All Chapters of Carrying A Baby For The Billionaire CEO: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
90 Chapters
Ana is pregnant
The silence in the McCurry house was haunting, Anastasia and her mom sat distances away but she could still feel the heat of the moment, the tension. As much as she was scared of her mom’s screams back at the hospital after the discovery, she was more scared of her mother’s silence.Mrs. McCurry had been staring silently at her for the past thirty minutes and Anastasia suddenly wished that her mother was rather screaming, she knew what that silence meant; her mother was pissed beyond measure, she was disappointed and heartbroken, but did Anastasia feel any better?She had just discovered or rather confirmed from the lab test that she was a month pregnant, and she knew it could only mean one thing; she was carrying the Billionaire CEO’s baby. Her baby’s daddy was Mr. CEO, the so-called most eligible bachelor of the city. How would she explain it to anyone? What would she tell her curious mother?Anastasia could stop the tears from rolling down her eyes, she might have found a way to st
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Her Baby's Daddy Is Mr CEO
There was a knock on the door and Anastasia quickly rushed to check it. Her mother had not come out ever after abandoning her in the living room and Ana valued the peace of the moment. If she didn’t go to check the door right away, it might attract her mom’s attention and once again she will be forced to endure the torturing look from the woman who had bore her.Ana opened the door and froze immediately. As much as she was in a hurry to open the door, this was the last person she wanted to see right now. It was Jake; her boyfriend who had been with her for months now. How would she explain to this guy that she was pregnant after she had told him she wasn’t ready for sex.She had refused to let him touch her because she wasn’t ready and yet he stayed, something very few men can do, and now things cannot look any uglier.From the look on his face, Anna guessed that he might have found out, or maybe it was something else bothering him and her guilty conscience was judging her, but regard
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Who is Stephen Gray??
Ana was still crying on her bed when she noticed her father come into the room, she didn’t even know that he was back from work; she had not left her room ever since the conversation with Jake.Anastasia looked up to her father in tears, hoping to see the look of disappointment on his face, the same look she had gotten from her mother and her boyfriend; or ex-boyfriend now as it was most likely that her relationship was over. But Mr. McCurry didn’t have that expression on his face, in fact he wore an empathetic look as he approached her slowly.“Anna…” he called softly as he got to her.“Dad… I am sorry,” she burst into tears and bowed her head in shame.Mr. McCurry sighed and sat beside her on the bed, he looked at her with loving eyes and pulled her into his arms. “It is alright dear, please stop crying or you are going to fall sick.” He said kindly and patted her back.Ana slowly looked up, surprised by her father’s reaction. “You… you are not mad at me? You are not disappointed li
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Visiting the Grays
Ana dropped from the cab and stood before the simple yet dazzling looking gate; she couldn’t believe this was the entrance to the famous Gray family’s building. These people found happiness with the simplest things, the entrance was designed with expensive and lovely looking flowers on both sides of the pathway.She didn’t notice the security men at the gate until she got closer, the small entrance at the gate was open so she just walked in. it had been two weeks since she found out that she was pregnant and she had concluded that she would let Stephen know… He deserved to know that she was carrying his child, and if he was not the billionaire trash can or playboy that she had accused him of being, this was his time to prove it.Ana didn’t really have any further plan aside from letting him know that she was carrying his child, she didn’t know what she would do next but it will however depend on his reaction to the news. She doubted that he would want anything to do with a poor girl f
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The wedding day
The long hall of Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church bubbled with excitement as the couple stood at the altar, waiting for their marriage to be finalized and blessed by the priest. All roads that led to the venue had been blocked with different exotic cars of all sizes and ranges.It was indeed the talk of the town, a gathering of elites and the city’s richest people. but why wouldn’t it be so? It was the wedding of the son of the city’s most popular business man and CEO of the year. It was Jackson Gray’s son’s wedding, it was the wedding of Las Vegas’s most eligible bachelor, a title he wouldn’t be holding on to anymore in a few hours.The church had been beautified with balloons and ribbons of different colors, there were stunning looks and outfits in the building. Both those who had come to celebrate with them and their rivals who had come to envy and find something to gossip aboutStephen Gray and Jenny Bricks stood at the altar facing each other, the young CEO was dressed smartly in
