All Chapters of Lycan's Renaissance & Obsession : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
116 Chapters
I slowly followed the doctor into our bedroom, praying that whatever was going to happen would not cause any problems for both Nick and me. My mind was racing with fear and uncertainty as the doctor closed the door behind us. Once inside, the doctor began setting up his equipment, while I stood nervously by the bed. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong about this entire situation. As the doctor started his examination, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't believe that I was being subjected to this humiliating and invasive procedure, all for the sake of an heir to the throne. Suddenly, I heard a loud knock at the door, and Nick's voice calling out my name. "Dennis, are you okay?" he asked, his voice full of concern. I rushed over to the door, relieved to see Nick standing there, looking worried and angry. "Let me in, I'm not leaving you here alone," he said, pushing past the doctor and into the room. Together, we faced down the doctor and the q
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After the Queen had noticed us, immediately stood behind Nick as a shield just to avoid unnecessary questions. Luckily for me, she called out to Nick first. "Nick" "Why are you both trying to sneak into the palace unnoticed?" The Queen Mother asked "I'm tired mom, I had a long day" Nick replied. He held my hands and I quickly followed him from behind. Nick always has a way of replying to his mother's questions. I do not approve of it though, but that woman gets on my nerves, I kid you not. When I and Nick were still plotting Leo's revenge, and I began liking him, I used to wonder what meeting his mother would feel like. I began loving her even before meeting him, because of the way she raised Nick and each time Nick told me about her, I'll try to remember what having a mother feels like but to no avail. It felt so good to think that I would get a mother's love from Nick's mom not until I met her finally. I can't stand that woman. I mean don't get me wrong, I'll never want to
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As our life together progressed, I couldn't ignore the tension between Nick and his mother. Despite her initial disapproval of our relationship, I had hoped that she would come around and accept our love, but it seemed like she was still struggling with it. One day, after a particularly heated argument with his mother, Nick came to me, his fists clenched and his eyes dark with anger. "I can't take it anymore," he said. "I need to confront her and tell her how I feel." I understood his frustration, but I also worried about the potential consequences of such a confrontation. "Nick, are you sure about this? It could make things worse." But Nick was resolute. "I need to do this for us. I can't keep pretending that everything is alright when it's not." So, the next day, Nick arranged a meeting with his mother. He spoke calmly but firmly, explaining how much I meant to him and how he couldn't imagine his life without me. He also expressed his disappointment and hurt at his mother's const
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I slowly followed the doctor into our bedroom, praying that whatever was going to happen would not cause any problems for both Nick and me. My mind was racing with fear and uncertainty as the doctor closed the door behind us.Once inside, the doctor began setting up his equipment, while I stood nervously by the bed. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong about this entire situation.As the doctor started his examination, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't believe that I was being subjected to this humiliating and invasive procedure, all for the sake of an heir to the throne.Suddenly, I heard a loud knock at the door, and Nick's voice calling out my name. "Dennis, are you okay?" he asked, his voice full of concern.I rushed over to the door, relieved to see Nick standing there, looking worried and angry. "Let me in, I'm not leaving you here alone," he said, pushing past the doctor and into the room.Together, we faced down the doctor and the queen
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As our life together progressed, I couldn't ignore the tension between Nick and his mother. Despite her initial disapproval of our relationship, I had hoped that she would come around and accept our love, but it seemed like she was still struggling with it.One day, after a particularly heated argument with his mother, Nick came to me, his fists clenched and his eyes dark with anger. "I can't take it anymore," he said. "I need to confront her and tell her how I feel."I understood his frustration, but I also worried about the potential consequences of such a confrontation. "Nick, are you sure about this? It could make things worse."But Nick was resolute. "I need to do this, for us. I can't keep pretending that everything is alright when it's not."So, the next day, Nick arranged a meeting with his mother. He spoke calmly but firmly, explaining how much I meant to him and how he couldn't imagine his life without me. He also expressed his disappointment and hurt at his mother's constan
