All Chapters of Sinfully Yours: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
157 Chapters
I have a new friend in Kyoto. He is a student in a private university and I was completely correct about the private schools and the accent. That means Kaito is loaded, or at least his family is. I honestly don't know what it is with me and attracting men with money. At this rate, I should just stop reading all the research papers I've been consuming and accept the fact that I was born to be a kept woman. Not in this life or the next. My new friend has been joining me for my early morning runs at six a.m. I haven't completely lost my mind, so I meet him at a cafe in town, we run for about an hour and part ways at the cafe again. I make sure he doesn't follow me home. According to Kaito, I'm a student who is taking a hiatus. I left my home and country to find myself and ensure I'm on the right path. He's curious to know more about my life, but I manage to always turn the questions around on him. He studies law, and I have a hard time syncing the carefree, playful guy with b
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My heart is galloping in my chest in anticipation of some excitement and danger. I'm being stupid and reckless, I know there will be a price to pay for that. My heart rate picks up even more at the thought of what punishment might entail. And again reminding myself that I shouldn't be on my way to a cafe to meet some guy I don't know, who has clearly expressed some interest in me too. Alessandro would be on a murder path. For all I know, Kaito can be part of the Bratva seeking to end my life. I've learned that nothing in this world is impossible, so why am I even doing this? Playing with my own life? I know why I'm doing it, and a small, defiant smile graces my lips as I see Kaito already waiting for me at the cafe. "I didn't think you would come." He does look slightly surprised, his eyes scanning me from head to toe. I'm trying to be inconspicuous, wearing black sweats and a hoodie, but I still look undeniably female, even as I'm trying to soften the effect. "Did you thi
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I shouldn't be here. For once, I regret making a hasty decision based on foolishness and curiosity. These are not some college boys looking for some barbaric entertainment. The men in the room scream power and sophistication, and I've learned recently that they are the ones girls like me should stay far away from. I open my mouth to tell Kaito that I've changed my mind and that it would maybe be best if he takes me home instead, when one of the fine gentlemen approaches us, a frown deeply etched between his eyebrows. He doesn't even look in my direction, instead talking only to Kaito in Japanese, to which Kaito calmly replies. The man's frown deepens at whatever Kaito says and promptly turns around without even glancing at me. Not that I mind either, the look in his eyes was pissed and I do not wish the be the recipient of it. Kaito, however, is cool as ice sipping on his beer like he owns the place. Yet, he is the youngest man there. "Should we go?" I ask hesitantly. I cert
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The hands on my face are all wrong. They're not holding my cheeks like their life depends on it, and the lips are all cold and hard. It takes my brain a second to process what is happening, and then I shove Kaito away with all my strength. "What the fuck, dude!" I spit out angrily. The asshole has the audacity to look offended like I just tried to kiss him. And now I can see what an entitled prick he really is. Somewhere between last week and today, his attitude has completely changed. He must have sensed that I knew there was something up with those fights. What he doesn't know is that I have experience with the mafia, and that dungeon looked shady as fuck. I was not going to get involved in another underground business. I'm already in deep shit because of the previous one. He looks at me with a bored expression. "You've been such a waste of my time." My mouth hangs open in shock. Who the fuck does this dude thinks he is? Some kind of gift to women? And what is it he was wantin
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I slowly exhale the breath I was holding in and close my eyes in relief. "Who the fuck are you!" Kaito grabs my arm possessively. Thomas steps out from the shadow and I've never been so glad to see his face. Not the person I was bargaining on to show up, but I will take anything I can get right now. He holds his hands up and I squint my eyes at him. What the hell is he doing? This is the time he's supposed to bring out his crazy karate moves or something, show Kaito that he's messing with the wrong people here! "I come in peace, Mr.Takahashi." Thomas's voice is calm. "I'm from the Moretti outfit, to which Miss Olivia is a family member. I've been sent to escort her home." I smirk victoriously. Seems like my plan is working after all. The hand on my arm drops immediately and Kaito looks down at me with narrowed eyes. "You're mafia?" After the fight club incident, I knew there was more to Kaito, but he seems to know who the Morettis are, which means he has more knowledge of the u
