All Chapters of The CEO's Puzzling Obsession: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
66 Chapters
Lois winced, the words piercing through her already shattered heart. She felt the weight of guilt pressing down on her, the burden of responsibility she carried for both her daughter and her granddaughters. Tears welled up in her eyes, a mixture of sorrow and self-blame. "How dare you say that to me?" Lois choked out, her voice trembling with emotion. "I love those girls as if they were my own. I would never intentionally put them in harm's way." The air around them crackled with tension as emotions ran high. The rest of the group sensed the escalating conflict and rushed to defuse the situation before it spiraled out of control. "Enough!" Detective Ryan interjected, his voice firm and commanding. "We're here to find the girls, not assign blame. Let's focus on the task at hand and work together." His words resonated with the others, a reminder of their shared goal and the need to set aside personal grievances in the face of a crisis. Meg, who had been observing the tense excha
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5mmmmEthan's gaze locked with Amanda's as he stood outside the car, a mix of determination and concern etched on his face. She watched him intently, her voice filled with worry as she questioned his sudden change of plans. "Why aren't you getting in, Ethan? We need to leave before the situation becomes complicated," Amanda urged, her voice tinged with urgency. She could sense that something was amiss, but she couldn't quite grasp the reason for his hesitation. Ethan's eyes narrowed, his jaw set firmly as he met Amanda's gaze. He knew he had to confront the looming danger head-on, even if it meant venturing into the unknown. With a firm resolve, he replied, "I'll be right back, Amanda. There's something I need to take care of. Stay in the car, and make sure no harm befalls you." His words were tinged with a mix of protectiveness and underlying sarcasm. Amanda hesitated for a moment, studying Ethan's face. She knew there was something important he wasn't telling her, but she a
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As Ethan crumpled to the floor, his consciousness fading, his mind raced with questions and fears. Who had struck him down? What awaited him in the grip of unconsciousness? And most importantly, what had he stumbled upon that had triggered such a violent and calculated response? In the midst of the chaos, Amanda's voice continued to echo from the phone, unheard and unanswered. The unanswered call served as a haunting reminder of the dangers that lurked within the shadows, threatening to consume not only Ethan but also those he held dear. In the ensuing silence, the hallway regained its eerie stillness, its secrets buried once again beneath layers of darkness. The truth remained elusive, locked behind the veil of the unknown. And as Ethan lay unconscious, his fate hanging in the balance, the battle for justice and survival reached a critical turning point, its outcome uncertain and fraught with peril. ************ As Ethan's consciousness slowly resurfaced, the pain in his head
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Without hesitation, they sprinted toward the truck, their voices filled with reassurance and promises of rescue. The ropes that bound Kamsi and Nancy's hands and feet became their focus, their fingers working deftly to free them from captivity. As the last knot was undone, the girls stumbled out of the truck, their bodies trembling from fear and exhaustion. Lois rushed forward, enveloping them in a tight embrace, her relief palpable. "Grandma, we saw mother. My mother. My mother is… she is inside the truck!" Nancy said, crying. **************** The revelation sent shockwaves through the weary search party, their hearts pounding with a mixture of disbelief and hope. They watched Nancy and Kamsi, their tear-streaked faces filled with anguish, as they adamantly insisted that their mother, Kristen, was inside the van. Their cries pierced the night, their pain echoing in the rain-soaked air. Lois, her voice trembling with a mix of concern and reassurance, knelt down beside the gi
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In the dimly lit room, the guards surrounded Ethan, their expressions devoid of mercy or compassion. Each held a sinister tool of torment, ready to carry out their sadistic orders. The air was heavy with anticipation, as Ethan braced himself for the unimaginable pain that was about to be inflicted upon him. One of the guards approached Ethan with a pair of pliers, gripping them tightly in his gloved hand. He leaned in close, a sadistic grin spreading across his face, relishing in the power he held over Ethan's suffering. Without a word, he clamped the sharp metal jaws of the pliers onto Ethan's exposed fingertips, applying pressure with calculated precision. "Aaaaahhhh! Fuuckkk! Please man, please just fucking stooool!" A searing pain shot through Ethan's body, his fingers throbbing as the pressure intensified. Agonizing cries escaped his lips, his voice strained and filled with despair. His body trembled uncontrollably as he fought against the overwhelming pain, his mind consume
