All Chapters of Stuck Between The Alpha And Rogue King: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
173 Chapters
Chapter 101
SEBASTIAN. As the days unfolded, I couldn't help but notice the growing distance between Hailee and myself. Her behavior had taken a turn, and it left me perplexed and concerned. I found myself constantly questioning what could have transpired during her absence, what could have triggered this change in her.Lost in my thoughts, a knock disrupted the stillness of my office. I turned my attention to the door, my curiosity piqued. A messenger stood at the threshold, holding an envelope in his hand. He informed me that the yearly ceremony was scheduled for tomorrow, a tradition that had been followed for generations in our pack.I sighed inwardly, the weight of responsibility settling upon my shoulders. The festival, once a joyous occasion, had lost its luster after my father's passing. The memories of his absence during the festivities still lingered, casting a shadow over the celebration. But tradition dictated that the ceremony must go on, a reminder of our pack's heritage and unity.
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Chapter 102
HAILEE. As Sebastian carefully wrapped my hand with his shirt, a wave of comfort washed over me, despite the pain that radiated through my injured hand. His touch was gentle, his concern evident in the way his brows furrowed and his eyes searched mine for answers."What happened, Hailee?" he asked, his voice filled with worry and urgency. I gazed into his eyes, my own brimming with tears that threatened to spill over at any moment. The weight of the events that had unfolded, the pain and confusion that consumed me, suddenly became too overwhelming to bear.Unable to find the words to express the depth of my emotions, I simply looked at him and let the tears flow freely down my cheeks. They were tears of anguish, of longing for the parents I had lost, and the burden of responsibility that now weighed heavily on my shoulders. I clung to Sebastian, seeking solace in his arms, hoping that his presence could somehow ease the turmoil within me.As I wept, thoughts of my parents flooded my
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Chapter 103
The aftermath of the devastating war weighed heavily on Sebastian's shoulders. His once-mighty pack now lay in ruins, and the loss they suffered was immeasurable. Deep down, he knew that he couldn't blame Hailee for the outcome of the battle. He had seen the determination and loyalty in her eyes—the same eyes that now watched him from a distance, filled with a twisted satisfaction.In the aftermath of the chaos, Sebastian was called to a meeting with the pack elders. They discussed the extent of the damage and made arrangements for a somber funeral service to honor the fallen. Hailee stood by his side throughout, offering her silent support as he navigated the painful aftermath. It was an act, a performance carefully crafted by her, as she relished in his agony, secretly delighting in every ounce of his pain.As the day drew to a close, Hailee found herself drawn to Sebastian's room. The door creaked open, revealing a sight that stirred conflicting emotions within her. There he lay, s
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Chapter 104
Hailee relished in the chaos that enveloped the pack, the suffering that permeated the air. It fueled her determination to unearth the truth, to gather the evidence she needed to expose the ones responsible for the unnecessary war. As Sebastian lay sleeping, she took advantage of the respite to continue her clandestine investigations.In her pursuit of truth, Hailee found herself crossing paths with the Seer, a figure shrouded in mysticism and enigma. His piercing gaze bore into her, an unsettling intensity that sent shivers down her spine. But Hailee remained unfazed, determined to protect her mission at all costs."He's asleep," she declared to the Seer, her voice laced with a chilling authority. "Disturb him, and the consequences will be dire."The Seer regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, his eyes seemingly delving into the depths of her soul. But Hailee paid little heed to his scrutiny. She had grown accustomed to the skepticism and wariness of others, understa
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Chapter 105
Hailee walked alongside Sebastian as they made their way to the dungeon. She was eager to see who it was that had been captured, and she was even more eager to kill them. She had been searching for this person for years, and she was finally going to get her revenge.They reached the dungeon and descended the stairs. The air was cold and damp, and the only light came from a few torches on the walls. Hailee could hear the sound of water dripping, and she could smell the musty scent of mold.They reached the cell at the end of the hall, and Sebastian unlocked the door. Hailee pushed the door open and stepped inside. The cell was dark, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust.When she could see, she saw that the cell was empty. She turned to Sebastian, her confusion evident on her face."Where is he?" she asked."Tried to escape. He's He's dragged back to the Pack now."She turned and walked out of the cell, Sebastian following close behind. They made their way back up the stairs and
