All Chapters of Bound To The Ruthless Billionaire : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
127 Chapters
His thrusts were fast. He placed both hands on my waist to keep me in place while I grabbed the headboard, to avoid hitting my head on the wall. “More!” I cried out. My breath came out in fast, hard gasps, and it felt like I was about to faint. The slapping sound from our fucking, filled the entire room, further arousing me. His balls slapped on my arse as his dick went further in.I curled my toes and screamed for more, eager to have him fuck me so hard. “I will give you more.” He kissed my neck. His tongue snaked out, to lick the spot he bit me on. “I will fuck you so hard you won't be able to feel your legs.” He rubbed his thumb on my clit. “Shit!” I threw my head back. The pleasure was too much.“You are so tight.” He said in a strained voice, slapping into my pussy so fast, it caused my eyes to roll to the back of my head. Fuck.This feels so good. I gripped the board so tight, my hands turned blood-red, but I didn't notice. Riding in the euphoria of pleasure, not even pain
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Overdue confrontation
I stood next to Miguel as I watched my father's coffin being lowered. Tears slid down my eyes as I bid my final farewell to the man who fathered me. We might have had our falling out, and times when we didn't see eye to eye, but he was a father to me before I lost him to my stepmother. I watched her as she cried, looking more grieved than I know she felt. All these were just for keeping upfront. She stopped caring about my father years ago. However, she stayed by his side because she had nothing to her name, and nowhere to go should things get out of hand.Miguel protectively wrapped his arms around me as he consoled me. Just like me, he has his attention on the grave. The moment the coffin was lowered, I left his embrace and strode towards the coffin. I squatted in front of the open grave and peered at the golden coffin Miguel brought. I took a handful of sand and poured it into the grave before I rose. This is farewell, father. I hope in your next world, you will be a good fath
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What's he doing with his ex?
For a week, things have returned to normal. Well, for me, but not for Edith and Lillian. I got Lillian sacked from the club she works in as a stripper. All the shops under Edith's name were closed ok the guess of lacking hygiene and fake papers —something I fabricated. I was able to confiscate the house because it turned out my mother bought it in my name. So, by right, the house has always been mine. Right now, they are barely living off the small amount they saved over the years. They have sold their cars together with my father's. Yet, it's not enough to cover their extravagant lives. It's only a matter of time until they are completely, and utterly poor. I can't wait for that time. “With such a look in your eyes, I doubt you are up to any good.” P nudged me, “What are you thinking about?”“Nothing,” I shrugged with a smile. I'm just starting with Edith. I will make their life on Earth a living hell. This way, wherever they might find themselves in this world, they will learn
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He never loved me
I didn't say anything. I just disconnected and placed my head on the window with a sigh. “What did he say?” Star asked, eager to know what he said. I shook my head, “he lied to me, Star.” Tears refused to fall. It seemed like I'd cried out all the tears I had, and in its place was nothing. “He lied? What —”My phone started ringing, cutting her words short. I turned to look at her with a tense expression. “Answer the call.” I motioned for her to take the phone.“What? Damn hell, I'm doing that. What did he tell you? Can't you tell me what he told you?” She looked like she was just seconds from exiting the car and storming over to my husband, to ask what he was doing with his ex.“He lied by telling me that he was at the office when he was eating with his ex!” I stared hard at the phone that was still ringing. The noises from the phone caused me to clench my teeth tight. I felt this urge to throw the phone into a bin, a hole or wherever, just to prevent me from answering. Miguel l
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The house is hers
Miguel's POV“So, what do you intend to do next?” I peered at Pearl, who had been bawling her eyes out since morning. God, today has been hectic. Not only am I in a difficult predicament now, but I had a run-in with Jewel's step-sister. Each of the encounters left me drained.All I wanted was to return home to my wife and cuddle her all night, but the dinner meeting I have with Mr Wang can't be postponed. He's already on his way here. I can't just ask him to return. It will look bad on my part. “I don't know, Miguel. He knows where I live. I'm afraid he will come over tonight. I just…" She paused, unable to say a word more because of the tears that freely flowed down her eyes as sobs racked through her body. Her eyes were blood-red, and the rims were so puffy. Initially, she was smiling as she told me about her husband, however, after the call I had with Jewel, she started crying. “Okay, I will have my manager send you to one of the houses I have on the outskirts of the city. You
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Where is she?
