All Chapters of Carrying A Baby For The Billionaire CEO: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
90 Chapters
Mrs. McCurry
Anna’s heart skipped when she saw her mother standing in front of the house, she knew she must have been waiting for, she had left without informing anyone, she just left a note saying she would be back but she never specified where she was going or what she was going to do. She has been depressed these past few days so her mother might have thought that she would try and end her own life; that is why she had left the no-so reassuring letter before leaving.Stephen was the first to get out of the car and he walked to the other side and opened the door for Anna. Of course she had tried to open it on her own but the billionaire CEO had locked it on purpose, he didn’t think it was lady-like to open the door for yourself and so he wouldn’t give her the chance to embarrass them both.Anna stepped out of the car and rolled her eyes at him as she realized what he had done, but he just smiled back at her, looking pleased with himself and his action.“Sorry sweetheart, but I wasn’t going to le
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An angry Jenny
Stephen arrived at home and headed straight to his room to try and avoid any discussions with other members of the family. He knew for a fact that they were mad at him, even his father who had supported his decision early today was angry with him for embarrassing the family today at the church. Anna might have been the one to disrupt the wedding but it was all because of him, he put the plan in motion back at that hotel when he forced himself on her.Stephen got to his room and noticed that the door was half-open, someone was either in there or had gone in there not long ago. He wondered who would be in his room as the family knew that he was out with one of the cars, he slowly pushed the door completely open and walked in.Sitting inside there was Jenny; of course, he knew he was going to have a talk with her tonight, he just didn’t expect it this soon. She was the most disappointed of them all today, it was supposed to be her big day but he ruined it, so he did understand her pain.
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Query time with the McCurry's
“Anastasia, your mother might have gossiped about you to me, so why don’t you tell me what happened today?” Mr. McCurry uttered.“Uhm-hmm!!” Mrs. McCurry cleared her throat in an attention seeking manner. “I think you meant why don’t she tell us, because she hasn’t really said anything to me either.” She said,Anastasia chuckled and dropped the fork. “Mom, you don’t have to be so dramatic all the time. Anyway, what happened today was that I went to see Stephen Gray. He was getting married today and I wanted him to know about the child before he made that decision. I had no plans of disrupting the wedding but I might have ended up doing that.” She narrated.Her parents stopped eating and stared at each other, then slowly they turned back to her. “What are you saying? You crashed their wedding?” her father asked with a genuine look of concern and worry etched on his aged face.“Yeah, I walked into the church hall just after they had said their vows and were about to be pronounced husban
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Laura and Jenny banter
“Yes, something has to be done immediately.” Jenny said over the phone, and then she paused suddenly, she believed she had heard footsteps and so she turned around immediately.Laura stood there smiling at her. “So what is the queen of Snapchat discussing secretly in the kitchen so late at night?” she asked with a smirk.Jenny scoffed and rolled her eyes, Laura’s sudden presence had scared the life out of her. “Something that is none of your business, what do you want? You know they don’t keep alcohol in the kitchen so I guess you have staggered into the wrong place,” she mocked.Laura giggled and relaxed against the kitchen table. “You think you are funny? Well, hell yes you are. In fact you are a big joke! Your marriage got canceled today and you are still here, hoping that things would work out in your favor, then I love to break it to you sweetheart, you are the fool of the year. You aren’t in some fancy hotel and city or country celebrating Honeymoon with my brother tonight and y
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The attack
“No… No!!” Mrs. McCurry cried as they watched their house go up in flames. A fire had suddenly broken out from the left corridor and before they could do anything, it had gotten out of control.“It is okay mom, it is okay.” Anna consoled her mom and held her back from rushing towards the fire; the middle aged woman was devastated by the sight, everything they had was lost in the razing fire.The neighbors had gathered not too far from the house to watch the incident, shortly after that, the fire service department arrived at the scene and made everyone step away from the house, including Anna and her mother.They watched from across the street as the firefighters tried to save what was left of their house but the best they could do was stop the fire from spreading further into the next building. The building had burnt beyond saving, the roof had completely blown off and the doors were gone. The whole place smelled like barbecue except that it was a burnt one.“Ann! Belinda!!” Mr. John
