All Chapters of A Kiss For The Night: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
40 Chapters
Chapter 21
Fabian Mariana was the least of my problems. Every time I tried to tell her, she didn't seem to take a hint. I had Meredith to deal with; I didn't know how hard it was to just call when you were arriving at my house. It was a simple courtesy that she had refused to uphold.Just because we were engaged, she seemed to have a claimed right, which was nothing but delusions in my eyes."Why should I call? So you can have the time to bring in whores like this into the house?"I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to make sense of the entitlement she was exhibiting right before my eyes. I turned to Meredith, who was stunned, and tried to loosen the grip I had on her. I held her tight, close to me, staring at Mariana. "You talk like this is your house.""It is ours. We are going to be married soon, and it is only proper that it be in our house. You have to mind who you bring into this house." I scoffed, laughing at the delusion she had managed to create for herself."Now, let me get it straight.
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Chapter 22
MeredithI watched them take Mariana away like she was a stray dog who wandered into the wrong house. All the drama I had tried to avoid since I arrived in Italy was served before me on a platter of gold. I wished I could tell her that I had nothing to do with her man. Yes, Fabian might be hell-bent on trying to make me feel something for him, but I was controlling myself with the last emotion I had left to give.I wanted her to know how annoying her man was, but I had no choice but to stick with him because the truth I had been seeking all along was tied to my composure. I was nothing but a witness to a crime, and that singular act has been ruining my life since day one. I still had my hands in my face. The sting of that slap was still there, and tears formed at the sides of my eyes. I never expected Fabian to stand for me; I didn't want him to. As much as I pitied her, I wanted to retaliate because the rage was burning inside me. I wanted her to feel the pain she had inflicted on me
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Chapter 23
Meredith.I was beyond mortified that my mouth was sealed shut throughout the whole drive.I had nothing to say to him. and he had nothing to say to me either. The silence that hovered around us was heavy, and I dared not try to break it when I was nothing but terrified to my bones. I saw the answer that I had been aching for right before my eyes, and it echoed in my ears over and over again. He finally dropped me off at my dorm's entrance. I quickly got down without saying a word to him. I heard him trying to reach out to me, but I got out as soon as I could.Getting to the dormitory, I heard laughter, and it wasn't hard to spot who was in there waiting for me. I got in, and Damien greeted me with a smile."Hello beautiful." His Italian accent was hot, which made him look even more sexy. His hair was a little untamed, filling his forehead and almost covering his eyes. His smile complimented the colour of his eyes, and the excitement in his eyes made me rush towards him, giving him a
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Chapter 24
MeredithThe previous day flew by very fast. These days, it seemed that the days just blurred together, making me forget the horror of the previous day, which was terrifying. There was nothing to do but sink yourself into every memory. I was able to speak to Jayden, and we sorted the differences aside. He was going to school at Columbia, which was strange because I had always thought he would choose NYU. Inkee wasn't telling me that he had to change his decision that quickly.Every time we speak on the phone, there is a certain sadness that clogs my chest. I knew change was coming, and life was happening to me pretty fast. Faster than I imagined. It feels like I was forgetting him; the image of him I have in my head was fading away pretty fast. It made me wonder if it was happening to him too. Was our friendship going to fade until we became strangers? Was it going to be that bad?It was going to take time for me to get used to the idea that I might not be in every picture of his life
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Chapter 25
Meredith "This is clearly the wrong time to be calling, agent. I gritted my teeth, almost yelling on the phone. This was what I feared when I agreed to do this. It was like I had nothing else to do with my life other than monitor a foreign asset mafia lord, who would soon have my head, by the way. I realized that everything was so messed up. I was acquainted with his siblings, mostly behind his back, and I was trusting another guy who I was in a relationship with. I also had a roommate who thought all was right in the world when she had booze in her hands.All of this was happening in a strange land. If I were killed and buried here, no one at home would know of my whereabouts. I knew I had to be careful, but I couldn't do that when everything and everyone was breathing down my neck.Every time I call, it is always the wrong time. Don't you have free days from school?""Don't you have anything else other than chasing something that doesn't want to be chased? I countered with a questi
