All Chapters of Lycan's Renaissance & Obsession : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
116 Chapters
I can't help but not doubt the fact that Nick is a part of me. He knows me really well and undoubtedly. He knows very well that I do not joke with my health, that's the main reason why I had to tell him that I indeed went to the hospital. The thing bothering me the most now is the fact that I do not know what to tell Nick when I get home. Do I tell him that I have a fibroid? If I do, then I'll also have to tell him about my half damaged womb. Or do I tell him a lie? If I decide to tell him a lie, then what would be the lie? All these questions were running through my mind and I had no answers to them. I am not one to keep secrets in a relationship, I already struggled to keep one because I couldn't afford to reveal my truth, given the situation at that time. So I decided not to tell Nick about my womb. From the Hospital, I had to go to the grocery store to get a few groceries, since I had already lied to Nick about getting some groceries. As soon as I got home, I realized that Nick
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I and Nick strolled down the alley for a grasp of fresh air, but suddenly, what we saw was something else. We see golden feathers wrapped in ashes. I was overwhelmed by these glittering feathers, but on a second look, I was estranged and felt it was a bad omen. I felt a sharp pain in my waist and something moving round my tummy. On second thoughts, I felt like picking up the feather, but something pulls me back and in that moment, I see a mythical creature with different forms which changes rapidly but Nick doesn't see it. Nick sensed the fear in me after I mysteriously jerked backwards and then he asked "Dennis, are you okay?" He asked " Are you not seeing this thing in front of us?" I replied "What thing?" he asked "This thing" "It looks really weird, I can't really explain. It changes to different forms in seconds and…" At that moment, I could see the shadow of the unknown right in front of me, I don't know how it happened, my eyes were opened, and I didn't see it come towar
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As the formless creature transformed into the Moon goddess, I was struck by her transformation. I just knew it was the Moon goodness. I had met her In a trance once before, precisely on the day she gave me a new life. I still remember her aura, and it is one thing I can't forget, even if I try to do so. "Don't be afraid Denis" The moon goddess said, with her voice echoing like the wind. "You might not know this yet, but there is a storm coming your way soon". I tried to understand the words that the Moon goddess had just uttered, but I couldn't so I had to ask…"Storm? What storm?" The Moon goddess moved towards me and I stared at her ever so closely. It was the first time I had a close look at her and it was such a beauty to behold I must say. "I have given you the wisdom to understand my v child and so whatever I have said now, you shall understand later and I will guide you throughout every step of the way, there you shall not fall short in wisdom. You already know that your sou
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CHAPTER 83. Something else bothered me, a storm was coming but I didn't know when it was going to happen. For months I've been meditating and doing all sorts of training to increase my spiritual sense and reach the spiritual goal I was chasing. It's been difficult, but I knew things would be alright, the moon goddess was with me, she would illuminate my path with her light and structure my life with her wisdom. I was convinced that my fibroid was still there and I feared I wouldn't give Nick a child if I didn't try and fix this. Nick loved me so much and the only purpose I was alive was for Nick the man who was with me and with his love I had courage and will to carry on and do things I loved without restraint. How hard could it be to get surgery? I know the doctors knew how to navigate around their equipment. Why do I still feel a little bit scared? Several months have passed and I haven't gone for a check up, maybe I should go in for a check up later today, together with Nick so I'l
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I opened my eyes and all I could see was the lights. I looked around and the doctors were no longer there and I was not in the surgery theater anymore. The surgery was a success I guess, I wasn’t sure of what happened during the surgery but I was fine and all I could feel was the little pain around my abdomen. Maybe, it wasn’t a bad decision either, I should have done the surgery a long time ago but, now it was over within the blink of an eye. Why was I so scared at that time? I thought. What would I tell Nick when I get to meet him? This was a critical situation I was only protecting him from feeling devastated but why did he find out so fast and was I really only out for a day? Everything I spent felt like a day, but why do I feel it was more than a day? Why is Nick nowhere to be found? Thereafter a while a nurse came into the room, “How are you feeling now?” she asked smiling. “I’m fine, just a little pain from the abdomen,” I said. “That’s good, It’s probably from the point where y
