All Chapters of Bound To The Ruthless Billionaire : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
127 Chapters
I'm pregnant
MiguelIt has been a week since the incident. Though my wife said she has forgiven me, I can tell she's always watching me as if waiting for me to take a misstep. I checked the time on my wristwatch. My wife said she has a surprise for me this evening, and I'm eager to get everything done, so I could spend the night with her, and get to know what the surprise she's talking about is. I glanced at the papers my director brought for a check. “What of the files I asked you to get ready? Are they set?” I asked as I read through the headings. “No, sir. There was an error in the first one. We are trying to correct the errors. I will send the completed ones to your email.” He replied in a tone that made it obvious he didn't wish to anger me. “Okay.'' I nodded as I checked the time on my wristwatch. It's remaining three hours before I return home. Jewel went to school after close to a month of necessary leave. She called earlier to complain about the workload she met on her resumption day
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A gift?
JewelI was supposed to be at home, going through the loads of assignments I was given, but here I am, going towards my husband's office. I checked the time on my wristwatch before a frown graced my face. Nikki and Star dumped my sorry arse in front of my husband's company the moment they tricked me into coming out with them.I thought we were going to the mall until I was dumped here. They were eager to have me tell my husband the good news, and that's what I'm going to do. I can't wait to see the joy in his eyes when he realizes he's going to be a father, soon.I touched my stomach as a smile graced my face. Finally, I don't have to keep things from him any more. I will tell him about the appointments I had with the doctors, and give him—My phone rang that moment, and I answered without checking the caller ID. Aside from Miguel, P, Nikki and Star, no one else knows my number. “Hello?”“Jewel?” I was shocked when I heard her voice. My hand paused on the elevator button that I wa
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I will resolve everything
Miguel called out to me as he chased me, but I didn't stop. I ran past his secretary, to the elevator, and pressed the button. I slipped in, and it closed before he could catch up with me. Had he left his office at the same time I did, he would have caught up with me before I could leave. Nikki was the one I called, and she answered on the second ring. “What's wrong? Have you told him yet? What did he say? Was he thrilled?” She asked, sounding excited. “Where are you guys? Come and pick me up,” I said in a hasty tone as I counted the numbers. “We are nearby. But why do you need us to pick you up? Aren't you returning with your husband? Is he—” “Come and pick me up. There's something I need to do. It's time-sensitive.” “Ok—” I disconnected as I ran out of the elevator. I glanced towards his stairs before I dashed for the door, not mindful of the stares I got from his workers, who were probably wondering why I was running like a fool. Nikki and Star weren't around when I exite
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What will you do about it?
“So, that was what happened?” Star narrowed her eyes at me. “I told you that damned Pearl is a witch!”“Are you sure you are okay with this?” Nikki whispered. “What if she tries to take him from you?”“I might not like the idea of sharing him with someone else, but the baby in her womb is his. And anything that is his is mine.”I tried not to show how hurt I was at the thought. I only hope Miguel solves things just like he promised. Else, I don't know what the future holds for us.“Do you think she will allow him to train the child, alone? You know how much she has always wanted to get him back. Don't you think this is a ploy to get your him back?” Star sat next to me. “I don't believe she only wishes to let him share parental duties!” “I won't allow her to take him from me. Should she try anything funny, I will show her never to mess with me," I said in a serious tone. I am only lenient with her because she's pregnant with my husband's child. If not, I would have shown her the othe
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Where is Miguel?
“What are you doing here?” I narrowed my eyes at the person on the other side of the door.“Hello, Jewel. Is this how you treat a co-wife?” She smiled at me. “Don't tell me you are jealous. Are you?” She pursed her lips with a self-satisfied smile on her face.She's dressed in a black body con handless gown that made her breasts look like they were about to spill out should she so much as bend.“What are you doing here?” I narrowed my eyes at the shameless female. “Have you somehow lost your way?”“What else do you think I'm doing here?” She pursed her lips, “don't you think my baby should be near the father?” She asked as if it were the most obvious answer to my question.“Near the father, you said?” I scoffed, “aren't you a shameless little whore? Last I checked, you are not his wife, and neither are you a mistress. Why don't you take your stinking body back to where you came from, you whore.”Since I can't beat her as much as I would have loved to, I resorted to insults. At least I
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Why did you push her?
