All Chapters of Sinfully Yours: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
157 Chapters
Phoebe slaps me so hard that my head flies to the side, and I cover my burning cheek with my hand. I don't blame her, I disappeared, leaving only a stupid letter. But she's still my sister, and as soon as the shock wears off, she envelopes me in her arms. "You fucking bitch!" She sobs in my ear, her arms tightening. "I've been worried sick about you, and then your man summons me to Greece, I didn't know what was going on." I hug her as tight as she's hugging me. "I'm sorry, I can explain, I swear.""It better be one hell of an explanation!" She warns, and I smile. I missed her even more than I realized. "Why don't we all go out for breakfast?" Alessandro suggests behind me, and Phoebe let's me go. She points her finger accusingly at him. "I'm coming with her so she can get ready. Don't think I didn't hear you going at it like bunnies while I was knocking like an idiot." Alessandro smirks arrogantly, and I roll my eyes at him. I blush as images flood me of what the two of us did
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My heart is hammering inside my ribcage in absolute terror and panic. How could I be so stupid? So utterly neglectful? I programmed the next date of my shot into my phone's calendar, which I left at home, and it completely went over my head. I didn't even think about it once. And the amount of sex Alessandro and I've had combined with my shitty luck, Phoebe might be right. His sperm cells are probably trying to get into my eggs right now. "Fuck, what do I do?" I hardly recognize my own voice as I look at Phoebe while worry clouds my mind. Phoebe shrugs as if it's nothing. "You could get the morning after pill, but the longer you wait to take it, the less effective it becomes." We've been fucking non-stop for three days, plus how am I going to explain the morning after pill to Alessandro? I can ask Thomas to take us to a pharmacy, but his instructions are to follow me like a hawk. There's no way he won't tell Alessandro what we were doing at the pharmacy. "But it's worth a try,
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I didn't realize how much I've missed the city until I step down from Alessandro's private jet and I inhale the polluted air. I've been to two amazing places, yet the feeling of home envelopes me in this very place I ran to in order to get away from my past. Alessandro's fingers thread through mine, and he looks down at me with the promise of a new life. Excitement unfurls in the pit of my belly. This time will be different. I'm no longer scared to be with him fully, and he's finally willing to let go of what he thought his marriage would be like one day. I might not like the spotlight in which he inevitably lives, but I'd rather have cameras flashing in my face than being hidden away like a dirty secret. And I know we look incredibly mismatched. Alessandro looks stylish without trying in black jeans and a black shirt. He looks classy even after a very long flight. Whereas I'm in my signature hoodie, sweatpants, and sneakers looking like something the cat dragged in. My hair is in
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I look at the time on my phone for what must be the twentieth time. Where the hell is Alessandro? After convincing me thay we should see a gynecologist together and sending me the date and time I should be there, he is now a no-show. Maybe it's for the best anyway because he's been hovering around me for the last two days whenever he's at my place as if I'm already pregnant. And according to Phoebe, I was supposed to get my period if that damn pill was successful, and so far nothing has happened. Not even one tiny red spot. But that's not what Google said. Apparently, I'll get my period on schedule or maybe like a week earlier. It doesn't really matter, what matters is, is that I'm in the waiting room of a gynecologist with Thomas as my companion who is languidly browsing through pregnancy magazines. "Planning on getting someone knocked up?" I joke, trying to hide my nerves. "Pregnancy is a beautiful thing." He replies without looking up from whatever it is that he's reading.