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The family
Once again, the family was gathered in the living room; this time around, it was just Stephen, Jenny, Mrs. Gray, Laura and Anastasia. Well, she was the reason for the gathering, Stephen had brought her home and now his family wanted to know why.“There was an attack at her place, their house has been burnt down and so I have decided in order to keep her safe, she will stay here with us till she has the baby, and then we can both go our separate ways.” Stephen announced.“An attack? Hmm… and was the culprit caught?” Laura asked with a smile, “Because I happen to know a few people who would like to get rid of her.” She chuckled and glared at Jenny, who rolled her eyes back at her.Jenny was about to retort when Stephen cut in. “Exactly, which is why I want her to be close to us all, I doubt any harm will come to her under our protection.” He said.“You can't be serious, son! Why would you even bring this shameless woman into our house? She embarrassed us in front of the whole world, peo
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The secret recipe
As Anna pushed open the door to the kitchen, she was immediately struck by the sight before her. The first thing that caught her eyes was the expansive marble countertop that dominated the center of the room. Its polished surface gleamed in the soft light of the room, and it was adorned with an array of high-end appliances and kitchen gadgets.To the right of the countertop was a row of floor-to-ceiling cabinets, made of rich, dark wood that seemed to glow in the light. The cabinets were intricately carved and featured brushed metal handles that added a touch of elegance. Each cabinet door opened silently at the slightest touch, revealing shelves stocked with high-end cookware, exotic spices, and gourmet ingredients.To the left of the countertop was a large, stainless steel refrigerator that hummed quietly. The fridge was filled with fresh produce, organic meats, and artisan cheeses from around the world. Beside it, a matching stainless steel dishwasher was built into the cabinetry.
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Fighting true feelings
There is a knock on the door and Anna gets up from the bed immediately, she is surprised with how fast it had come as she had just sent the maid to help her get toiletries and bathing soap, she wasn’t able to find any in the bathroom which she believed was an mistake from the maid who had been sent to prepare the room.With a towel around her chest, she rushed to the door and opened it, only for a light scream to escape her lips in shock; well, it wasn’t the maid at the door, it was Mr. Stephen Gray standing out there.“Hey, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” he apologized immediately, while trying to keep his eyes off her exposed skin to avoid making her feel awkward.Anna, closely holding the towel to her chest, sighed and shook her head, “No, it is fine, I was expecting someone else at the door so I was just a little taken aback to see you. Is everything alright?” she asked, trying to sound normal even though her legs were shaking and she could barely keep eye contact.“Oh…
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Thinking about her!!
Stephen sat in his large leather office chair, his fingers interlaced on his desk in front of him. The room was spacious and well-lit, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a view of the city skyline. A stack of papers sat neatly organized on one side of his desk, a framed photograph of him and his fiancée on the other.But his mind was far from his work. Instead, it was consumed by thoughts of Anastasia. She was the only thing he could think about lately, ever since he found out she was pregnant. He knew his fiancée and mother would not be accepting of her, but he couldn't help feeling protective of her and their unborn child.As he sat lost in thought, his brow furrowed and his eyes distant. He wondered how Anastasia would cope with the disapproval of those closest to him. He also couldn't shake the memory of earlier that day when he had walked into her with a towel around her chest. He had always known she was beautiful, but at that moment, it was as if he was seeing her for the f
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Bonding with Alcoholic Laura
As the maid had directed, Anna walked down the hallway downstairs in search of Laura’s room. She doesn’t understand why someone would choose to live on the first floor when they had options available up the stairs. But she guessed it all comes down to choice.Following the maid’s direction, she found the room that had been described but still hesitated before knocking. If she was wrong and ended up on another person’s door, then this would be awkward. In fact, she might be bringing trouble for herself.There was a delay from the inside and a lazy groan before the door was opened, it was the right place, because standing before her was a drowsy looking Laura.“Hey,” Anna said with a smile.Laura stared at her for a few seconds like she wasn’t really there, or maybe she thought ‘if I act like I don’t see her, then she would go away’ funny! Either way, she snapped out of it very soon.“Hey… It is you… do you need something?” she asked sluggishly.Her breath stunk of alcohol but Anna didn
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