All Chapters of The billionaire's bodyguard : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
158 Chapters
Chapter Twenty One: Goodbye?
**TRACY SCOTT POV **My body felt livid, they would walk out soon and meet me here. I didn't want to face him, I couldn't."Move!"I yelled at myself, my brain processed my words but my dad declined the action. I stood feets away from the door in deep thought.He was quitting. Of course he was. I chuckled hysterically at the thought of those words. As I said, I should not be surprised by these turn of events no matter how sudden they may seem. Everyone quits on me.They got tired and left eventually, but a part of me thought that maybe Antony would be different or something but he was quitting. He was no different from any of the men that have guarded me. Although I'd give him extra credits for actually getting intimate with me, having a glimpse of my true self. But all the say, he was leaving.I had numerous bodyguards over the past few months. Most of them ended up dead but I doubt any turned in a resignation letter and quit. Antony had to be one in five to quit. None left because o
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Chapter Twenty Two: Nothing Lasts Forever, Darling
**TRACY SCOTT POV **He pulled away after a few seconds and stared deeply into my eyes. Our fingers were laced somehow, I didn't know when that happened. Then, he began tracing lines on my body from my hands, to other parts. He paused right above my cleavages. It felt so good to be close to him in this way. So fucking wrong but also good. I shut my eyes and moaned in delight. His hands were too good to be true, I just wanted to lay on my back and let him do whatever he wanted to my body. His finger traced an unknown symbol across my lips. I parted them wishing he would replace those fingers with his lips and take them somewhere else. God knows where these thoughts were coming from.The nagging voice screamed in my head, it told me I was getting involved with a married man. It said this was wrong. It said I should stop. Likewise, it said I should scream, someone would come and break us apart. It said to shove him away, it said I was being a terrible person. It reminded me I was a virtu
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Chapter Twenty Three: Are We Meant To Be?
**TRACY SCOTT POV **The car ride was slow and extremely tortuous, I kept thinking what if that strange man was Antony. Moments ago, I decided to move on, now I realized that would be when I got home. I needed a few moments to dwell in the past, gain a little closure if I can.What would I have said to him? I didn't think about that for a second, I got too excited, I didn't think straight. I would hug him out of excitement, that was one certain variable, what would happen when I pull away?I would be angry at him for leaving me. The pain would return so there was no need to want him anymore.If I do see him, it'll be like he didn't exist to me because he doesn't, not anymore. He left me without a good reason and never looked back so Antony Santos is dead to me. Nothing can change that. It was time to move on, that was what I would do.I gave Tim instructions to alert me when we've reached our destination. I needed to rest for a while. Once again, my subconscious compared my time with
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Chapter Twenty Four: The Proposal
**Antony Santos pov**~THREE WEEKS EARLIER~After what I called a goodbye kiss, I stood behind the door breathing like a madman. I held one of my hands with the other, breathing through my mouth. I did this because if I didn't, I would rush back into the room and take her, I didn't know how but I would. Understanding I couldn't, I ran down the stairs with the little self-control I had left. Call me a coward for leaving, for hurting her, for going against my words, call me a coward, I fucking am. I bowed my head as I approached the door."Mr.Antony.," Her dad clamored to me. I forced a small smile but I was sure I looked creepy. There was nothing to be happy about."Are you sure I can't convince you to stay?" He asked with pleading eyes, as much I wanted to scream hell yeah, I couldn't stay here. I needed to leave. After Dubai, a lot became clear to me."I'm sorry Sir,” I answered back indirectly, if he wanted a monosyllabic response, he would get a positive one. I couldn't do that. He
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Chapter Twenty Five: My Antony
**ANTONY SANTOS POV**It took a few seconds for me to decide my next course of action. When I got the idea, on first thought, It was the most stupid one yet but I didn't mind. I'd just add it to the list or something. Come to think of it, it was actually appropriate, it also had a really high chance of success. So, I would just go with it.I grinned widely before chuckling and bursting into fits of laughter. If I could see the expression on whoever was talking, it'd be priceless. I knew how it felt to be laughed at in this manner, so I was sure of the outcome. I didn't mean a chuckle, I threw my head and clutched my tummy laughing heartily, not like the past few weeks when most things had just been fake. Now, I was actually laughing for the first time in weeks. A real laughter caused by an unknown person planning to bring a person I care about down. My eyes widened and my lips screwed shut. What did I just blurt out? Do I care about her? Those were the words that ran through my head.