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In the early hours of the morning, as the clock struck four, the city awoke to a serene yet damp atmosphere. The heavy rainfall from the previous night had left its mark, with puddles scattered throughout the streets. Passing cars sent ripples through the water, causing it to splash onto neighbouring surfaces. Amidst this quiet backdrop, the hospital stood as a beacon of activity. Nurses and doctors moved with purpose, their footsteps echoing through the hallways. They tended to patients, responding to emergencies, and diligently carrying out their duties. The hospital's clock ticked softly, marking the passing of minutes, hours, and seconds. Inside a hospital room, Kristen lay motionless on the bed, surrounded by her family. Lois never left her side, her face etched with worry and exhaustion. Nancy and Kamsi clung to their grandmother, seeking solace and reassurance. Zach stood by their side, his eyes filled with a mix of anguish and hope. Even Meg, Kristen's 'once-friend-
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Two months had passed since Kristen was admitted to the hospital, her life hanging in the balance. In this fragile state, her loved ones clung to hope, praying for her recovery and cherishing every precious moment they had with her. Among them was Zach, her husband, who now sat by her side on a beautiful Saturday morning, the room devoid of any other presence. Alone with his thoughts, Zach's heart was heavy with regret. He couldn't help but replay the events that had led them to this point. He regretted ever doubting Kristen, believing that she was the real 7665, the notorious killer who had haunted their lives. The weight of his misguided beliefs pressed down on him, tormenting his conscience. His mind wandered back to that fateful night when Kristen had unexpectedly returned home and discovered him in the arms of her friend, Meg. Zach couldn't help but wish he had never succumbed to temptation, never betrayed the vows they had taken together. Yet, amidst the current sit
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It was a beautiful morning, and Ethan sat upright on the hospital bed, surrounded by Amanda and Beatrix. The room was filled with a sense of relief as Ethan had regained consciousness, marking a significant step forward in his recovery. Engaged in a friendly conversation, the three of them shared a moment of warmth and joy. Amanda's love for Ethan radiated from her every glance, her heart yearning for his complete recovery. She had missed him immensely during his ordeal and cherished every precious moment they could now spend together. Among them was Catherine, Amanda's Chief Operating Officer, providing support and offering her presence in this pivotal moment. The camaraderie in the room was palpable, a testament to the bond they shared. Curiosity sparked in Ethan's eyes as he observed Amanda's changed appearance. He noticed a slight weight loss and signs of exhaustion etched upon her face. Concerned, he asked, "Amanda, you look a little slimmer. Have you been goin
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As they continued their conversation, a gentle knock interrupted their discussion. Catherine hurried to the door to see who it was. Outside stood four men, dressed in heavy attire that concealed their faces, as if they were secretive workers who preferred anonymity. Curiosity filled the room as Catherine let them in, recognizing their true identities. Once inside, the men shed their elaborate garments. The first man was Officer Don, followed by Detective Ryan. The third man introduced himself as Adrian, while the fourth individual appeared to be a cameraman, equipped with a laptop, camera, and microphone, as if prepared to interview Ethan. A mixture of emotions washed over everyone, as they were overjoyed to see Don and Ryan. Catherine couldn't contain her excitement as she looked at Don. "Don, it's been so long! We've missed you," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth. Don smiled warmly at Catherine. "I missed you too," he replied, his eyes reflecting a m
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As Don declared that it was time for Ethan to go live, the room fell into a hushed anticipation. The cameraman swiftly set up his equipment, positioning the camera, laptop, and microphone before Ethan, ready to capture every word he would speak. Taking a deep breath, Don looked at Ethan with a mix of encouragement and urgency. "Ethan, now is the time," he said firmly. "Tell the world everything you've faced, everything you've seen. The governor can no longer hide." Ethan nodded, his heart pounding with a mixture of nervousness and determination. He knew that this moment would change everything, that the truth had to be exposed. With a steadying breath, he turned towards the camera, knowing that his words would reach millions of people across social media platforms, billboards, and TV shows. "Greetings, everyone," Ethan began, his voice tinged with both vulnerability and strength. "I was just a lowly boy who left Mexico in search of greener pastures in New Hilton City, known as t
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