All Chapters of The billionaire's bodyguard : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
158 Chapters
I scanned from my camera outside the house, tina threw herself crying profusely. She refused to stand up. I felt pity for her, the poor girl. None of this was her fault. Tina Moana. I wondered what she did to anger Tracy . I'm sure it was something minor, but the spoilt brat didn't care.Her father made a huge mistake and she would pay for it with her life and Miss Tina would have a big role in that. It makes it so much fun that she already hated her. Very easy to get her on our side as well. said the other maids. I picked up my phone punching some numbers in. My eyes were kept on the screen, I watched her cry to fuel my anger towards the Scott's s. Even if it was the last thing I did, I don't care. They had to be brought down. **Get me the girl now.** I ordered and hung up."Soon Tracy , Just waits, your downfall would be slow, and your death even slower. Every tear this girl sheds, I'll return them to you in ten folds. Just watch, enjoy your reign because it won't last long."I
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**ANTONY SANTOS POV** For once, I found her strange. The shoot had ended minutes ago, her manager left after trying to flirt with me, he even informed me of everything.It got weird when tracy was nowhere in sight, I suspected something might have happened, I had to go in and check. Surprisingly, she showed up moments later like her body was exchanged.Although I had been working with them for just a short while, I got to know a few of her traits, and this was so unlike her. She fiddled with her nails, biting on them nervously. She seemed to want to leave quickly, making me wonder why the shopping Queen suddenly wanted to go home. I prepared myself for another round of shopping, going out or something of that sort.Instead, she shut the door without another word.It was just three pm, and I thought I would be forced to drive into the city for clothes she probably won't wear. The second I parked the car, she jumped out and rushed inside. What has this girl so shaken? I need to
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***Tracy Scott POV*** The decor of the room was impeccable, it was also really spacious. Regardless, the bedroom was for one. As you can imagine, it wasn't that big. The perfect size for us to cuddle. I muffled a chuckle. I shot him a flirtatious smile watching his eyes gaze on the bed. His shoulders tensed, I now sat on the bed, my legs folded as I was playing with my phone. Rushing things would only cause chaos, if I calmed down and orchestrated things perfectly, Antony would have the worst experience of his life. "If you're worried about this, being a married man and all. You can call your wife, it's allowed. Explain everything. No lips." Two minutes had passed before I spoke up. My offering followed a slow licked of my lips. I'm just getting started with him. Let's poke the big hard bear."Miss Tracy , I can definitely find another hotel to stay at. A cheaper one so you don't have to fund the expenses. It seems...." For once, Antony's word didn't come out strong, confident,
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**TRACY SCOTT'S POV** His laughter died down after a while. Tables turned properly, Antony got a massive reaction from me. On the other hand, I got none. Going back to the issue we faced, the blankets and some of the pillow covered the bed. I stoodtransfixed. Too scared to move as the cockroachmight just come out or something. Worse even if it wasn't a cockroach but something else.I titled my head towards his direction. Clearly, he was with holding a laugh. Obviously, the fun had not quite ended for him. Unable to contain it for much longer, his lips parted and he threw his head back in laughter. I tightened my fist, cringing my nose in anger. "It's not funny Antony. There's a fucking cockroach there." I complained. I wanted my caring, nonchalant, brave, only cares about the job Antony. In times like this, I had no business with this man in front of me. Instead of protecting my like he was paid to, he just stood there laughing at my misery. God help us both. "tracy Carter,
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**TRACY SCOTT'S POV** It took a while for him to over come his present dilemma, it took even longer to come to terms with it. For a minute there, I considered the fact that I might have broken him. He wouldn't move, or talk. All he did was glare massicely. Luckily, he recovered from his state after several minutes with a low grunt. I tilted my head, glancing at him with a full smirk. Funny how cute he look whenever his face puffed in anger, extremely sexy.After we both showered, not like Antony needed it, I practically did an amazing job for him. I didn't get a thanks, but still, selfless service and all. A littlebumped he decided to be ungrateful and shower, but at least it got me first class tickets to the show. By that, I mean how he looked whenever he stepped out of the shower. Let me elaborate, so you get a really clear picture in your head. Imagine, a tall man, dark, brunette hair, hazel eyes, striking jaw line, muscular abs. He steps Let me elaborate, so you get a rea
