All Chapters of Lycan's Renaissance & Obsession : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
116 Chapters
“I don’t think anybody’s here.” I heard the guy say, that felt like the most joyous moment of my life at least I was going to be alive and I wasn’t going to be caught, I had saved myself and managed to save Nick too but I was sad because I didn’t know what kind of treatment he was going through and I needed to get out of this forsaken forest as soon as possible. I was sure they were scattered throughout the forest searching for me and I couldn’t help it. but feel scared. The sun shone above the horizon and it was time I got out of the hole. Luckily for me, I found a stick lying on the ground and I started to make a hole upwards towards the opening. I got out and I looked around I thought, destiny was on my side. I thought, I had won but fate had other plans it led me right into their path and that was something I never thought would have happened and it was crazy why I had to make it out when they were still there. They were bound to get me anyway. I started running but I knew I couldn
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I had a plan and I was going to let it run so I would get to know what exactly he was hiding, I was there and I started to launch my attacks towards him but he was dodging them instead and I started to push him backwards with it I wanted to let him move a lot backwards from that point where he was near the tree but I could see his reluctance to move from there and he would rather receive my blows and stay at that point than move an inch. My assumption was true the tree increased his powers and he was just protecting his domain, he didn’t want to leave that place cause he didn’t want to lose powers and make me have admission to him. I thought so much about what to do about it and I started to launch Mattacks’s serially from every angle. And that finally made him start to move I could see the fear on his face and the grunt he felt as he shouted at his followers “Get her!” he shouted and they all started to attack me in sync, There were many and I was starting to wear out. I continued to
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Candles were arranged around the whole place and people joyous their mood was ecstatic and charming. I was happy, everybody was laughing and nice I loved the scenery and the whole landscape. The sea on the side with buildings on the coast was this heaven? It was too beautiful to be true. I had to find Nick and I had to get to talk to him. I started moving around and he was nowhere to be found. I continued walking around and it was getting frustrating “Who are you?” someone asked, I turned around and looked at the person it was a woman with white hair and a very beautiful face for her old body. I wondered who she was. “I’m Dennis, I just got here,” I replied, smiling. “You don’t belong here.” She said immediately, and that got me confused “What do you mean by that?” I asked, with my voice laced with the burning curiosity that engulfed my mind. “I meant you do not have anything to do here in heaven,” she said, authoritatively. I was confused I couldn’t even choose where I was to be I met
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It was morning and after what felt like a lifetime I had a nice night, it was filled with love and affection and I was pleased to have slept very peacefully. No nightmares no revelations I woke up yawning and I saw him still sleeping on the bed near me. “Good morning darling.” He said, with his eyes closed and that was when I knew he was awake and only kept his sleeping position because I was asleep. “Good morning baby, Hope you had a nice night?” I said, placing a kiss on his forehead. “I won’t say it was the best night I’ve had but it was absolutely what a night I’ve missed having.” He said, and we both smiled. “Want to go out for breakfast?” I asked, with a smile. “Yeah, the restaurant down the road would be perfect for that, if you don’t want a home-cooked meal.” Nick said he was such a sweet gentleman. “I don’t want to stress you out so let’s go to the restaurant I think it would work nicely for me.” I said, as I stood up from the bed to get into a short, shirt and a cap. “Let’s g
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I was so engrossed at the moment it was a perfect moment for me and it was going to the next level until I heard a knock “Who’s that?” I thought, but I held him closer to me. I didn’t let him go. But he withdrew from my arms as the knock got louder and I wondered why someone had to come and knock at the wrong time I was so pissed off and I looked towards Nick as he stood up to go open the door. He did open the door and the person ran in I looked at the person as he was panting, neither did Nick know who he was “Who are you? and why were you knocking on our door disturbing our peace?” Nick asked, the anger brimming in his face. Gasping for air, “I’m being chased…. Th… the cameras caught me.” he said, “Please help me.” he continued. “Fuck!!” Nick said, “Why did you have to breach the rules?” he continued, I couldn’t fully grasp what the discussion was all about but I knew the latter had broken Leonard’s rule and the consequence was bound to happen. I didn’t know any of those rules. “Plea
