All Chapters of Bound To The Ruthless Billionaire : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
127 Chapters
You need to blow some steam
I went upstairs after the conversation I had with Star. I typed the question of what a person should do when they find out their husband is a stalker into the search bar and googled it. Different answers surfaced, with many telling me to divorce him before he does something worse than stalking. Only a few asked me to find out about his reasons for doing what he did. They advised me not to take a step until I'm certain that he was going to harm me. And that was what I decided to do. I won't leave until he gives me a reason to do that. However, that doesn't mean I will forgive him easily. There are things you don't take lightly in this world, and this is one of those things. I can't just ignore the fact that he's a stalker Just because I love him.He returned later in the day, but I didn't go down to meet him. I didn't open the door when he knocked for me to let him in. When he left in the morning, he knocked on my door to alert me of his departure, but I didn't pay him heed. I stay
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Despite my reluctance to follow her, I was forced into a green bum-short and black crop top. The combat boot I have on, made me look badass. Coupled with the heavy makeup, and the intricate lines she drew on my fingers, I look like those female gangsters. Should Miguel ever discover that I came to a place like this, he will shit his pants. And let's not forget the clothes I'm putting on. I somehow look like a desperate slut. “I've not been to this kind of place before.” I glance around the enormous house, “I don't think I'm made for places like this.”“I know. My brother is so possessive, he won't want you to mingle with this kind of crowd.” She flung her hair back with a seductive smile on her face. Nikki is putting on a black bum-short with a green crop top. However, instead of combat boots, she's putting on black sneakers. “Why?”“Uh, nothing.” She parked the car and exited the car. “We are here to party hard. You don't have to think of your husband.” She winked at me, “come on
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Where is your wife?
MiguelI feel so bad for my actions. Try all I could, I can't seem to get rid of the hurt expression that was on Jewel's face when she came to my office a day ago. She looked so hurt, that it tore at my heartstrings, and made me eager to beat myself up for making her cry. I vowed never to hurt her, but I did so with my actions. If only I wasn't greedy back then. If only I didn't stalk her, things would have been better. There wouldn't have been a reason for her to be angry with me, but there is one now. Not only did I hurt her with my past actions, but I had to pretend to be who I'm not. I broke her heart despite my desire to mend the already broken part. I was a fool not to realize my mistakes until she found them out. If only I had destroyed those pictures a day earlier, she wouldn't have found them. But no, I had to be stupid enough to leave them, basking in the stolen pleasures of staring at her pictures every night before I sleep. I'm just a sicko, who should rut in jail for
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It's refreshing to let go
JewelI closed my eyes and danced, allowing the music to wash through me. I have never felt this free before. It was as if the cage that was placed on me, has been lifted. I raised my hand in the air and shook my arse to the music.“You see, I told you that you will love it,” Nikki whispered into my ear. “It's good to give out steam.”And I support those words right there. Had I been back at home, I would have been thinking of my husband. But out here, it's also as if I experienced no problems. I was able to let go of all my thoughts as I dance to the music. I felt a hand on my waist, and I immediately opened my eyes. I tried to turn, but the sturdy hand kept me in place, grinding his disgusting arse on my butt. No, you dare not! I headbutted him, and he let go of my waist, to hold his broken nose. The music was loud, so I couldn't give him the tongue-lashing of his life, that was why I retorted glaring at him. With my eyes narrowed, I snarled at him, challenging him to repeat his
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Insane with worry
MIGUEL“Where are you?” I asked Pearl as I ran out of my office, and headed towards the elevator. “Where is she?” I inquired, eager to know where my wife was.“What will you give me in return?” She chuckled, “I don't provide information easily.”“Anything you want. Just give me. The damned address!”“It's at the campus by the intersection. I will send the address to you. Don't forget, you promised to do whatever I want.”Before I could say a word, she disconnected. Fuck you, Pearl!I raced out of my office, to the garage. I entered my car and dialled my wife's number. It rang for a long time, but no one picked up the call.“Damn it, Jewel. Pick up your damned phone!” I gritted my teeth as I dialled his number once more. When she didn't pick up, I called Nikki.Just like Jewel, she didn't pick up her calls. It rang before it entered voicemail.“Damn it!” I threw the phone into the passenger's seat and drove out. My mind was filled with numerous possibilities of what was happening.Cou
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Nikki ran behind me as I purposefully strode towards the restroom. We checked the entire stall, but there was no sign of my wife. “Let's check the rooms upstairs,” She suggested when we didn't see her out here. “I checked in the dance floor before I ran outside to check on her. She might be up there.”Without waiting for her to repeat those words, I ran upstairs not mindful of the owners of the damned house. The entire doors up here were closed. “How do we know if she's here?” I glanced around the empty halls as I tried to think of how to look for her.“Let's check the rooms for her,” Nikki suggested as she strode over to the door by her right. “We just need to—” The words froze in her throat when we heard a sound from the last door. It sounded like someone struggling. Nikki and I exchanged a look at the sound. Without a waste of time, Nikki and I ran towards the door. I opened the door, and strode in, just to see a sight that left my blood boiling with anger.My wife lay on the
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What happened to me?