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Reborn cht 71As our life together progressed, I couldn't ignore the tension between Nick and his mother. Despite her initial disapproval of our relationship, I had hoped that she would come around and accept our love, but it seemed like she was still struggling with it.One day, after a particularly heated argument with his mother, Nick came to me, his fists clenched and his eyes dark with anger. "I can't take it anymore," he said. "I need to confront her and tell her how I feel."I understood his frustration, but I also worried about the potential consequences of such a confrontation. "Nick, are you sure about this? It could make things worse."But Nick was resolute. "I need to do this, for us. I can't keep pretending that everything is alright when it's not."So, the next day, Nick arranged a meeting with his mother. He spoke calmly but firmly, explaining how much I meant to him and how he couldn't imagine his life without me. He also expressed his disappointment and hurt at his mo
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I feel quite nervous as it is just two days to Nick's coronation as king. Even though I am not the one to be crowned. Don't get me wrong I mean I am happy for him, but I don't think I am ready for the fame recognition and the entire process and duties that come with it. Are you a very vocal person but for some reason I have restrained myself from having this discussion with Nick. Perhaps it's because I feel it is a delicate matter to talk about. I and Nick often have conversations, some necessary and others unnecessary. We talk about everything basically so that we get understand each other better and we know that communication is paramount in any relationship but this does not mean that we are the perfect couples like I said I refused to have the discussion about me being nervous about his coronation because I feel that we are two different persons and he might get the weeds from his own perspective and not try to fit in to my perspective about it. I for one do not want to make hi
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It was a rainy morning, and the day began as a dull one. I can't say why but if you ask me, I would say it is because of the weather. It was so cold outside and I woke up feeling so weak and nauseous. I couldn't understand why I felt that way. I called Nick immediately to tell him how I was feeling. "Hey baby" "Good morning" "Good morning to you too," Nick replied "Hope you slept well?" He added "Yes I did" "That's nice, but hope you are good anyway" He continued. "Yeah I am, but I am just feeling a bit off today. First of all the weather is cold and it is not so friendly to me. Plus I woke up feeling weak and nauseous. I said "Sorry baby", Nick said "I would have come to take you to the hospital myself, but right now I'm on my way to a meeting". Nick said "I will definitely check up on you on my way back. Please make sure you make your way to the hospital and tell me whatever the doctor says. I'll be waiting okay…" He continues "Sure I will" I added "Take care of you
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After our family breakfast, the queen gathered everyone from the Carter and Nick siblings' families for an important meeting. I was a bit nervous, but I knew that nothing would ever make me leave Nick. A maid came to fetch us for the meeting, and we were escorted to a large room in the palace that I had never seen before. Nick's entire family, including their children, were all gathered there. They all had the same gray eyes as Nick and his family, while I felt like an outsider. To make matters worse, the queen had invited Carolina to the meeting. "I have called this meeting today to discuss the preparations for Nick's entitlement as the King," the queen announced. "We have only done the coronation, and we still need to officially crown him as the King. After that, I will step down fully. But recently, I have had
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It was a rainy morning, and the day began as a dull one. I can't say why but if you ask me, I would say it is because of the weather. It was so cold outside and I woke up feeling so weak and nauseous. I couldn't understand why I felt that way. I called Nick immediately to tell him how I was feeling. "Hey baby" "Good morning" "Good morning to you too," Nick replied "Hope you slept well?" He added "Yes I did" "That's nice, but hope you are good anyway" He continued. "Yeah I am, but I am just feeling a bit off today. First of all the weather is cold and it is not so friendly to me. Plus I woke up feeling weak and nauseous. I said "Sorry baby", Nick said "I would have come to take you to the hospital myself, but right now I'm on my way to a meeting". Nick said "I will definitely check up on you on my way back. Please make sure you make your way to the hospital and tell me whatever the doctor says. I'll be waiting okay…" He continues "Sure I will" I added "Take care of you
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