All Chapters of Appearances can be Deceptive: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
128 Chapters
Chapter 90
I opened the door of the studio and entered, the place was still the same, but of course how would something change that had passed only one day that I was not present, I looked around looking for someone, but the entrance was really empty, they would probably be inside the studio, I breathed deeply feeling relieved for that, maybe I couldn't handle the pressure of so many questions the first moment I got there, it was strange, in fact, it seemed that I was in some kind of debt with someone, when I was heading towards the studio I was startled when Draven appeared at the door. - Oh, you came today! I tried to call you several times, but it seems that your cell phone was turned off. - Draven started talking non-stop, leaving me a little bewildered, I took a few steps back when he started to advance. - Oh right, my cell phone was off, I wasn't too well to talk. - I explained while smiling embarrassed. - 'I understand, I really do, but I was so worried, but your friend wouldn't let me
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Chapter 91
- Ah Don! You can't stop me from being worried about her! And it's not like you're not worried about her either, even today if you hadn't come, we'd go to your house in the evening. - The woman burst out talking, fingering even her friend who was embarrassed by the revelation, I smiled at him who returned it with a touch more embarrassment. - Thank you for your concern, you are great friends! But I'm fine, it was nothing, just a scare. - Even if that was the biggest lie, I didn't want them to be worried, in fact, I wasn't used to all this worry, it was too much for me. - I'm glad you're okay. - Brendon spoke, he was always very simple with his words, he didn't use many sentences if it wasn't necessary. - Thank you. - I thanked him again, the man had returned to his previous posture. - 'But tell me what happened? - Kiana couldn't hide her curiosity, which made me mentally thank her for putting makeup on those bruises. - Don't worry about it, it was just a scare, the man has already
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Chapter 92
I still couldn't believe what had just happened, just remembering a silly smile was already forming on my lips, it was unconscious, I couldn't contain that smile from appearing, and I didn't even want it to happen, it was too surreal to believe, when I saw her enter her room I thought I should be close in case she needed it and when I heard her low cry I soon entered the room for fear of what might happen, she was standing crying while looking ahead completely unmoved, I stopped in front of her, but she had no reaction, it was as if she was reliving those repeated scenes and could not get out of it, her look was like someone unjustly imprisoned, I thought about touching her I really wanted to make her wake up from that nightmare, but when Ayanne opened a smile, I didn't know what to do, I didn't understand what was happening to her, she was crying a lot, but still, she smiled sweetly. "- Ethan?... - She had such a wide smile that it crossed my mind that she was trying to hide what she
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Chapter 93
"- Listen to me carefully... There is nothing wrong with you, at least for me, I don't know about you, but believe me, even if I wanted to know, but about your life, I will not force you into anything, just as you did not ask me about mine, and I can assure you, that we have similar lives. - She wanted so badly to make me understand otherwise, she was willing to tell me that her life literally sucked like mine, did she really not care about that? I couldn't imagine what it would have been like for her, maybe I was wrong, maybe I shouldn't have been that scared." "- So please consider what I said, even though I may be looking like a crazy person, standing in this room, after almost being buried alive by recent events, I can assure you that I'm being as sane as possible here. - She really meant it, how could she say otherwise when her own eyes were talking to me? There was no way, she really likes me, she really wants to be with me." "- Do you still have doubts? - She looked so beautif
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Chapter 94
While I was concentrating on my work I didn't feel the time passing, and I hadn't even paid attention to it, every stroke I made on the canvas was a feeling that came together, everything merged there between paints and brushes, the feeling was good, it really made me feel that I was freeing myself from all the pain I had gone through all the suffering was there, and I didn't need it, but to keep that pain just for me, I could show it, I could finally show what I felt without having pitying looks under me, otherwise they wouldn't know that I had painted that with my soul, that instead of paint I had used tears and blood, I could empty my soul without worrying about anything, it was really comforting, and I wish Ethan had that same feeling. And speaking of him, I was missing him so much, I really wanted to know how he was, talk to him, hear his voice, maybe I was desperate, but with that new feeling, I didn't know if it was normal to be like that, maybe I was crazy, or it was normal, a