JewelI slowly opened my eyes, only to close it back because of the light coming in from the window.Since when did my bed face the window? I slowly opened my eyes to look at the strange curtains. I had to squint to be certain my eyes weren't deceiving me. Sure enough, I'm not in my room, but in my husband's. There is no way I could have mistaken those odd curtains of his. What am I doing in his room? I wondered aloud as I stared at his window. I tried to rise from the bed, only to fall back. My entire body hurts, and it felt as if I was hit with a metal. The headache was more than I can explain.I tried to sit up once more, but a searing pain from my lower body, caused me to groan.“God,” I fell back on the bed. There was a pain in my lower back. It seemed like I had a boxing match with one of those muscled men in movies. Turning my head seemed like a hassle on its own. “Are you awake?” Miguel asked as he approached my bed. His footsteps were what I heard before he made an appea
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Good news or bad news?
“What? You have been going through something like this without telling me?” Nikki yelled at me when I explained everything to her.I had to let her know, so she could take me to the hospital without alerting her brother of it. I don't need Miguel to know about my problem until it works —if it does.“Have you told my brother?” She asked the moment she drove the car out of the compound. “Does Miguel know about your uhm... Medical complications?” “No, he doesn't. And I don't intend to let him know until I'm certain this will work.” I stared out of the window as I wondered why the doctor sounded so cryptic over the phone. Could it be that there is something he noticed in my blood? I feared the answer to the question. The tone he used when he called me, didn't give anything away. Though it didn't sound all that neutral, it was nothing to raise a brow at. “You haven't told him yet?!” She shrieked. “How can you keep something as important as this from him? He's your husband, for God's sa
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He's with me
“I can't believe it worked!” Star yelled so loud, Nikki and I had to cover our ears to avoid getting our drums burst. “Oh, my God! I'm so happy!” She yelled, looking like she was the one in my place. I smiled at her, “yes, it worked!” Tears of joy slid down my eyes. I couldn't control how happy I was.“Of course, it did! Are you going to tell your husband about it? It's good news, obviously, so.....”She trailed off when my phone dinged with a notification. I opened it, to see that it was a message from my husband. Miguel: I will be late in returning. Don't wait for me. Go to sleep. I might return tomorrow.I reread the message before I frowned. Why did he send a message instead of calling?“What's wrong?” Nikki took the phone from me, and read the message before a frown graced her face. “Why do I feel like the message doesn't sound like my brother?”“Same thoughts,” Star who also read the message concurred. “Let me call him.” I dialled his number, and it rang twice, but he didn't
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She lied
After the call from Pearl, she switched Miguel's phone off. We called him countless times, but he wasn't reachable.Star and Nikki slept in my room as they tried to console me and take my mind off what happened. And they were successful in that. I forgot all about it until his return. He returned late in the afternoon, looking like a person who was run through by a trailer. His hair seemed like something he ran his hands through countless times. There were bags around his eyes, and his clothes looked too rumpled. This was the first time I have witnessed him in such a state. The Miguel I know, won't be caught dead in such a state, but here he is, looking like a homeless man.We were watching a drama when he arrived. None of us said a word as we watched him. Nikki paused the drama, and folded her arms, looking like a mother who caught her son sneaking into the home after partying all night. “Jewel?” He furrowed his brows, “What happened to your eyes? Were you crying?” He took a ste
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