“Your baby is healthy,” Dr Ben smiled at me. “In two weeks, you will be able to know the gender of the baby.”“Wow,” I smiled at him. “Thanks for your help, doctor. Without you, I don't think I would have reached this level.”He was the one who gave me hope when it seemed like all hope had been lost. Had he not suggested the treatment when I got the diagnosis, who knows what I would have done. “It's my job as a doctor, to help people,” he smiled at me. “Have you told your husband yet?” He asked with a smile. “I bet he's thrilled about the baby.”“Oh, yeah. He will be here with me next time I come for the check-up.” I lied through my teeth because I'm just not in the mood to answer any of his questions should he start to ask why I haven't told my husband, and all those stuff like that. It has been three weeks since Pearl came to my house to cause trouble. Miguel is still trying to sort things with her, while I'm patiently waiting for everything to be over, so I can tell my husband th
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How did everything turn out this way?
I didn't bother calling Nikki over, to pick me up because I knew she will likely leave whatever she was doing when she gets the distress call. I'm not that wicked to separate get from her work just because I feel broken-hearted. I took a cab home and paid him with my credit card, grateful that he's one of the few taxis that pay through that method.Thankfully, Star wasn't back by the time I returned home, so I sneaked into my room. I kept on discreetly checking my phone, expecting to receive a call from my husband, begging me to forgive him because he didn't mean to accuse me. However, I got no call like that. I sat in my room throughout the day as my mind tried to replay what happened earlier. All through my walk from the office to the house, I tried to think of how everything went wrong.One minute, I was hurrying to his office to tell him of the good news, and the next minute, everything went tumbling down. It seemed like heaven was against me. “God.”Everything confused me.
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Who's this?
The time on the wall clock made me gasp. It was almost 10:30, and he wasn't back from work. “Why isn't he back, yet?” I worriedly glanced at the ceiling before I decided to call him to check up on him.I took my phone from the bedside table and dialled his number, half believing it will be switched off like it was earlier, but I was surprised when the phone rang. It rang thrice before he picked up the call.“Hello—”“Where are you? Why aren't you back yet?” I asked the moment he answered the call. My tone was laced with worry as I stared at the wall clock. “Are you working overtime? Why was your phone switched off when I tried it?”“Pearl is still at the hospital. She had a major complication from the push. I have to stay at the hospital with her.” He said in a tired tone, sighing into the call. “Why is that bitch still trying to make life uncomfortable for others? Isn't she satisfied with what she has done, already?” I felt the urge to leap into the phone and seek her out wherever
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She will stay here
I didn't go to school because my mind was filled with thoughts of my husband and the words he spoke to me last night. As much as I tried to, I couldn't forget the bite of those words. I stared into space as I tried not to think of it, but each minute, my mind kept on repeating those words as if it were trying to remind me of what a douche my husband is.I checked my phone as if I were expecting a call from him. But there was nothing. He didn't so much as send a message to me. I rolled on the bed and would have continued to think had it not been for my baby that decided it was time to eat. I slowly rose from the bed and walked out of my room, to get breakfast.“Aunt Star, your nephew wants to eat,” I cheerfully said when I entered the kitchen. Both Nikki and Star turned to look at me with puzzled expressions on their faces. The way they stared at me made it seem like they were wondering what was going on with me. “You're acting rather strange, Jewel. Could it be the pregnancy?” Sta
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An unexpected meeting
MiguelIt has been five freaking years since Jewel left. I have tried to locate her, but haven't been successful. I tried every means possible to locate her, but it seemed like she disappeared into thin air. I ran a hand through my hair as I stared at the piles of files in front of me. For five years, I have buried myself in my work, trying to lessen the thoughts of my wife, but nothing seems to help. I'm always thinking of her, and the mistake I made those years ago. Back then, I knew that Pearl was lying, but I needed enough evidence against her. That was why I attempted to play to the beat of her music. However, it cost me my priceless jewel. If only I didn't do that. Had I not spoken those harsh words to her, she wouldn't have left me. She would have still been here with me. I stared at my window. Star and Nikki left the house a week after Jewel disappeared. Until now, they have not contacted me because they blamed me so much for what happened five years ago. And I take the b
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