The dinner meeting was successful. At first, I figured the man might be a bit cold to me because of the titbits of gossip I heard from those who have met him before. However, it turned out he was nothing like those stories I was told. The man I had a dinner meeting with is one of the best men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I tried calling Jewel thrice, but she didn't answer my call. On one of such, she busied my call. Though I had bad thoughts about it, I decided not to voice things out that much. Could it be because I cancelled our date plans, so I could work? But I called to tell her on time. And not only that, she's supposed to understand that I'm only working for our future. Yet, I know she has every reason to be angry with me. She looked happy when I told her about the date. Cancelling the plans we had was a bit too much. It took all my will not to break the dinner meeting, so I could return home and check on my wife, to see how she was doing, and know why she hasn
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What's wrong?
The music was blasting when I came into the party. The entire place was crowded with people, but my eyes scanned for Day. He's not in the VIP section, where he usually stays.Baddy isn't here. She was the second person I checked for after Day. However, when I didn't see any of them, I strode over to the bar. The desserts on the table weren't that appealing. I doubt I would have felt the same had Baddy been here with me. She has a way of making me feel good. “Hi,” the bartender smiled at me when he saw me. “What do you want this fine evening?”He's dressed in a blue shirt and black slacks —same with the other waiters. “A glass of water,” I replied, not in the mood to have anything else.He looked shocked by my order, but he didn't voice it. He just smiled before he went over to get the glass I requested for. I tapped my fingers to the beat of the music coming from the speaker. I nodded my head as I glanced around once more. “Here you go.” He placed the glass of water in front of m
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Confront him
“What? How did you know? What happened? Why did you think so?” He motioned towards the waiter, who rushed over to pour more drinks into his cup. “How do you know he was cheating on her?”The way he sounded, made me furrow my brows. I wondered if it was normal for him to sound that interested in my story.“I saw— I meant to say, my friend.” I gulped down the water in my cup and placed it back. The waiter rushed over to fill my cup when he saw it was empty. I didn't say a word as I watched him fill the cup and leave. Day slowly sipped his drink as he watched me. Though he wasn't urging me, I can see from his eyes —which looked so much like Miguel's —that he wanted me to continue.“She went shopping with her friend, and caught her husband having lunch with his ex, whom he claimed he had nothing to do with.”Speaking of what happened earlier made it seem like I'm relieving everything that happened. My heart felt like it was about to break. “Did you ask— I mean, did your friend ask her h
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I have never regretted marrying you
I gently knocked on the door and stood by the side to wait for Star. The moment she came out, she glanced around the place as if she were searching for someone. I waved a palm on her face, “what's wrong? What are you looking for?” I removed the mask from my face. “What of your husband?” She asked, looking a bit guilty. The way she bit her bottom lip, and how fast her eyebrows fluttered, made me raise a brow.“Miguel? Why are you asking of him? Isn't he back?” I folded my arms with a scowl.Could it be that he's still with his ex?“No. I mean, did you see him tonight?” She asked as she continued to look around. “At the ball? Why will he be there?” I yawned, “are you okay?” She blinked, “Hmm. I thought… No, forget it. Let's go inside, it's late.” She took my hand in hers and led me into the house.I didn't question her further, but her questions confused me. Why did she ask about him the moment I returned? Could it be that there is something she's not telling me? I stared at the ba
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What happens after an argument?
“If you never regretted getting married to me, you won't treat me like trash, Miguel.” I felt tears prick the side of my eyes, but I sniffed to prevent any from falling. “I don't think you feel anything for me. I'm just a toy for you to play with whenever you are bored. You feel nothing for me. I'm not like your ex who has everything. She's beautiful, mature and sophisticated.” I've always been a naive kid in his eyes, and I will always be one. I doubt he will ever see me as anything else.Had it been his ex that he got married to, I doubt he would have treated her the same way he treated me. I bet he would have adored her instead of putting her through the hell I went through in his hands. “That's not true!” He stared hard at me. “I don't regret ever getting married to you. I was indeed a douche to you when we got married, but that was until I got to know you. You are more beautiful than any other woman out there, Jewel.” His voice shook, and his eyes got darker. I wanted so badl
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