All Chapters of The CEO's Puzzling Obsession: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
66 Chapters
"Amanda, where are you? We need to see now!" ************* Amanda just got off the call after she had finished speaking with Kristien. It left her visibly shaken. Ethan immediately noticed the change in her demeanour. He could see the fear in her eyes, and he knew something was amiss. Ethan had promised that no more harm would come to her right in front of everyone. This was the first way he would be needing to prove it, so he asked, "What's wrong, Miss? Who was that?" Jameson stepped forward to be part of the conversation while Mr. Albert and his wife simply stood behind the scene waiting for Ethan's next move. They didn't really give a good proper home training to their kids, but to some extent, he was taught to obey. Yet, Ethan had just clearly said No to his parents' demand. Amanda paused for a moment, contemplating whether to share with Ethan or not. He had just ignored his parents'request because of her. If she tells him…... But Ethan's gaze was so sincere that she
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Mr. Chester knelt down, kissed her forehead and used his hands to cover her eyes. "Sleep Bee. I'll tell you everything you need to know. For now, get some rest. Okay?" Beatrix nodded. She hoped that this man who identified himself as her father was really her father and was a good man. "Put me on a call with officer Don now! I want to see everything and make sure those culprits are caught and dealt with!" The governor said to his P.A walking out the room. While the man followed him along with the security guards trying to call officer Don, he stopped the governor. "Sir, this has something to do with the death of Mrs. Winston. Many secrets are unfolding!" Mr. Chester stopped working and turned his head to his P.A. "What?!" ****** Governor Chester had been sitting in the hospital room for hours, his daughter, Beatrix recovering from the traumatic events of her kidnapping and accident. The look on his face was one of utter defeat, yet a burning determination smoulde
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Zach sat slumped on the kitchen counter, his head in his hands. He felt like everything had gone wrong in the blink of an eye. One moment he was cooking lunch with Meg, and the next, his daughter had caught him in the act of cheating on her mother with her mother's friend. The guilt and shame weighed heavily on Zach, and he knew that he had made a grave mistake. He had betrayed the trust of the people he loved the most, and he had no idea how to make things right.********** Zach had always prided himself on being a good father. He'd tried his best to be there for his daughters, supporting them through everything and being a constant presence in their life. But now, Nancy sat in the border of the swimming pool behind the pool, tears streaming down her face, as she had earlier seen her father pawing at another woman in the kitchen. And it was not just any other woman, it was Megan. The person she trusted so much. For Zach, it was like a switch had been flipped. He'd been caught
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New Hilton City was the epitome of modernization. It was a city designed for the rich and famous, a place where only the most affluent members of society could call home. The buildings that lined the streets were tall and sleek, their polished facades reflecting the sunlight that shone down upon them. Beautifully designed parks and gardens were scattered throughout the city, where the rich could often be seen taking leisurely strolls, surrounded by the serene beauty of nature. However, the city was not always what it is today. A few years ago, New Hilton City was rocked by a devastating earthquake that tore through the city, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. But instead of dwelling on the past, the city took it as an opportunity to rebuild and evolve, to become even better than it was before. Sounds farmiliar? With the help of the latest technology, the rebuilding process was swift and efficient. Within a few years, the city had become a marvel of modern engine
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The Lynch Hotel was more than just a hotel. It was a symbol of wealth and luxury, a place where only the elite could afford to stay. It was the most expensive hotel in New Hilton City, and only millionaires like the governor, Amanda, Colton and Blake, and a few other exclusive affluent individuals could afford to stay there. Amanda preferred to stay there and while away time than to attend boring meetings with clients. But she knew she had to do it. Especially now that the company was under her name fully. As soon as you entered the hotel, you were greeted by a grand foyer with high ceilings and glittering chandeliers. The reception desk looked more like a boutique counter, with attentive staff dressed in smart suits waiting to cater to your every need. The hotel's interior decor was elegant, with a traditional yet modern design. The walls were made of polished marble, and the floors were covered with plush carpets. The artwork adorning the walls was priceless, with original paint