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Chapter Twenty Six: Pucker Up
TRACY SCOTT POV **A few guests mumbled words behind me. The party was for the rich and powerful, so most people would recognize me if they hadn't already. They probably wondered why the daughter of Scott was hugging some guy. Antony had taken off his mask so they couldn't recognize him, I say it that way because they thought of him as a nobody, he needed to be high in the society, and he wasn't. This news would surely spread, if only I cared. I didn't. I hugged himnonetheless.I probably should've held onto the little dignity I had left. Maybe even pretend I didn't miss him or feel his departure. I know I should've but was it worth it? It wasn't.Truth be told, I missed him. That was the simple truth. I wish he never left and was here with me instead of Tim. My wish came to pass so what was the need of acting like I was not fucking elated. I wrapped my arms tighter at that thought, oh God, please don't let me lose him again. Please. I begged within me although I was unsure if the Al
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Chapter Twenty Seven: Caught Up
**TRACY SCOTT POV **I sucked fervently on his lower lips. They still had their familiar taste of vanilla mixed with chocolate. It was addictive. The kind of taste that leaves you craving for more, and that's exactly what I wanted. More, more, more. I sucked and he pulled me closer, as if he read my thoughts.I didn't care if Tim laid a few feet away from us or if I was in danger, someone could shoot me at this point, the perfect ambush, but I just never wanted this to stop. I didn't even care about the numerous pictures and videos which would be on air by tomorrow.When a moan erupted from his lips, I knew if we weren't in a public place full of eager spectators, I would lose control. I was barely holding myself together, the little self control I had was breaking up. I just wanted him with everything in me. I'd never felt this way towards anyone. Ever. My body felt ignited from within, the hair on every part of my body stood still, every fucking part."Stop,"I heard his low whisper
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Chapter Twenty Eight: Setting Boundaries
**TRACY SCOTT POV **Everything happened in slow-mo for about a second or two before I jump-started back into reality. Events began to unfold faster than the speed of light. The grimace on the face of these men suggests I obey their commands. Non-compliance may lead to getting a bullet or two in the head but then again they might have orders to take me in alive. At that thought, my mind replayed exactly what happened at Ryder's place. I shuddered at the sound of the whizzing bullet echoing in my brain.Suffice to say, I was not banking my life on a probability. I still had so much to do. I hadn't pressed my lips on Antony."Antony." I breathed out, he would save me. He knew of my exact location so tracking me should not be too hard. I stole one final glance at the car. Needless to say, I was about to get in and bank my life on a man who left me."Who came back to you?" My subconscious added in a firm tone. I nodded my head, the decision had been made already.With wobbly legs, I got in
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Chapter Twenty Nine: A Bad Decision
**ANTONY SANTOS POV**With her back facing me, I could get a grip on my desires and not kiss her like I planned. She actually said no, did she find out? If she did, I would have gotten beaten up or something. I had to face the striking truth glowing in my face; she just didn't want to kiss me. I wrung my eyes as hurt glinted through them. This was for the best. This way we could stop making out and actually concentrate on important things, such as her safety for example, meaning she had to get back home soon.I composed a plan in my head going through all the possible loopholes. Ariel knew about the imminent threat which was a plus as she'd be on the lookout, just like yesterday. A sense of pride washed over me, I thought of her that. I snickered lightly, she refused to look at me still making me recollect her reaction to me wanting to kiss her. The more I thought of it, the more it felt like a spear in my chest.She did the right thing, to her at least. It would be cheating; she woul
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Chapter Thirty: Ending The Sex Deal
**TRACY SCOTT POV **Ten minutes had passed, I remained on the bed still fighting an internal battle. A huge part of me wouldn't agree to this "date" . I couldn't decide if I was being rational or overall protective of myself. It also felt like Antony's voice echoed in my head or something. The same voice which spoke to me earlier regarding my safety, but this was Shawn, I knew him.I heaved a large sigh shoving all the arguments down, it was just Shawn. Biting the corner of my lips, I texted Shawn back telling him I would go to his house instead. I didn't want him coming here. My dad would talk, he still hadn't seen the pictures which was weird, I expected questioning by this time. I reached for my phone and searched the web for my name. As expected, the pictures were there. Thankfully, Antony's face was covered so my dad wouldn't know his identity. Still, he should have asked questions."Hmm," I breathed. Too many problems for one day, driving to Shawn's house would give me some tim
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