage, the air thick with mystery and anticipation. Her father led her to a door adorned with a familiar mark, a symbol etched deep into her memory. The door creaked open, revealing a vast chamber filled with treasures and the somber presence of a grave. Hailee's heart raced with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, yearning to uncover the secrets hidden within. But before she could explore further, the dream dissolved, fading away into the realm of forgotten memories.Startled awake by the sharp sting of Clara's slap, Hailee's eyes fluttered open. Confusion clouded h
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Chapter 85
HAILEE.As I stood in the midst of the forgotten chamber, the weight of emotions pressed upon me like a heavy cloak. My eyes darted around the room, taking in the scattered remnants of my mother's life. The air hung heavy with the scent of dust and nostalgia, mingling with my own trembling breaths. I approached the gravestone, its presence both comforting and haunting. Etched upon its surface was my mother's name, a solemn reminder of her existence and the ties that bound us together across the realms of life and death. I reached out, fingertips grazing the weathered stone as tears streamed down my cheeks, my heart aching with a bittersweet mix of longing and loss.Driven by an unyielding determination, I turned my attention to the scattered belongings, artifacts that held whispers of a past shrouded in mystery. Carefully, I picked up each item, my hands trembling with a mixture of trepidation and hope. Trinkets, photographs, and letters passed through my fingers, each holding a frag
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Chapter 86
DOLPH.As I made my way through the dense forest, every step seemed to carry the weight of my remorse. The journey back to the pack had been treacherous and fraught with uncertainty. I knew Hailee was still furious with me, and I understood why she couldn't trust me. The mistakes I had made were etched in my memory, haunting me like a relentless ghost.Days turned into weeks as I traversed through unfamiliar terrain, my determination my only guide. I had to see Hailee, to apologize and beg for her forgiveness. But the risks were high. A letter could easily fall into the wrong hands, jeopardizing not only my safety but also the fragile equilibrium of the pack.Finally, the day arrived when I reached the pack's territory. My heart pounded in my chest, a mixture of anticipation and dread. I knew I had to face the consequences of my actions, to endure the punishment that awaited me under Hailee's orders. The person in charge, carrying out her wishes, was relentless in their dedication to
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Chapter 87
HAILEE.As I opened the letter from the person in charge, my eyes scanned the words that urged my immediate return to the pack. The urgency in the message sent a shiver down my spine, and I knew that I had to face the problems that awaited me.The following morning, under the cloak of dawn's embrace, I embarked on my journey back to the pack. Determination coursed through my veins, mingling with a hint of apprehension. I retraced the familiar route, my senses attuned to every sound and movement in the surrounding wilderness.As I neared the pack's territory, a sense of unease settled within me. The usually vibrant atmosphere seemed subdued, and an ominous stillness hung in the air. Dread gnawed at my heart, and I quickened my pace, eager to uncover the truth behind the cryptic message.Upon reaching the pack's grounds, a scene of chaos unfolded before my eyes. The once bustling hub of life was now reduced to disarray. Torn earth, shattered trees, and the lingering scent of battle perm
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Chapter 88
HAILEE. As Sebastian's piercing gaze locked onto me, his voice resonated with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. "Where have you been, Hailee? I want to know the truth."Caught off guard by his directness, I quickly racked my brain for a plausible explanation. My heart raced, and a thin sheen of sweat formed on my forehead as I conjured up a lie. "I... I went to visit my foster grandmother. She lives in a neighboring pack. I didn't think it would be a problem."Sebastian's eyes narrowed, a mixture of skepticism and frustration crossing his features. He could sense my tension, my unease, and though he didn't voice it, I knew he didn't believe my hastily fabricated story. The tension between us thickened, like a brewing storm ready to unleash its fury."You expect me to believe that?" Sebastian retorted, his voice laced with a bitter edge. "Hailee, I know you too well. Your body language betrays you. Something is not right."My heart sank as I realized my feeble attempt at d
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Chapter 89
SEBASTIAN.As Sebastian stood before the gathered pack members, delivering his powerful speech, he commanded their attention and respect. The atmosphere crackled with determination and unity, each individual ready to give their all in the pursuit of protection and victory. Just as Sebastian was about to dismiss the pack to their respective training sections, a maid suddenly rushed towards him, her eyes wide with urgency."Alpha Sebastian," she panted, struggling to catch her breath. "There's something you need to know..."Sebastian's brow furrowed with concern. He motioned for her to speak, his voice laced with a hint of urgency. "What is it? What has happened?"The maid took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "The warriors on duty at the gate... they're all dead. It's a bloodbath out there, Alpha. Someone or something attacked them."The words hung heavily in the air, piercing through the optimism that had filled the training ground just moments ago. Sebastian's heart sank, his
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Chapter 90
HAILEEAs the day wore on, I completed my chores and made my way to the training grounds. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the open field. The pack members had gathered, their anticipation palpable in the air."Alright, everyone," I called out, my voice carrying across the expanse. "Let's begin today's training. We'll start with some warm-up exercises to get our bodies ready."The pack members nodded, their expressions a mix of determination and excitement. We went through a series of stretches and agility drills, warming up our muscles and preparing ourselves for the intense training ahead.As the training progressed, I could see the transformation happening before my eyes. The pack members were becoming more coordinated, more focused. They were absorbing the techniques and strategies I shared with them, eager to improve their skills."Keep your stance low, and remember to pivot your foot when you throw a punch," I instructed, demonstrating the proper technique.
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