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When Jameson finally regained consciousness, he found himself tied up in a dark, damp room. He tried to move, but the ropes were too tight. His heart started racing again as he tried to remember how he got there. He looked around the room, but it was too dark to see anything. How could he have been so naive? He thought to himself. He should have known better than to go alone. He had put himself in danger, and now he was paying the price. He managed to reach out for his his pocket with the part of his finger that wasn't tied up. His phone was no longer in his pocket. Jameson struggled for what felt like hours, trying to break free from his restraints. His mind raced with different scenarios of what could happen next. What if they killed him? Would anyone even know he was missing? Ethan would, but he had left him at the hotel with his parents. It was his fault. He should have told Ethan what he was doing. ********** Jameson's head was throbbing in pain as he slowly opened h
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25 YEARS AGO It was the early 90's in the small and poor community of New Hilton, and little Jameson was playing outside with his father Fred and mother. Their small compound was dusty and filled with rocks and pebbles. But to them, it was home, and they were grateful to have each other. As the night began to settle in, Fred sat Jameson down on his lap and began to tell him an old tale. "Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a small rat. He was never valued by the other animals and was often kicked about. But this rat had something special, something that would change his life forever." Jameson's eyes widened with excitement, and he leaned in closer to his father, urging him to continue. "This rat had the most beautiful whiskers of any animal in the land. As time passed, all of the other animals were hunted and killed for their meat or for sports, leaving this small rat alone in the world with his whiskers the only one left." Jameson's small face furrowed with sa
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4 MONTHS LATER "Here. Do you remember this?" Amanda asked, smiling intently at Beatrix. She then pointed to one beautiful bird painting that was over hundred years old. Beatrix smiled. Her mouth kept moving in different directions as she chewed gently into her chewing gum. Of all things that never left her memory was chewing gum. It was just a crazy addiction, especially to her fans. Beatrix squinted her eyes and looked at the painting intently. Suddenly, tears started to well up in her eyes. "What's wrong, Bea?" Amanda asked, concerned. "I…I don't know," Beatrix said, wiping away her tears. "Something about these paintings…it's like they trigger something inside me, but I can't put my finger on it." Amanda's eyes lit up, thinking that maybe they were finally onto something. "That's okay, Bea. Let's keep looking and see if anything else comes up." They continued walking around the gallery, and Beatrix kept stopping at certain photos, staring at them for longer than the
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Amanda exchanged a skeptical glance with one of the guards, but Beatrix's reaction spoke volumes. Despite her memory loss, a spark of recognition flickered in her eyes, and a sense of familiarity tugged at her heartstrings. She couldn't explain it, but she felt a connection to this stranger. "I... I think I know you," Beatrix said softly, her voice filled with a mix of confusion and affection. "But I can't remember how or why." The stranger's eyes softened, and he took a step closer. "Beatrix, it's me, Adrian," he revealed, his voice laced with emotion. "We knew each other before the accident. We had something special, something worth holding onto." Amanda's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to process this unexpected revelation. How could Beatrix have a connection to someone she couldn't even remember? And what was this "something special" Adrian spoke of? The situation felt increasingly complex and mysterious. Before Amanda could voice her concerns, the guards intervened, their
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Zach and Meg nestled into the luxurious comfort of the plush couch in the sitting area of Zach's former million-dollar house in New Hilton. The room exuded an air of opulence, adorned with elegant furnishings and intricate decor. The walls were adorned with exquisite artwork, adding a touch of sophistication to the space. Soft, ambient lighting bathed the room, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. The sitting area itself boasted a large, L-shaped couch with plush cushions, inviting anyone who sat on it to sink in and relax. The fabric was a sumptuous velvet in a deep, rich color, complementing the overall lavishness of the room. The coffee table in front of the couch was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, crafted from polished mahogany with intricate carvings adorning its edges. On top of it, a delicate crystal vase held a vibrant bouquet of freshly cut flowers, their fragrance permeating the air. The room was equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including a large, high-def
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