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The crisis begin
“Jenny, wait!!” Stephen yelled and turned to go after her, but two steps forward, he paused and turned back to Anastasia. It was useless going after her, there was nothing she would want to hear from him at this moment and moreover Anastasia needed him more. He already knew the repercussions of his actions.Mr. and Mrs. Gray approached them immediately, accompanied by Jenny’s mother, who was a divorcee and famous model. It was rumored that she had made her wealth from the divorce with her wealthy husband. The thought of it had made Stephen consider a Prenup last week. As much as he loved his bride, he didn’t want to risk losing half of his wealth to her through cunning means.“What the hell is going on here?” Mrs. Gray yelled.“Yeah, can someone tell me what the actual fuck is going on here?” Miss Isabella uttered.“Calm down mom, let me explain…” Stephen uttered as he walked back to where Anna stood.“No you keep quiet and let me handle this, it's obvious you have lost your mind. Ho
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Drama in the Gray mansion
The family had gathered in their large spacious living room and everyone was seated silently waiting for the meeting to begin. Well, some were crying, some were murmuring and others were still in shock.Mrs. Gray was the first to break the silence and she began by questioning the presence of Anna in the room. The young simple girl from downtown was trying to not get bewildered by the massive living room she had found herself. Like she noticed the first time, this family loved nature, the designs in the sitting room told it all.Aside from being very spacious, they had very costly pieces of nature hanging at every corner of the room. The chandelier was designed like a branch of a tree. There were tiny sculptures of Viking ships on some counters and flower vases on several others.“I understand bringing her home, but why into our house and why in this meeting with us? You should have left her outside in the compound, we would feel much safer that way than in a private family meeting.” M
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A family conflict
“Shame on you for saying such a thing!! Is this what you think of everyone? You think everyone wants your money?? If this is what being rich is all about, then I am very glad to be poor. If being rich means that you believe everyone wants your money, if that is the case, I do not want to be rich. You think your money can solve everything in the world? You think everything can be bought with money? I am carrying a human in me and all you can think to offer is money… Does this baby even matter to you? Sorry to say this Mr. Jackson Gray, but your money is not the solution to my problem… If I wanted your money, I would file a case against you and I wouldn’t even need the city’s best lawyer to win that case, I would only need one with a good heart.” Anna blurted in anger, she was so pissed by his question that she wouldn’t hold herself back anymore.“Hey, you wretched thing, don’t you dare talk to Mr. Gray in that manner? Do you realize he can buy your entire existence ten times over?” Je
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Accept or abort
“I knew it!! This is what you wanted all along, that is why you are playing saint. You want to be a baby mama for a billionaire, huh? You want to be a part of this family, at the end it all falls down to money. You want to be collecting child support, don’t you? Keeping this child will make you mother of the first heir and puts you in a position to get wealth someday when your son takes over, that is if you do have a boy. Admit it that you are a greedy bitch, forget all this self-righteous show that you have put up here today, forget all this drama and admit that you are playing the long term game.” Jenny accused her.“You keep mentioning the word Billionaire like you are obsessed with it, what if those are your true intentions? Only a thief knows another thief? So if you think I am one, it is probably because you are too. So tell me Jane or whatever you call yourself, are you marrying Stephen here because he is a billionaire?” Anna slowly dished out the violence.“Way to go, sister
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Their first moment
There was silence between the two of them as he drove her home, she had actually asked to go on her own but he had adamantly refused and insisted he took her home himself. With all the drama that had occurred today, he didn’t trust anyone else to do the job. Anna fixed her gaze outside the window and admired the view, or maybe she was just avoiding eye contact with him.“I am sorry.” Stephen finally broke the silence in a calm reserved voice.“Huh?” Anna muttered and turned to face him like she had not heard him the first time. She however put up a convincing face of confusion to support her reaction.“I said I am sorry, for the way my parents treated you back there, it wasn’t right.” He said.Anna sighed, the only thing not right was him forcefully sticking his dick into her body, but she didn’t say that, it was just the way she felt. Of course, she had still not let go of that night even after two months, she was yet to heal from it and this baby bump was one of the reasons why it w
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