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**TRACY SCOTT'S POV** The sex was too good, I ended up sleeping off in his arms. They just felt so fucking good. He would pull me towards himself, rub his erection against me then push in slowly still in that position. We had sex multiple times, I reached climax multiple times. Just like an urge that couldn't be satisfied not quenched. After a few hours, I got up. My body ached a little from being too flexible, the positions we tried was a little too stressful, enjoyable at the very least, but still stressful. As i said, after we've had sex I'll regret it and I did, massively. It was like, I lost my senses but they all returned after each climax for a split second. Still, I went back to him for another round. Only at the end, after my nap did I regain myself to realize the error I just committed. We both agreed, just sex and nothing more. That was two years ago. What happened on that tour should stay there, no strings attached. He resurfaced and it seemed like so did the dare
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**tracy SCOTT POV** In order to stop him from getting a reaction, I had to drop my phone, I got into bed almost immediately. Antony looked slightly shocked, but did not question my actions. He couldn't, even if he tried.I squeezed both my eyes shut, all I could see was Shawn. Trying to push those thoughts for would be useless, they would spring up no matter what. I ignored them and forced myself to sleep. It only came after minutes of doing nothing.**** After resting for an hour or two, I wanted to take a walk since I got bored, real fast. Shopping would be done tomorrow, Antony would definitely decline any attempt at going out. Good thing I was his boss, not the other way around. All my demands, he must meet them, one way or another.Focusing on gaze on him, he seemed like someone who was resting. I was the one who got several rounds of sex, I wasn't tired. He just stood for a while, then went back to the hotel. What if someone barged in and tried to kill me now? It was una
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**TRACY SCOTT POV** Following that fulfilment, I became pale, unable to utter another word. I kept to myself, giving solace from the cool temperature of the evening, I also didn't find that satisfying anymore. My body turned emotionless, I just wanted to get back to the hotel then crawl straight into bed.The time read a few minutes after seven pm when we settled comfortably back in our room. The lingering part of the trip was more than uneasy, it got even worse being confined to a room, all alone. Pin drop silence prevailed in the room. For one, I couldn't seem to muster the courage to speak to Antony after our ordeal with Shawn, coupled with the revealing advice that followed.For him, I had zero ideas on why he acted that way. Also, for some reason, he refused to make eye contact, or at least talk to me.The only thing he did was to arrange the couch; his makeshift bed. Reasonable as he needed to get some rest before tomorrow. Although, I also lost the zeal for shopping. I just n
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**TRACY SCOTT'S POV** As a girl, you get different praises from the opposite gender. Each one of them had very different meanings, it was up to you to find them out. Here was a simple examination of everything just in case you were wondering, my thoughts though. The first would be; Sexy. As a model, I got this from my manager all the time. Not just him, producers, managers, all the works. This was a very common word. Most females actually get all happy when being called, if only they knew what it meant. Being called sexy had to do with having an amazing body. It started and ended with your figure. Nothing more, nothing less. The next was; Hot. A word most common amongst dirty men, drunkards, and people who just want to get into your pants. They also look at your body and nothing else.Likewise, you could be called pretty, it was actually really sweet. It meant you had a good facial look. Usually, you didn't have blemishes or anything of that sort. Then, when a man called you b
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**TRACY SCOTT'S POV** He placed me down while making a weird sound, synonymous to an hungry lion with a low growl emiting from his throat, and I sounded like a prey ready to quench his thirst. We remained standing in the same position. Hurriedly, he removed the hair which had gathered at the back of my neck, taking his time to trail kisses all around. I stood facing the bed, finding it hard to hold on to anything or keep myself from screaming in pleasure. Noticing my discomfort, he lifted me for the third time. My back touched something smooth and soft. I can't place my finger around what it was. My brain stopped functioning properly. The only thing I could think of was this sexy god extremely close to me kissing me like no one has.Then, it hit me like for a moment. We were on a bed, he hovered over me still kissing the crook of my neck, but not for long. He didn't seem to be satisfied, slowly moving downwards. I finally opened my eyes noticing we were back in my room. How we go
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