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Chapter 106
As Hailee stepped into the kitchen, the atmosphere was heavy with a somber silence that sent a shiver down her spine. The pack members, their faces etched with grief and sorrow, cast sidelong glances in her direction, their eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Unsettled by the collective gaze, Hailee took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions that raged within her.It was then that one of her students approached her, their voice trembling with sadness. The words hit her like a sledgehammer to the chest—her best student had fallen in the war. Hailee's heart sank, her breath caught in her throat. She struggled to find the right words, to offer solace or comfort, but the weight of her own guilt bore down upon her."I... I'm so sorry," Hailee managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. "We'll... we'll start training again tomorrow. We'll honor their memory and fight for what they believed in."Her words felt hollow, even to her own ears, as she gra
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Chapter 107
Hailee's heart sank, her tears streaming down her cheeks as she absorbed the weight of the doctor's words. It was a bittersweet revelation—relief that there was a cure, but coupled with the knowledge that Sebastian would endure immense pain and struggle on the path to recovery.Through her tears, Hailee nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "Start the medication immediately. Whatever it takes, we'll get him through this."As the doctor left to prepare the necessary treatments, Hailee retreated to her room, seeking solace in the confines of her own space. She collapsed onto her bed, her sobs wracking her body as the weight of her conflicting emotions pressed upon her. She had wanted him to suffer, to feel the pain she had endured, but witnessing his condition now, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy and compassion.She questioned herself, tormented by the dichotomy of her desires. Revenge and justice had driven her, but as she stared at the ceiling, her tears staining t
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Chapter 108
HAILEE.As I scoured every nook and cranny of the cemetery, a determination burned within me. The air carried a solemn stillness, broken only by the sound of my footsteps and the rustling of leaves beneath my feet. I meticulously cleaned the area, ensuring that not a trace of my presence remained. It was crucial that no one knew I had ventured here, for the truth I sought had to be uncovered in secrecy.Once satisfied with my efforts, I made my way back to the house, moving with a stealth that had become second nature to me. As I slipped through the corridors, a sense of urgency propelled me forward. There was no time to waste, for my promise to my students loomed overhead. The training session was imminent, and I had to prepare.Stepping into the confines of my room, I shed my dusty attire and allowed the warm water to embrace my tired body. Each droplet that cascaded down my skin was a soothing balm, washing away the remnants of my clandestine expedition. The water, clear as my inte
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Chapter 109
HAILEE. I stepped out of Sebastian's room, my heart heavy with the weight of our shared secret. The Beta stood there, still stunned by the revelation he had witnessed. It was imperative that I control the situation, preserving Sebastian's dignity and protecting the delicate balance within the pack."Beta," I spoke firmly, my voice laced with authority. "You must understand the gravity of this situation. It is of utmost importance that you keep what you have seen to yourself."The Beta's eyes widened, his disbelief evident. "But Alpha, the pack deserves to know. We can find a solution together."I shook my head, a mix of determination and desperation coursing through my veins. "No, Beta. The pack must not know. If they were to discover Sebastian's condition, they would see it as weakness. It is my duty as Alpha to handle this with discretion. Trust me when I say I will do whatever it takes to find a cure."I ushered the Beta out of the room, locking the door behind me. Leaning closer,
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Chapter 110
HAILEE.As I looked into Sebastian's eyes, I could sense a flicker of amusement dancing within them. The corners of his lips curled upward into a mischievous smile, causing my heart to skip a beat. Despite scolding him for scaring me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. The laughter that escaped his lips was like music to my ears, dispelling the tension that had settled between us.Sebastian obediently ate his food, each bite a testament to his growing strength and recovery. It filled me with a sense of hope and reassurance that the medications were indeed working their magic. I watched as he savored each mouthful, the twinkle in his eyes mirroring the spark of his newfound vitality.However, there was a slight hesitation in him as he reached for his medications. He expressed reluctance, knowing that they would lull him into a deep slumber. I gently reminded him of the importance of rest, assuring him that it was necessary for his healing. Deep down, I couldn't de
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