All Chapters of Sinfully Yours: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
157 Chapters
I stand in front of the full-length mirror, studying my stomach from all angles. If you're pregnant, you're supposed to look different, right? Or feel different. My stomach is still as flat as it was the day before, and I still have a slight headache, even though I slept like a baby. I don't know how the hell I managed to fall asleep so quickly. There was no further news from Alessandro the night before, Thomas said that might be a good thing. No news is good news. I get dressed quickly before TJ finds me naked. The little rascal takes his job as my knight very seriously. "Ready to kick some ass?" Thomas asks me when I find him in the kitchen. Another thing I learned about my bodyguard is that he really likes cooking. He's always busy cutting something or hovering over a pot or pan. Not that my stomach is complaining. "Do your worst." I mumble. I'm actually not in the mood to kick ass or get my ass kicked, but I asked for this, and it might help Raquel from ending up dead in th
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It's been four days with no word from Alessandro, and I'm about to lose my mind. "What if he's hurt and we don't even know?" I ask Thomas, panic threatening to overwhelm me. "Something has to be wrong if he hasn't made contact!" Thomas continues slicing an orange like he doesn't have a care in the world. "He's okay." "But how do you know!" I almost shout, but then my eyes go to TJ, who is playing with a toy car on the ground. "I just know." Thomas goes on calmly. I narrow my eyes at him. "You're keeping something from me." There's no way he can be so calm and unbothered and not know something. "Alessandro has a tracker on him." Thomas nods. "If the tracker stops blinking, that would mean he has no pulse, meaning he's dead." "Is it blinking?" "Last time I checked." "You know, you could've told me this!" I shake my head. "Instead, you're letting me stress, giving me a fucking headache!" He looks up at me, a slight frown in-between his brows. "You've had this headache for almo
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"Have you heard anything from Alessandro?" I sound like a broken record, but I don't care. I'm losing my mind, and I'm grasping at anything trying to stay stable. Thomas patiently hands me a bowl of salad. He never complains whenever I ask about Alessandro. He always answers, treating me with kid gloves. This house we're staying in is gorgeous with an absolutely stunning view, but a part of me is missing, and I want it back. I need to feel grounded again. It's been eight days since Alessandro left. I'm wondering what the hell he's doing. Is he out there killing people while I'm losing my mind? Raquel must sense I'm going crazy because she avoids me as much as possible now. I don't think Thomas's assignment is working, I was definitely the wrong person to ask to do it. Phoebe would have been great at it. "No word yet, but he's alive." Thomas gives me the same answer that he's been giving me for the last two days. "Please eat the salad." I'm also tired of fucking eating salads an
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"I can't do this anymore." I say softly at the breakfast table three days later. Again, there has been no word from Allesandro. According to his tracker, he's alive, but what if he's also in captivity or something? What if they're beating him up like they did Gabby? Phoebe soothingly rubs my back. "Thomas said he's still alive, sissy, so that's something, right?" "It's nothing!" I throw my fork down on my plate with a koud clatter, and TJ looks at me with wide eyes. "Shit! I'm sorry!" I can't even keep my cool in front of a kid. I might combust completely soon. I don't understand what the holdup is with Alessandro. He found his father, why is he not coming back? "Okay, let's go for a walk." Phoebe gets up and grabs me by the arm. I'm so tired of taking walks too. Every time I lose my cool, Phoebe takes me for a walk like I'm a dog. I'm probably gonna go completely insane if something happens to Alessandro. It's chilly outside, and I stick my hands into the pockets of my hoodie
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I can't look as Thomas takes the stitches out from Alessandro's side. He doesn't make a sound, but he's chugging whiskey straight from the bottle. "I don't think alcohol is good for the bleeding." I tell him softly, but he just takes another swig as if he didn't hear me. It kills me to see him like this. I don't have a parent that I give a fuck about, so I can't even comprehend how he must be feeling right now. Thomas discreetly shakes his head at me, so I shut my mouth and clench my hands as Thomas cleans the wound and restitch it. "You have to take some antibiotics to prevent an infection." Thomas tells him and closes the medical kit. "I'll live." Alessandro says as he keeps on drinking the damn whiskey. This is the perfect moment where I tell him that in less than a year, there will be another person that he has to be healthy for. Still, the words don't come out of my mouth, and I can practically feel Thomas's accusing eyes on me. I don't think it's the right time to tell hi