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"We'll be fine baby" were the last words that came out of my mouth before we went to bed. Several things ran through my mind and thoughts of how things would remain stagnant if we didn't try to break the chain and bring him to justice. I was so worried about those rules and I was ready to break one they were ridiculous but I thought there was something he wanted to try maybe he was trying to keep the population, the harder it grows the harder it becomes to keep them in check, increasing mortality and decreasing natality was the best way to keep that in check. I had closed my eyes and felt my body move into the world of surrealism, the only world that seemed real, but in a quick flash reality was back and I woke up to the ray of sunshine. I looked around and Nick wasn't on his side of the bed, Where would he be this morning? I got up from the bed and got in some comfy clothes, and moved to check the bathroom, he wasn't there and I checked the second room and he wasn't there, so I went t
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Everything felt surreal, to begin with, and Nick's concept might be true but why did he put us through the ordeal if he wanted to bring something back to life? Moreso, to the extent of playing tricks on us and getting us into an illusion, I never thought it was possible until this moment. "So you're saying we have to go through the stress of finding anything related to the infinity tree when it's possible it might not even be a tree?" I asked, as more confusion started to rise as I thought about it. "Yes, exactly. The only clue we have to go ahead with right now is that there's something in Okay might not be anything close to the tree but there's a chance we get anything about infinity, and the whole illusion might have meant something may be a clue to finding out what this was. We have to try to get any information about it." Nick said, although he was confident about his idea of the whole thing, he still had his doubts and I also had mine. " So how do we get started on that? We don't
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We got back to the house and it was as usual stressed out and tired, My body couldn't bear the ache that came with it, I could withstand it but it was much more, maybe it's because I hadn't done such a strenuous job in days, Nick looked fine though he was strong and I knew he wanted to behave like a man, it was funny though. "When do we read this? I'm getting anxious." I said, to Nick as we got on the bed, "Tomorrow should be okay we'll have the whole day to ourselves." He said, "All alright then." I said, "Baby what happened today at the centre that made you pass the other route? I knew someone was being beaten to death but what had he done that warranted that treatment?" I continued. "He was found to have impregnated his wife and after his wife got killed he spoke about the maniac out loud in public. And he was given the death penalty." Nick said, and I could see the worry in his eyes, "This is getting out of hand, and we have to do something quick, If not we'll all end up dying from
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"The dawn of werewolves and bounts created the difference in power that was needed to balance the world. The werewolves were strong but no one could deny the abilities the bounts had. The will of fire kept them fired up and they always returned for a rematch even after Draco died, Several attempts were made to capture the world by the bounts but futility got the better of them. All this ended when love ensued in the most strange form, love was a very strong element and it changed the course of history forever. A werewolf falling in love with Bount. Axel was a young maiden who descended from the long line of Draco, She was in line to find her heir as the alpha ceremony that was always the deciding factor for the next Alpha was to take place. But she was obstinate and had searched for her soulmate among all the strong werewolf men but she couldn't get the one for her, It was horror for her as she wanted something more something different. She runs away from home hoping something magical
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It was going to be tough but we had to fight our way out of it. A life that was bound to be destroyed does not have an option but to fight its way out of adversaries. “We already know so much about him, how hard can it get from here?” I asked Nick, I could see the doubt and fear in his face he was trying so hard not to show but I could see it in his expressions it was going to be tough to get something out of this war where we have no upper hand and where we won’t have any upper hand in the time to come. I stood up and moved to the other room. I sat and closed my eyes. I had to calm myself down. I didn't want to think about it. After a while, a soft knock on the door and I obviously knew it was Nick “come in” I said, “why did you have to knock?” I asked, “you were obviously busy and I was coming to intrude your silence the least I could do was let you know.” he said, looking guilty. “It’s fine, it's not as if it’s wrong.” I said, as he moved to come and sit down on the bed next to me.
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