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Chapter 26
MeredithI couldn't think straight anymore.I held onto the file that the FBI put together. I went through the file over and over, looking for clues that this might not be true. I wanted to swim in the pool of denial,just as I have been these past few months. Mom held on to the truth about Nolan, but I knew why she didn't talk about it. It was depressing to find out what your son was into for years, and we didn't suspect a thing. He was loving and always around when we needed him; it made all of it shocking to me.I saw the pictures and the slides, holding onto the image on the picture. Maybe digging this out was a bad choice. Maybe I should have let sleeping dogs lie and not entered to dig up the past. There was no tangible evidence that Fabian might be involved. From the way he knew a lot of things about me, it was certain that he had had connections with me in the past or that his guys were just good at digging up people's lives.I couldn't sleep because the rough images came to li
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Chapter 27
MeredithIt was hard to get out of the mood I was in because of what the agents had told me. There was truth, and there was denial. which I happened to have been in for a long time. Sara and Kayla felt sorry for me after the bickering we had about the truth I was hiding. I still had not told them the truth, but it was good to finally shut Sara up. I had to avoid her for all she had said to me the previous day.There was no need to sulk because, no matter how hard I tried, the fact remained that Nolan was dead. Someone had killed him off, like he had no family. There were people who loved him—his family and others who were his friends. It was sad that he didn't confide in anyone; at least we would have a lead. I guessed showing me the files was all the motivation I needed to get to the root of this once and for all.A part of me wanted to know how Fabian was doing, but somehow, I craved to be with Damien more than anything. I wanted to know him more than anything; it was only a matter
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Chapter 28
Meredith.I became more nervous than I was. I had to play cool, but I didn't know how long I was going to pretend to be this man. He was too smart; he saw everything. I couldn't believe that he was still snooping under my nose even after I tried to ignore him.These past few days have been heavy for me, and he wasn't even seeing how much I needed to be alone; instead, he looked for ways to hover around me and breathe down my neck. I couldn't take it anymore.Sometimes I wonder what it was like to actually avoid him without the pictures of those agents. Would he still be a problem for me? These questions couldn't stop buzzing in my mind. It was like a concert there, no matter how hard I tried to avoid it. It was only going to haunt me in the back all over again. I didn't know Fabian was the ambassador for this school. No wonder he comes and goes as he pleases. I should have known that he was one of the school's managers, and if things were going wrong with the student, the news would g
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Chapter 29
FabianThis woman was no less interesting. There was always something new to find. I loved the little squabbles and her curious attitude. Every time she makes it difficult, it only makes me want to know more. Meredith, as a woman, makes me curious. I do not enjoy doing this to her, but I just want her, just as I would want any other woman. She had the capacity to know me as a man, but she wouldn't want to.I never wanted her to leave my sight. I knew I tried everything to stay away, to not participate in her daily life, but she was a means to get to me. There was little truth in what she might be saying; it was not the first time that I had actually been accused of something this complex.I don't care if she hates me; having her close to me gives me peace, in the weirdest way possible. The little things that she does intrigue me. I wanted to experience her in more ways that she might not approve of. The only thing she might know is that I could not hurt her, even if I wanted to. Even
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Chapter 30
Meredith.I was shocked, as the slap I had just received stung hard on my cheeks. I made no complaints as the guards carried me to the SUV just outside the building. Nothing made sense after this; my hands were still glued to my face as I relived the moment over and over. I didn't see him as the kind of man who would raise his hands to a woman. I have underestimated him. The first one was how he made it clear that I was nothing but a puppet he could control; now I'm just here to do his bidding. If I refused to adhere to his rules, I would certainly be punished for it.I'm screwed!!!I told myself this over and over until every fibre of my being believed it. I was angry; yes, hatred had developed over time. I should have known not to let my emotions cloud my judgement. I should have kept a low profile; I shouldn't have come to these events. No matter how much I wanted to be close to him, I knew it was futile.A slap across my face was a sign that he wasn't a soft person. He might be ki
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