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I took my bath quickly fixed myself breakfast and got dressed, I picked up my phone and called Nick, but his line was still unavailable, What do I do about him, he’s never been this off away from me, was he avoiding me? I thought, I looked around and took a cab to his place of work, I may get to meet him there. The car moved around the whole place gently and I was anxiously anticipating meeting Nick I was going to make him pay for leaving me like that for days, it was not possible, Everything was so wrong that he would have left me unattended to I looked around and got out of the car, walked into his place of work, and met one of his co-workers “Hi, please is Nick in today?” I asked, with curiosity burning in my eyes. “Oh! I know you. Aren’t you Dennis? Nick used to talk about you a lot.” He said, smiling. What he said didn’t answer any of my questions and I wanted to ask him if that was what I asked but I was going to remain polite as long as I had a favour to ask of him “Yes, I’m Den
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How fast did he move to get here before me? We were just down the road together a couple of minutes ago, so how did he do it? I moved to a table and he walked towards me as the waiter I couldn’t hide my curiosity “How fast did you run to get in here?” I asked, my voice laced with curiosity. “This is funny, I didn’t run, some things are just unexplainable.” He said, laughing. What exactly was this guy up to? he ain’t look like any good, I thought as I took my order. Since I was craving something made like a loaf I went with meatloaf, and in a minute my order was served “Oh! This is delicious” I said, not knowing when I blurted it out loud, I could see people stare at me after blurting it out loud that way. On a normal day, I would have been ashamed but damn I enjoyed the taste and I just continued to eat without caring what was going on around me. I finished eating paid my bills and walked out of the restaurant I had planned to go report to the police about Nick going missing but after
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It was eight late in the evening and I was dressed up to go meet Leonard, I was nervous about this, and I couldn’t help but wonder what was happening to me. I was not always nervous about things but why was I hooked nervous on this? I asked myself if I really wanted to do this. I wanted it badly and I loved every part of this journey, I looked around and picked a taxi gave him the address and I was there in a few minutes. He lived close and that was fine with me, I knocked Comee in, angel.” He said as I stepped in. You look gorgeous tonight.” He said, too, was he trying to patronize me because I wasn’t buying it. I wanted to be here but I certainly didn’t take time to dress up for him that was how I would have dressed if it was someone else. “Thank you, u,” I said even though I knew he was just trying to make me feel good and y didn’t like being real. “Come sit down.” He said, as I walked to the dining all set with luxurious food I didn’t even know where to start I was salivating alrea
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“You’re sleeping at this hour?” was the question I heard when I opened my eyes to see Leonard in the room once again, the maniac was here. “I think you’re getting comfortable in those chains and you like the dark because if not you won’t be here sleeping by this time of the day.” I looked at him and I still couldn’t move I was so tired and sleeping was all I had done for the past two days I’d been here and this was the first time I was caught slipping, by him I wondered if he really knew what he was doing. He would go out severally and come back only to sit there and drink wine I didn’t really know what was his problem but I knew he had something bothering him a lot and that wasn’t what he loved to speak about. He had a burden and those burdens were not meant to be shared, that was what I knew about him. he was a maniac like I thought and he was a bastard too. “Have you been having sweet dreams?” he asked, as he poured himself a glass. “That is better than drowning in brown liquor al
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Everything started getting shaky as the D-day was tomorrow, the sun was setting and I could feel the moon coming up it was almost time for me to get taken. A lot of thoughts ran through my mind and most of them weren’t pleasant, crazy thoughts and imaginations had taken over me and I was feeling the urge to let this day go the way I wanted, not that I could control it but I wanted it to go my way. I was still on the bed chained up like Leonard wanted. I was anxious about what was about to happen I knew something bad was being planned and I was kind of waiting for it to all happen it wasn’t bad to let things happen the way they should. If it was meant to be it will be, that was the philosophy I was going with. I stared at the door for several minutes waiting for that push to be made and Leonard entering to make that entrance I had wanted. And bring me to the place where he was to end all this suffering I was going through. Finally, the moment arrived hour had come and Leonard entered th
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