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"No chauffeur?" I raise my eyebrows when I spot Alessandro's Mustang parked in front of the beach house. We're finally going home, not that the beach house wasn't beautiful or anything. The reason why we were here was just not great. Maybe we can come back under different circumstances next time. "I felt like driving." He opens the passenger side door for me and waits until I'm seated. I watch him as he walks in front of the car to get to the driver seat, dressed in one of his signature suits. He hasn't smiled, not even once. Apart from fucking and feeding me the whole day yesterday and well into the night, he hasn't shown any emotion other than neediness and anger. I don't know what to do or how to breach the subject about the death of his father. Dario sent me a message to let me know his mother is doing well after they woke her up from the coma. Also, arrangements are being made for her to be transported back. I look back to see the SUV that has Thomas and his family along w
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I can't stop looking at Sammy's small bump. She looks absolutely radiant. It seems as if her face and hair are glowing like an angel touched her. Why the hell can't I look like that? I had to wear make-up to cover up the dark circles under my eyes, and even though I've been eating as healthy as ever, it still seems like I'm losing weight instead of gaining. "Do you want a glass of wine?" Trey asks me, the bottle hovering over my glass and I gulp. Shit. "No thanks, Sammy's not drinking, so I'll join her." How much longer will I be able to think of all these damn lies. "Oh, I really don't mind." Sammy smiles, and I wished I could kick her underneath the table. "I'm fine with water, really." I hope my smile comes out genuine and not suspicious looking. "Are you still going to school?"Alessandro's hand tightens on my thigh. I don't want him feeling guilty that I'm not in school right now. The university isn't going anywhere, and I do well enough that there's no way they won't acce
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I stay standing in the doorway of the bedroom as the nursing staff make sure that Gabby is comfortable. I don't want to be here, seeing her like that. But I have to support Alessandro, who is currently hugging Dario. My heart bleeds as I watch the two grown men cry over the father that they lost and their injured mother. She's sedated right now, and she still doesn't know about Antonio. I know that the two of them loved each other very much, so how is she going to react when she finds out her husband is dead? I hate this for Alessandro. And I fucking want him out of the mob business. Antonio is no longer alive, so this is the perfect moment to get out. If something happens to Alessandro... I don't even want to think about it. I can't. One of the nurses touches Alessandro's arm, and he breaks apart from Dario. He listens to what se says, then he nods and go over to kiss Gabby softly on the forehead. Another stab of pain moves through me. Her nose was broken, both her eyes are sw
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I discreetly wipe the sweat from my brow so nobody notices. I'm feeling like shit, nausea rolling in my stomach. So far, I have been lucky not to have any morning sickness, but today of all days, it feels like everything I've eaten for the last week threatens to spill out of my throat. Typically, after a funeral, people would visit the deceased's house, but neither Alessandro nor Dario wanted people in their parent's house. So now we're at a fancy hotel's event hall with people who can't wait to steal Alessandro's time. Some of the attendees look like they are from the mafia, and some look like respected businessmen. Much like Alessandro's split focus in his own business. Dario is mostly looking after Gabby, who is in a wheelchair with one of the nurses close by. She didn't want to miss the funeral, but she must be tired right now. Hell, I'm tired right now. It's been a long day. Thomas hands me a cold bottle of water, and I gratefully open it and drink almost the whole bottle i
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I can vaguely hear panicked voices around me, and I try my best to open my eyes, but the lids are too heavy, and they fail. I distinctively hear Alessandro's outraged voice, and my eyes succeed in opening to a tiny slit. "What is wrong with her!" He's shouting at someone, and then he lays his hand on my forehead. "Baby, what's wrong? Are you feeling sick?" "I..." My voice croaks, and I just don't have the energy to say anything, and my eyes flutter closed again. Someone picks up my hand and holds my wrist. "Her pulse is a bit weak, I think it's best we get her to a hospital." It's Thomas. " I'll call her doctor to meet us there." "Her doctor? What fucking doctor!" Alessandro shouts, but I can hear the fear in his voice. I want to tell him I'm fine, that everything is going to be okay, but I can feel myself slipping back into the darkness again. I don't know how long it is until I open my eyes, and I realize I'm no longer at the hotel where everyone gathered after the funeral.
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