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The psycho in me calms down immediately, and I dial Phoebe's number. "Sissy!" She answers on the first ring. "What the hell is happening? I was still sleeping when one of Alessandro's men came knocking like the house was on fire!" "Where are you now?" I want to know. "She's with my wife and son in the car behind us." Thomas informs me. I nod at him in the rear view mirror. "I don't know what is happening yet. All I know is, is that Alessandro's parents are missing, so we're probably going to a safe place." "Oh god, what do I tell Kevin?" She screeches. "He's going to freak out!" "Make up a lie if you have to." I sigh. I couldn't care less what she tells Kevin right now. All I care about is that she's safe and sound. I have to talk to Alessandro. I have to hear his voice to know that he's okay. Not okay, but alive, at least. I hang up on Phoebe and try calling Alessandro again. This isn't gonna work if he doesn't let me in on what's happening. Especially if his parents are miss
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Raquel Whittle is a cocroach I want to squash under the sole of my sneakers. My hand has never itched so much to stab someone like I want to stab her. I managed to pull myself together when we got to the safe house, but Phoebe could see I was crying, and she hugged me. Lo and behold, Miss Whittle started bawling her eyes out, saying how much she loved Dario's parents and how much they mean to her. Why the fuck did Alessandro think it would be a good idea for the two of us to stay in the same house together? Why is she even part of the people that he wants to keep safe. She's disposable to Dario. "Don't worry." Phoebe rubs my back as she looks from the murderous expression on my face to the blonde witch. "I snagged us the room furthest from theirs." Maybe I should go there and lock myself up until this whole nightmare is over. Until Alessandro keeps his promise and gets back to me. "I need vodka and a cigarette." I growl, and Phoebe's eyes widen, traveling to my very flat stomac
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Soft fingers tickle my face, and I grab the offensive hands to open my eyes to wide, grey eyes. "Ouch!" The offender says, and I let his little hand go, and he smiles widely at me with a gap where his two front teeth should be. "Good morning, princess." He whispers. "I am here to awaken you for breakfast. You need your energy if you're going to fight the bad people!" "What?" I sit upright and look to my left to find the bed empty that I shared with Phoebe last night. "Princess Phoebe sent me." The little monster holds a plastic sword in the air. "I am here to protect your honor!" "Who are you?" I frown. There's a slight headache in my temple, and my stomach howls with both hunger and nausea. The little guy goes on one knee in front of the bed and holds his hand over his heart. "I am knight T.J, reporting for duty." I have to admit the little shit is actually cute with his dark hair and big, grey eyes. "May I go to the bathroom knight T.J?" He stands up and nods, taking his job
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I want to kill Raquel Whittle. The idiot is sitting on the couch filing her nails like her fiancee isn't bawling his eyes out after I gave him the news about his mother. I know it's only an engagement of convenience, but damn, she can show at least some compassion. Technically, he's the hand that feeds her, so she could've rubbed his back or something. Phoebe sits next to him, her eyes also full of tears as she tries to soothe him. "She's probably in Germany already." I try to keep my voice soft, but the truth is I'm not good at this either. "Thomas said you can fly out to be by her side if you want." Dario nods through his tears, and even my dead heart squeezes at the sight of this man so undone. How is Alessandro taking it? He saw his mother almost dead, and then he had to send her away to continue looking for his father. If he'd only just let me talk to him myself. "Do you want to go with Dario to Germany, Raquel?" I try to keep my voice even as I look at the posh rat. She
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The only reason I'm doing what I'm about to do is because I'm finally convinced that Alessandro really loves me. Sure, he's done everything for me in the past, but I just figured he has a lot of money to waste. Plus, people get married for all sorts of reasons besides love. I know the reason why I don't feel like I'm worthy. Because it's too fucking good to be true. Nothing good has ever really happened to me, so the fact that Alessandro Moretti actually wants me for me was unbelievable. I plop down next to Raquel, where she's typing on her phone. She throws the phone down on her lap as if I caught her doing something wrong. "What's up?"She asks warily, giving me the side eye. "How long do you think we're going to have to stay here?" I ask. She looks at me like I've grown two heads. I don't ever bother talking to her, so she probably thinks this is the weirdest thing. She's nervous. I can tell in the way she fidgets with her hands in her lap. She's probably thinking, why the he
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My hands are shaking as I look at the screen of my phone. Phoebe is expectantly looking at me, and I jump when it starts ringing again with the same number. I quickly run to the office. I feel like I should do this in private for some reason. I should've done it with Alessandro, but that's not gonna happen. "Hello?" I answer and close the door behind me. "Is this Farrah Simpson?" The distinct voice of Dr.Pesci asks on the other side. I close my eyes and lean against the door. "This is Farrah speaking." "It's Dr. Pesci speaking." He confirms as if I couldn't recognize his voice. It's already embedded in my memory. "Did you get the test results back?" I don't know if I really want to know the answer to that. It changes everything. Would Alessandro even let me go back to classes while I'm pregnant? I would fight him tooth and nail if he said I couldn't. "I did." He answers. "I pushed for the results." I'm sure Alessandro's influence has something to do with it. "What does it sa
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