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When you grow up in the slums, you have some pretty vivid ideas of traveling. You imagine yourself walking in the cobbled streets of Italy, maybe running with the bulls in Spain. But nothing prepares you for the utter exhaustion of having to take two planes to get to a country, and an overlay that seems as if it will never end. It's especially unpleasant if your companion barely speaks two words to you. Maybe if I was traveling with Phoebe or even Sammy, the time would have gone by faster. On the last leg of the second flight, I go over to Thomas's cubicle, courtesy of first class and too much alcohol, and glare down at him where he's lying down with his head propped on his arms. "Care to explain why you're in such a prissy mood." I say low enough so one of the flighty attendants can't overhear our conversation. "I'm insulted, I thought you would've missed me." He doesn't bother opening his eyes, and when I get no reaction from him, I huff and turn around to go back to my own
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My heart is pounding in my ears at the violent threat in Alessandro's voice. And my pussy clenches at the thought. He's threatened with fucking me in the ass before and even though I feel excitement at the illicit thought, I'm scared too. Alessandro is not a small guy, I needed days to recover from normal sex. "Bend over." He commands, and I fall onto my elbows. He presses a hand onto the small of my back and runs his hard cock through my cleft, making me shiver. "You like that?" His voice sounds strained, as if he's withholding himself. "Did you miss this cock?" "Yes." I breathe out and wiggle my hips so that he can just enter me.He hits my right buttock in quick succession, making me cry out. "So why did you flaunt what's mine for another man, mmh?" His tip teases my entrance, just a quick little dip in and out. "Was I not good enough for you?" There's pain in his voice and I turn my head to look at him. He's a sight to behold. He's wearing a black knitted sweater and black
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I smile as I open my eyes, my head resting on hard, muscled flesh, yet I'm extremely comfortable. The familiar tattoos greet me, and I can't help but run my hands over the smooth expanse of Alessandro's chest. I lift my eyes and see he's already awake and watching me, and I feel myself blushing at the memory of last night. "Keep that up and you might get fucked again." He says in a sinfully dark voice and it might have enticed me if I didn't feel extremely sore. He makes a low growl in his chest that sends immediate electricity to my core. Okay, maybe I'm not that sore. But instead of acting on his threat, he gets up and walks around the bed in his glorious nakedness to open a door that I assume leads to the bathroom. I hear the sound of water running, but I'm still feeling extremely lethargic, probably due to jetlag and Alessandro's rough fucking from the night before. I don't even have a clue what day it is now or the exact time. My eyes fall closed, but then I'm peppered wit
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The sun is fighting for attention through the cloudy sky of Mykonos. It's not raining, but the air is cool, yet the scenery is still breathtaking. Muscled arms encircle my waist, and I lean back against Alessandro, wishing we can stay here forever wrapped in this cozy cocoon. But knowing Alessandro, he has a world to dominate, forever wanting more power. "When can I go home?" I want to know, looking at the water that stops just a few feet from my boots. The ocean is calm, the waves small. I wonder what it would be like in summer. His arms tighten around me momentarily. "There was a little bit of a war after you left." I screw my eyes shut tightly. "Did people get hurt?" That's a dumb question to ask. Of course people got hurt. Of course people lost their lives while I was safely tucked away in Japan. "I know what you're thinking, and you better stop." Alessandro's breath ghosts over my cheek. "There is nothing I wouldn't do to keep you safe." "And I told you I don't break easi
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The diamond on my finger throws a kaleidoscope of light on the ceiling when the early morning light falls on it. I feel like I'm living in a dream. One moment, I'm being hunted by the Russian bratva, and the next, I'm traveling abroad to places I never thought I'd see. And now I'm engaged to the man of my dreams. Was this ever in my life plans? Not by a long shot, but I can't complain as said man is sprawled next to me in all his naked, tattooed glory. He must have gotten hot during the night, probably from me being draped over him, because the covers are thrown off his body and his large cock is laying heavy on his stomach. I've been fucked every which way since I agreed to marry him, and I'm still feeling him everywhere. I should've agreed to move in with him when he first asked, but I was too strung up on how soon it was. Now I couldn't care less if I just met him yesterday or the fact that I'm only twenty-one. I've seen so much shit in my lifetime that most people double my ag
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