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Chapter 95
*Have you eaten yet? Are you feeling okay?* Ethan could be considered the most worried man on earth, all his messages came with some kind of question, it was really cute. *I'm eating, yeah, and I'm fine, how are you? For a few seconds I thought about not sending that message, but thinking better why couldn't I say what I was really feeling, especially because it was true, and I couldn't deny that I couldn't wait to see him that night, while waiting for his answer I bit a piece of the snack in my hand that was very good by the way. *I also miss you, and especially Akira, he almost crossed to your house today on the way back from the walk. Ah, I wanted to see those two so much, just imagining the puppy looking for me already made me so happy. *Oh, how cute! I wish I could have seen them, I can't wait to get home." Just as I was about to send the message, I heard my name and I answered in shock. - HI! - I looked ahead to see which of the three had spoken to me. - Wow, who's your dist
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Chapter 96
When I finally finished putting my things away I grabbed my bag and walked straight out of the room I was anxious as I had never been before, just knowing that Ethan was waiting for me, I already felt like running out, but as soon as I set foot out of the room I came across Draven blocking my way my heart raced hard in my chest with the shock of the shock I couldn't help but take two steps back. - Oh, I'm sorry, teacher! I wasn't paying attention. - I asked as I clutched my bag tightly. - 'Since when did you start treating me like a teacher? - The man leaned in, whispering like a secret, leaving me not knowing what to say. - Eh... But. - I stammered with insecurity. - 'Don't worry, I'm joking with you! - Draven smiled, which made me even more awkward. - Oh, right, eh... I have to go. - I said as I tried to get past the man. - 'Let me take you home, it'll be safe. - Draven offered, but as soon as I saw Ethan standing in front of the door, I stopped paying much attention. - 'Oh no
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Chapter 97
- AAAH! - I shouted with fright, jumping on the bed. - AU! AU! - Akira barked while looking at me without understanding anything, my heart was pounding so hard that it hurt. - Oh my god, Akira! What a fright! - I didn't expect him to be here, in fact, I had no idea. - WHAT HAPPENED? - Ethan appeared at my door looking at me scared, apparently, it was not only me that this happened, it seemed like a cascade effect and Ethan also seemed traumatized, I should be careful instead of screaming like crazy for anything. - Oh I'm not fine, I didn't see akira, and I was startled when he brushed against my foot, I was distracted looking for something to tie my hair. - I said as I took the puppy in my arms and stroked his fur. - I'm sorry, sweetie! I scared you, what an ugly thing! - I started to talk to the puppy who started to wiggle in my arm happily, when I was going to turn to say something to Ethan I was scared again by his proximity. - What are you... - I was going to ask, but he inte
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Chapter 98
We were together all the time, as soon as dinner was ready, I helped him put the meat broth with vegetables that he had prepared in the soup bowls, and we went to sit on the couch, the weather was perfect for a soup, and Ethan got it right when he did it I couldn't help but praise him a lot when I tried it, it was some kind of soup with beef it was so tasty the meat dissolved in the mouth and the seasoning our even the vegetables had absorbed all the seasoning he had put. - You should teach me how to make this soup. - I said as I took some more of the broth. - 'But why if I can make it for you? - He asked, and I looked at him, surprised by his gesture. - 'But what if you get tired? I can make it for you too. - I smiled, really happy with that. - Well, in that case, I can teach you. - He agreed, reaching out to take my bowl that was already empty. - Hey? Ethan, my food is gone! - I joked, feigning despair. - Ha! Ha! What do you mean it's gone? Didn't you eat it all? - He laughed,
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Chapter 99
"When he entered the place many heads turned towards him, apparently he did not show any discomfort, he just followed indifferently to the front of the counter where the attendant received him with an indifferent smile just not to be rude and end up receiving negative feedback on his service." "- Are you okay, Mr. Black? - He looked at me, perhaps now noticing my presence, just nodded, and turned his attention to the artist who was spending his hand unsticking something invisible on it." "- I think your friend is the one who needs help. - He finally spoke up." However, that was not even half of his personality, the man who is in my kitchen now is not half of everything he just appears to be, Ethan has the kindest heart I know, I watched him dry his hand with the dishwashing cloth and walk towards me smiled gently before stopping in front of me and resting his arms on either side of my body on the sofa. - Would you like anything else? - He asked as he stared at me, I smiled at the m
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